I Wish (Sergio Ramos) #4

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Sergio stood there for a good two minutes before he had gone home. He couldn't believe that she ran off. Literally, ran away from him. He regretted every second of it. Had he come off too strong? Had this been all too much for her? All he wanted to do was know why she didn't feel the same way he had. Sergio wondered if she ever even seen him as anything more than a friend. It was his fault for staying in the friend zone for too long. If he'd make a move sooner then maybe by now they would've been a couple. Sighing as he ran his fingers through his hair, he wondered how he got home. It was a long drive, and with the fact his best friend had just rejected him, he didn't feel all too well. His heart felt heavy in his chest, tears pricked his eyes, and he'd never been so heartbroken in his life. Sergio didn't even think he could be near Annabelle after this. To know she didn't want anything more was too much to handle, nothing would be the same for them anymore. Laying back onto his bed, he fell into a dreamless sleep, tired from today's events.

As much as she loved Sergio, which she truly did but not in the way he had hoped, she couldn't help but feel a slight bit of hatred towards him. He just changed the whole dynamics of their relationship, which was completely fine until today. How long had he liked her? Why did he choose to tell her right before her birthday? Questions like these had been running through her head, along with some follow up questions. Should she call to apologize for running off? Would their relationship be the same afterwards? The thought of losing her friend over something as meager as not liking him back hurt her. It wasn't fair to her that she was losing one of her best friends just by not liking him. Maybe he had been joking. Annabelle scoffed at the thought of him joking. She knew he wasn't, and lying to herself wasn't going to make it true. She opened her refrigerator door, got out a bottle of water, and pressed her answering machine seeing there was a message on it.

"Hola." Fernando's cheery voice echoed through her empty apartment. "I miss you Anna! Anyway, I was wondering if you had that adapter I let you borrow when you came over here last time?" She had visited Fernando out in England just for the hell of it. Rummaging through her drawers she had found what he had been asking for. Holding it up triumphantly she was about to reply to the previously recorded message. "It's Sergio's-" She felt her heart drop at the sound of his name. "So do you think you could just give it to him when you can? Thanks! Anyway, call me back." The line ended. Of course it would be Sergio's. Annabelle bitterly thought in her head, flicking her hair away from her eyes she drops flashes adapter from her hands to the floor. Biting her lip anxiously, she wanted to talk to someone about it. Fernando wasn't an option, no matter how much she trusted him, he would run off to tell Sergio in a second. (Their friendship was still stronger in a way, especially since they were both guys.) She barely had any friends aside from everyone she had met on the team, because really Sergio introduced her to them all. The only other person she could think of was Sara Carbonero. Iker's wife. Over time they have become as close to 'girlfriends' material as Annabelle thought they could be. Yes, she has met the other wives and girlfriends of anyone else on the team, but Sara was her favorite. And this wasn't coming from one side either, Sara liked Annabelle as well. In fact on numerous occasions she had been the one to call to hang out. Without much more thinking, she picked up her phone, and dialed Sara's number. Thankfully Iker had not picked up. After asking if she could come over, Sara noticed how sad she sounded over the phone, and offered to go to her place instead. Annabelle had rejected the idea, saying it was too much for her to drive all the way here when she had the issue to talk about. With little debate, Annabelle won and drove off to her place in seconds.

"Sara. Am I a bad person?" Annabelle felt an unknowing churn in her stomach and chest when she had been greeted at the door by the beautiful Spaniard. Sara truly was something to be jealous of. How beautifully her dark luscious locks cascaded down her shoulders, her high cheek bones, and the way she just smiled. She was not only beautiful but smart, and friendly. Everyone loved her. And right now, Annabelle wish she was her. Settled down, with a loving husband, and a decent job, with such beauty and intelligence like she. At least Sara didn't have to worry about dealing with her best friend loving you. Sara shakes her head as she ushers her in. She could see the disheveled look on Annabelle's face, and frowns. "What would you do-" Annabelle begins to ask after the both of them got settled in the living room. Sara had handed her a glass of water as she sat on the couch. Iker was nowhere to be found since Sara asked him to head out for a few so she could have the privacy to talk to her friend. "If your best friend said he loved you. Like real love?" Her voice cracks a bit, not knowing why she felt compelled to shed a tear or two.

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