Chapter 7

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"So tell me again how you want me to run at a wall?" I ask perplexed. Are they stupid?

"That's how you get on the platform." Replies Hermione. My face obviously showed confusion because Ron was quick to try and soothe me.

"Don't worry Dessa, we actually ran into the wall one year, but that was a house-elves fault. We've been going through the barrier for years, and only ran into it once, you will be fine, I promise." That seemed to do the opposite of calm me down but I pretended it did. But Opal hisses in amusement from under my shirt, where she was carefully rapped around my waist.

"It's less nerve-racking if you run. Just close your eyes and run." Harry whispers in my ear. Jeez, thanks Haz. With a nervous laugh, I do as Harry instructs and charge at the wall. As I cross through the barrier, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. I open my eyes to the sight of a bright red train in front of me, there are kids and teens lugging heavy trunks behind them getting onto the train. I smile, following Harry, Hermione, the Weasley's, Mad-Eye, Tonks and Sirius (in Animagus form) further down the long platform. Sirius takes the form of a large black dog, it's cool but I much rather prefer my wolf form. We say our goodbyes to the adults and board the train. Ron and Hermione head towards the prefect compartment, but not after a protest from Ron, whereas the rest of us try to find an empty compartment.

I ended up being dragged away by Fred and George, who insist on me meeting their good friend and fellow prankster Lee Jordan. The twins seem to be darker than there light family so I high out with them sometimes. They finally pull me into a compartment with a dark-skinned boy, with dreadlocks.

"Dovessa, meet Lee Jordan, our best friend and roommate, Lee this is Dovessa." The red-headed twins said together. Lee looks me up and down then smiles.

"Hello pretty lady, I do hope these Numbty's aren't annoying you, they tend to do that a lot." He smiles at me. I shake my head and let a laugh slip through my mouth. I look over to the twins and a sly smirk makes it's was onto my face. Lee has a dark core, I can feel it.

"No there fine, for now." I replied slyly, which cause a laugh from him.

"I like her can we keep her?" Lee asked the twins, which caused them to laugh. I sat down next to Lee after I put my trunk in the overhead net. The twins sat down on the cushioned bench across from us. Half the train ride Lee was jokingly flirting with me, which only caused hysterical laughter from the twins when I jokingly declined his advances. When we were about an hour away from Hogwarts the boys left the compartment to change into their robes, so I locked the door, shut the curtains and changed into my blank-black robes. When I finished changing, I unlocked the door and opened the curtains. The boys came back in around 5 minutes later, and we started talking about what house I might end up in and what the school in general was like. All-in-all it was an okay train ride.

When we got off the train I was ushered away towards the first years and a really tall man with a scruffy beard calling out too the younger years.

"First 'ears! Dis way!" Spoke the giant in a loud voice. I walked to where the giant was.

"Alrigh'y on the boa's lil' ones." The man said and the first years followed directions and boarded the boats. I climbed in with two first years who looked alike.

"Hello!" The girl says with an excited smile. I wave to her in greetings.

"I'm Athena and this is my twin brother Ares. Are you new? You don't look like a first year." The girl says.

"Yes I'm new, my name is Dovessa. Nice to meet you two." I respond with politeness.

"Oh cool! What year are you going into?" The boy named Aries asks.

"I'm going into fifth year." I answer. They smile at me, and I smile back, I decide that I like these twins. A few minutes into the trip Athena sticks her hand in the water. She smiles at the feeling of it against her skin.

"Do you like water?" I ask her, she nods her head quickly.

"Do you want to see a trick?" I ask her moving over to the side of the boat. The twins look at each other then they look back to me.

"Sure." They respond in unison, I hold my hand above the water and summon it to rise towards my hand, I cut the supply off and form a ball with the excess and levitate the ball over the boat, so the twins could get a better look at the ball.

"Wow!" They say in unison, wide awestruck smiled on there faces. I smile at them. After they finished admiring the ball of water in the air I put it back in with the rest of the large lake. We continue on our journey towards the castle. Passing through a cave and finally pulling up to the docks. The twins and I exit the boats and follow the rest of the first years up the large staircase to stand in-front of large double doors, that lead into the castle. The giant nocks on the door and they magically open. We follow the rest of the first years up another flight of stairs. I slip to the back of the crowd and wait. Suddenly a tall witch in green robes and a large pointy hat stands in front of the first years.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join you classmates. But, before you can do that you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while your here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points, will be rewarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily. Also, if you will Ms. Riddle, wait to come into the Great Hall until you are introduced. You will be sorted last. Thank you." She then turned and leaves. But she returns minutes later and guides the first years into the hall motioning me to stay out and wait for my name to be called. The twins wave to me and walk in with the doors shutting behind them.


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