I Wish (Sergio Ramos) #6

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~I know it's a tad short, but I had accidentally deleted this chapter so I had to remake one & get back on track so yeah~

Annabelle wondered how she lasted the entire day by keeping her mind off of Sergio. One word would answer that though: work. She had not intended on arriving that morning, her coworkers hadn't even expected it. But it was a busy day, and they couldn't exactly send off one of their workers, who was already in uniform, back home when they needed her most. She was thankful they took her because if they hadn't, she would have surely done something she would regret later on. Work kept her occupied, that's all she needed for the day. Annabelle sighs deeply as she pulls the keys off the ignition of her car that say parked in the driveway. She chews on the inside of her lip, wondering how she was going to approach him. She still didn't know his intake on the whole thing, was he angry with her rather than upset? Did he want absolutely nothing to do with her? The questions were scattered through her head. She sighs once more, rubbing her temples and praying no migraines come along. Her eyes focus on a figure sitting on one of her porch chairs. His leg was jiggling, and it looked as if he held something. For a second her heart stopped, thinking it was Sergio, but his car wasn't in sight. Instead it was Alvaro's. Annabelle silently cursed herself, not wanting to deal with this right now. She didn't have the energy. For months now he had been courting her, and for some reason he still can't understand the fact she didn't like him like that. Frankly she didn't even find him attractive. Annabelle was tired of his antics, always handing her flowers or buying her chocolates... The gestures were sweet, and a bit overwhelming for her. She knew he meant well, but she just couldn't change her feeling for him. He will always be a friend to her. As she approaches her house, she sees Alvaro in his uniform and jacket, holding a bouquet.

"One date, and I promise I'll leave you be." Alvaro asks for the first time. He's never needed to confess his feelings for her, the gifts said it all. Although he never asked her out. She was taken a bit aback. It was flattering, but she couldn't accept it simply because her life didn't need another headache, and it wouldn't feel right to date him at all. She wouldn't want to give him a sense of hope in a relationship with her just to shut him down. It wasn't fair. Annabelle shakes her head with a bemused smile to one of her friends. "Fine. You at least owe me a hang out." Alvaro smiles softly, wondering if she knew she had ditched him yesterday.

"Why wou-" She was about to ask why she had owed him before she recalled what had happened. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I'm s- I didn't meant to honestly. Oh my god I feel terrible." She frowns as she gets her key to unlock her door. "Come." She steps aside so he could come into her humble abode. Alvaro had never been to her house before, it was his first time. What made him uneasy was that pictures between her best friends, Fernando and Sergio, were scattered everywhere. Mostly Sergio was there. He envied having held her close in the still images of many memories, some dating back to their teenage years. "I'm so sorry about yesterday something happened and I- yeah I couldn't handle it." She explains, rubbing her eyes frustratedly over her face. She never liked when people made plans with her just to cancel or not come, it annoyed her so she tried her best to not do that to others. Alvaro shakes his head, saying no apologies were needed. "Uhm...water?" Annabelle heads into the kitchen either way. Alvaro follows in her lead, sitting on her kitchen chair. "How was training today?"

"It was alright." Alvaro watches her for a brief moment before his eyes wander around his surroundings. "Hey is Sergio okay?" Annabelle feels her blood run cold when he asks this of her. "He was acting strangely today. Not as idiotic, and lively as usual." He frowns, wanting to know what was going through one of his friend's mind. She shakes her head, saying she hadn't the clue what his deal was. "Oh...well I hope it gets better. Whatever it is. He seemed so upset, almost made me sad." Alvaro solemnly says as he takes the water Annabelle handed to him. She felt fifteen times worse now knowing how what had conspired between the two caused him to become indifferent. Annabelle awkwardly puts her hands in her front pockets, no longer wanting company as she leads him to the living. They take a seat on her couch: the one she and Sergio spent many nights sharing a film or having their heart to hearts. She felt a weird sensation in her chest once more. Her eyes wander beyond Alvaro's head to the picture behind him. Her prom picture. That night her date had been Sergio, obviously. They went as friends, but that night something had happened and since then she couldn't let go of it. They had been friends for the longest time, and it was their last school dance until university. Maybe it had been the atmosphere: low lights, slow music, the peers surrounding them, his hands on her hips, or maybe the way she held him around the neck... Whatever it was, she wanted to kiss him. Annabelle had never felt compelled to put her lips against his ever. Sure, Sergio had been a sight for sore eyes, and having an attractive best friend was a plus. It still never effected the way she felt for him. But that night, she just wanted to be nothing but his, even after the song. That feeling held on, not so much as wanting to be his forever, but to just kiss him. To see what it was like. Annabelle had been tempted a few times, but she was never sure about what border she would be crossing or destroying with him. Besides, it wasn't that strong of an urge. "Annabelle!" Alvaro's fingers were snapping in front of her eyes.

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