Chapter 18

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Hadrian rushed into his room and riffled through his trunk. He quickly pulled out some dark checkered dress pants, a cream button up collared shirt, and a deep red that was almost brown sweater vest. He got dressed and rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. Harry tucked his sweater and shirt into his pants and put on a simple black belt. The boy slipped on an expensive black watch that he picked up from Diagon Ally at the start of the year. He slipped the Potter Lordship ring on his right ring finger and the Black Heir ring on his pointer finger. He slipped on a silver chain and tucked it under his collar like he would a tie but it hung over his sweater. He slipped on his shiny black combat boots and checked himself over in the mirror. His hair was a mess so he ran his fingers through it as if it would help. Harry sighed as he did a once over at himself in the mirror and headed out the door to the hallway.   Dovessa was leaning on the wall waiting for him reading an old looking book.

"What are you reading Dove?" Harry questioned with an amused tone. The girl jumps at his voice completely emerged in her book.

"Secrets of the Darkest Arts. I'll let you borrow it once I've finished reading it, I broke into the Black Library and grabbed it. But I don't think Sirius will mind." The girl says as she closes her book and walks down the hall towards the stairs. Harry follows close behind, a sudden excitement coursing through his body. He can't wait to see his beloved. They surprisingly make their way to the front door without being stopped. Sirius is there waiting for them.

"Alright. Be back before midnight, and don't get into too much trouble while you're out. Say hello to any friends you might see for me. Have a good time pups." The man says with a smile and a hug. The two teenagers hug the man back. Dovessa places a glamor over herself and Harry before they leave. The teenagers walk down the street to an ally where a man is standing at the end in the shadows just out of the sunlight.

"Barty, we're here." Dovessa says as she walks up to the scruffy unshaven man who has now stepped out of the shadows and is walking towards the teens. The man gives Dove a feral grin and she giggles as they embrace.

"It's so good to see you princess, it feels like it's been years. Oh hello Hades good to see you again too. Ready to go?" The man smiles and they nod their heads. Barty reaches out for Harry and with tug on his sleeve they are pulled through a tight tube. They land in a grand foyer. The room has a dark theme but there are creams to give it a lighter tone. Dovessa grabs Hadrian and Barry's hands and pulls them down a hall and up a grand staircase. She leads them down a hall to a large door. Dovessa knocks on the door.

"Enter." Says a deep voice from behind the door that makes Harry's insides twist. Dovessa opens the door to show a large office that's walls are lined with books from floor to ceiling.

"Father!" Dovessa sequels when she sees the handsome man. The man spins around and rushes towards his daughter. He grabs her and pulls her into a bone-crushing hug. They hold each other and slightly sway. The man pulls back and cups the girls face. He pulls her head to his chest. Harry's eyes connect with the mans and they visibly change colors to red. Dovessa pulls away and takes the man's hand and pulls him towards Hadrian who immediately blushes.

"Marvolo." Harry says timidly. Marvolo stares down at his love. Dovessa drops his hand and takes a step back so she can stand with Barty to let them have a moment.

"Hades." The man says with a whisper and that's all it took for Harry to crash into him. The man quickly grabs onto his love and leans over so he can burry his face in the boys neck to get his scent. The teenager stuffs his face in his beloveds chest and try's his very best to not cry. He has missed the man so much. There are no words to tell how much the boy yearned for his beloved, and now he was back in his arms. The older man pulls away and lifts the boys chin. He places a needy loving kiss on his loves lips and the teen quickly returns the gesture. His love pulls off first and presses his forehead to his.

"I've missed you so damn much my beloved." The teen says to his soulmate who is holding him tight.

"Never leave me for that long again. It hurt so fucking much to watch you leave. And I haven't seen you or heard your voice in months. I haven't been able to hold you, and you've rarely been able to write." The man confessed.

"Don't get all gushy on me now Marvolo. But I missed you too. And I apologize for not being able to write or visit, Dumbledore has been up my arse about being 'ready'. I've had barely anytime to myself." The teen explained with a tired sigh. The man just shook his head.

"It's alright because you are here now. In my arms, and my daughter is here too. You two are the only things I need in life." The man confessed with a lovesick smile. They pull back and with a quick peck on the lips from his beloved Harry leads them over to where Dovessa and Barty are sitting and chatting by the fire. They curl up on the couch next to the fire and hold each other as they listen to Dovessa and Barty's banter for the rest of the day.

Hello readers! I'm not gonna lie I've been very busy, I've forgotten I have been writing a book completely. Don't hate me? Here's s a pretty long update for you guys!


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