Chapter 5

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⬆️Dove's outfit for Diagon ally⬆️
*the leather jacket is a bit bigger*
*Instead of a plain black shirt it's an
AC/DC shirt*

⬆️Dove's outfit for Diagon ally⬆️*the leather jacket is a bit bigger**Instead of a plain black shirt it's an AC/DC shirt*⬇️Shoes⬇️

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I woke up to someone shaking me. Looking up I find a young woman standing over me with bubble gum pink hair.

"Hi Dovessa, i'm Nymphadora Tonks but please just call me Tonks. Nymphadora is a bloody awful name." The woman said.

"Um hi?" I say sitting up in bed. I check to see if by braid that I put in last night is still there.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Remus and I will be escorting you to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies." She replies with a smile.

"Oh, alright." I say faking excitement, she smiles and leaves the room standing outside the door. I get dressed into a muggle band tee shirt and a pare of black skinny jeans. I also put on my favorite black boots. I grab my aviators and I make my way downstairs into the kitchen where everyone is already seated. As we enter they all turn their heads to look at us, more specifically me. A man I recognize to be Remus Lupin walks up to me, and automatically I notice that his clothes are a bit rugged and shabby. But he smiles at me and extends his hand for me to shake. I reach out and shake his hand.

"Remus Lupin, and you must be Dovessa. It's very nice to meet you." He says with enthusiasm

"Uh, you too I guess." I say awkwardly. I hope he remembers but I doubt it. We sit and eat breakfast I chat with Remus and Hades. Speaking of Harry...

"Hey Hades, do you have a leather jacket I could borrow by chance?" I ask raining innocents. I smirk internally when his eyes flash mischievously.

"Why yes Dove, I do." He smirks and heads up the stairs to grab it. I can hear a snicker from the corner. I turn to look at Severus. He sends me a ghost of a smile when he looks up at me. Haza comes back down with the leather jacket and I slip it on.

"Perfect, thanks Harry." I send him a smirk. Sirius then walks in the room. He looks pained and tired. I look at Harry to get his attention then motion to Sirius. He only nods. I let out a sigh.

"Dovessa dear are you ready to go?" Asks Mrs. Weasley, and I nod my head in response.

"Very well you will be traveling by Floo."

"Ok." Tonks, Remus and I make our way over to the fire. Remus explains what I have to do.


We arrive at diagon ally. It's so cool, I have never been around this much magic before. I can literally feel it in the air.

"So..." I say, "Where to first?" I ask.

"How about I get your book while you and Tonks get your robes?" Remus speaks up.

"Ok Remus, we will meet with you later." I reply. We watch him walk away, well more like Tonks watches him. I just watch her.

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