Chapter 16

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Over the next few weeks more DA meetings were held, which brought thoughts of unspoken disgust from Dovessa. 'Professor' Umbridge reeked havoc among the school and its students. Especially when she started the Inquisitorial squad. Almost all of Slytherin house joined its ranks. And to everyone's surprise so did Dovessa.

'^~-2 and a half weeks before Christmas break-~^'

"Those wishing to join the Inquisitorial squad for extra credit may sign up in the High Inquisitors office." Rang through the halls one Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Filch is seen nailing the Educational decree up on the wall, with mostly Slytherin students surrounding him. Dovessa is seen standing surrounded by her court. The girl looks over to Draco only to see him looking right back at her, they nod and walk away together. Hadrian is spotted walking the opposite way. Dovessa moves towards him and grabs his wrist, she pulls him into an unused classroom near by where Draco is already waiting.

"Alright Hades, here's what's gonna happen, i'm gonna get in Umbridge's good graces and join her inquisitorial squad so I can get an in on any and all DA investigations, and so we can get access to other things in the future, I know she's been dying to talk to father and be marked so i'll use that to our advantage." Dovessa rushes out before Hadrian can get a word in. Draco nods along to her words already knowing it was coming.

"But what about her hurting you again? What if she uses the quill on you again? Your father would kill me if you got hurt again, he's still pissed about the last time." Harry basically cries. Dovessa chuckles at the care Hadrian is showing her.

"I'll be fine Hades, besides, she wants dad to like her enough to let her join, so she'll stop tormenting me if she knows what's good for her." Dovessa responds with a pompous smirk. Draco snickers and pulls Dovessa over to a desk letting her lean on him as he leans on the desk. Draco wraps his arms around her waist and rests his head in the crook of her neck, which sends a shiver shooting down the blushing girls spine. Draco kisses the girls neck quickly finding her sweet spot which forces the girl to catch the moan wanting to be released. Hadrian chuckles awkwardly but nods and heads off towards the door to leave. Hades leaves with a wink towards Dove who sticks out her tongue at him. Draco and Dovessa stand in silence for a few minuets. The movement of hands onto the girls waist is felt. The boy's hot breath is felt on the girl's neck, and its slowly moving up towards the back of her ear.

"Your so beautiful Dove." Draco whispers in her ear. He then spins her around in his arms only to come face to face with a blush mess named Dovessa. He chuckles and wraps his hands tighter around her waist, pulling the girl closer to him, noses brushing together from the closeness. Dove looks up into Draco's eyes and he looks into her's. He looks down to her lips and leans in, Dovessa leans in also. Their lips barely touching.

"Dove!" The girl hears being pulled out of her thoughts.

"You alright there love? You seemed to be daydreaming." Draco tells her standing over by the desk that was in her 'Daydreams'.

"Ya you good D? We were talking and you kind of just zoned out." Harry says from where he was standing by the large desk at the front of the 'Classroom'.

'Was that really all a daydream?' The girl asks herself. The girls eyes dart to Draco who appears to be very proud of himself, and wearing a smirk on his face almost as if he knows what she was thinking.

'^~-A week and a half later-~^'

Dovessa is awoken from her sleep by her godfather.

"Quickly Dove grab your things and follow me." The man ushers her out of bed. They basically run out of the common room, down the halls and to the headmasters office. Gathered inside is Hades, Ginny, the twins, Ronald, Dumbledore, and McGonagall. Hades is standing in front of everyone and looks sweaty and disoriented.

"Ah good, Ms. Riddle your here, you need to follow the group out. Mr. Weasley has been attacked, you all will be going to Grimmauld place. But we must be quick before someone intervenes." Dumbledore says rushing over to his desk to grab some floo powder.

"Quickly children." He says. Hadrian grabs Dovessa's hand and goes to the floo first.

"Number 12 Grimmauld Place!" Hades yells holding tight onto Dovessa's hand as they feel the tight suction of the tube taking their bodies to the dirty dark house once more. Hades and Dovessa crash out onto the carpet in front of the fireplace. Sirius quickly picks them up and helps them stand.

"Hades! Dove! Quickly we don't have much time before the others come through, but I remember everything! I'm so sorry for the way I treated you when you first got here. I had no idea." He rushes out giving both Hades and Dovessa a tight hug. The twins come through next, tiredly sitting on the couch and basically falling asleep. Next Ronald and Ginny come through. They rush over to Sirius and hound him about seeing their father and they go back in forth about it for a solid five minutes. Hades and Dove sit on the love seat leaning on each other half awake.

"Maybe we should all turn in for the night? It is pretty late and Molly wont be here until the morning with news on Arthur. All of the rooms you've all had during the summer are still clean and ready to use." Sirius said heading upstairs to his own room to turn in for the night. Ron, the twins, and Ginny following soon after leaving Hades and Dove alone in the family room.

"I don't know about you Haza but i'm comfortable here and am not trying to climb another three flights of stairs." Dove complains. Hadrian hums in agreement and summons a blanket. And so they fall asleep on each other right there on the loveseat. Knowing that they are safe with each other. The girl's father and the boy's lover would be happy to know that they are comfortable enough with each other to fall asleep together.


Court Placings

The Queen- Dovessa Riddle
The Prince- Draco Malfoy
The Secret Prince- Hadrian Potter
The Advisors- Blaise Zabini & Draco Malfoy
The Princess- Pansy Parkinson
The Queens Guards- Lorenzo Berkshire & Theodore Nott

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