I Wish (Sergio Ramos) #17

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I Wish (Sergio Ramos) #17

Annabelle gathered the paperwork that were scattered across her desk. It was late in the afternoon and it was time to head home. She had finished finalizing paperwork for her newest students. The business she began, with the help of her ever loving boyfriend Sergio; was booming! As she tucked away the paper into the appropriate files into her cabinet, she thanked her lucky stars this happened.

It's been two months in the making since she's started the dance studio professionally and full time. Prior to that, she had spent at least half a year at her old job raising as much money as she could. She wanted to do everything perfectly when she opened the studio, and she did just that. As she raised the money and got the proper certifications, she was blessed to not have much bills to pay. The house Sergio had bought them was paid off, the car insurance was her only concern, and groceries were basically nothing. Though Sergio took her out once every week on a fancy date.

Annabelle locked the keys to her studio as she headed out for the evening. It was Wednesday, middle of the week and no Sergio to be found. He was at an away game with his team but he'd be back in a couple days. The house was lonely without him but having the other 'WAGs' around eased the emotion. Tonight she had a dinner planned with Sara at Ramon Freixa at Hotel Único. Before she was concerned with how she could budget with places like that. Nowadays she didn't have to worry. It's almost as if she were living in a dream. If she was, she surely didn't want to wake up.

The drive home was moderate and it didn't take much time to get ready. After all, her hair and make up had already been done. Sara had offered her chauffeur to get her. Unbeknownst to Annabelle, Sara wanted to celebrate her recent successes. She heard her friend speak about the process and progress of her newest venture and she was genuinely excited.

Last week she had gotten a preview of the studio and it had been pristine. Annabelle adorned the walls with personal photography that looked professional. The originality screamed with a touch of Miglionico in it. The floors were polished, mirrors sparkled, and the room smelt of fresh lavender and sage. To no surprise, Annabelle's house was just as tidy.

Needless to say, Sara wanted to celebrate and that called for many bottles of champagne. The real party wouldn't happen until next week anyway, everyone was scattered away. Friends, family... the time would come next week to officially celebrate.

Annabelle's heart skipped a beat at the thought of the grand opening. She had recruited kids from ages 3-25 to join her new dance studio. There was a one time grand opening offer, and anyone from rookie to expert were welcomed through the doors!

Surely that brought media attention thanks to everyone who had posted and shared it. When the applications came in; she was overwhelmed. She didn't think they'd pour in like rain. Thankfully it wasn't too much for her to handle. She decided to hold four different sessions in two hour slots throughout the day. There was an hour and a half in between in order for pack up and pick up. She was well versed in the art of dance but she mainly offered ballet. Other days there'd be hip hop available.

Everything was coming together better than she would've expected. She smiled to herself in the mirror as she finished tidying up, before the car to pick her up notified her of their arrival.


After the game, they all had showered and went out for dinner and drinks. By the time they arrived back to the hotel, he was a bit inebriated, and exhausted from the day. Once alone in the shower, he delved into the performance he gave with no distractions around him.

Sergio collapsed into the bed with a heavy sigh. Today had kicked his ass, and he wasn't too proud of how he performed today. Though the team won, he could've played better than he did. There was just something in the back of his mind that affected his performance. Sergio was dressed in nothing but boxers as he exited the shower, water beads still decorated his back. Though there was possibility of getting sick, he felt refreshed and cool when the cold air from the AC brushed up against his damp figure. He shared a room with Iker, who took his turn in the bathroom.

He groaned into the pillow. He knew what was bothering him; the proposal. He's been meaning to ask but something kept intervening. When he finally thought there was the perfect moment... it wasn't. Whether friends kept popping by unexpectedly, or when the business she was venturing into took off... there was just something. He wanted to make it special, memorable for her.

His hand reached for the phone resting on his night stand.

It was late.

Annabelle probably wasn't up, nor did he want to disrupt her sleep. She had a habit of keeping her phone audible in case anyone tried to reach her. He made a mental note to buy her another phone for work purposes only. What surprised him as he brought the phone to his face was the six missed calls and six voicemails left for him. He repositioned himself so he now sat against the headboard of his queen bed and pressed the first message.


"Ciiiiiiiao amore mio!"

Annabelle's elated voice filled his ears with much delight. A smile spread across his face.

"Just wanted to check up on youuuu. Sara and I finished dinner but guess what!"

There was a slight hiccup in her voice and he could tell she had been drinking. He chuckled at the thought of her. I could hear Iker's wife chuckle in the background.

"She surprised me with sooo much champagne."

The phone shuffled and another voice greeted him.

"We're celebrating her recent success! She deserves this, she's working so hard!"

Sara giggled as well. He faintly heard another cork pop from its confines.


"I'm so lucky to have you Sergio. I can't wait until you're home. I miss cuddling with you so so so much!"


"Ciao amore, I'm in the limousine right now. Sara's taking me home soon."


"I can't wait to drink with you when you come home."


"Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te."


"Non vedo l'ora di perdere Miss Garcia. Buona notte. Ti amo."

The last few words made his heart nearly lunge out of his chest. He felt it tighten at his peaceful and genuine she sounded. He was reminded every day how much he was enamored by this woman. His fingers tapped the words:

'Good night and I love you.'

Before he set it down his bedside. The phone briefly lit up to show a picture of them together at the beach in Italy. He blushed at the memory. It was the first night she gave herself to him completely. The sensual way she seduced him with her dance, the waves that crashed against the shore from a near distance, and the moonlit against her ivory skin.

It was the first and last time they had made love. And he would wait many more moons until she was ready again. There was no rush. With the amount of women he'd slept with before, absolutely nothing compared to that one special evening. He's replayed it over and over in his mind. His guilty pleasure was to think about her when he's touched himself lately. A flush of red grew on his face as he quickly tried to get the thoughts of his beautiful girlfriend out of his head.

The water turned off in the bathroom. It was only a matter of time before Iker came out.

"When are you going to ask her?" Iker questioned as he dried off his hair with a small towel.

"Soon. I don't think I can bare to wait much longer." Sergio huffed as he tucked himself under the sheets.

"I'm excited for you man." Iker replied while he threw on sweatpants over his boxers. After half an hour of small conversation, both men decided to call it a night. Sergio faced the wall with a hand under the cool pillow. Annabelle's smile flashed before his eyes as her words echoed in his head.

"...Miss Garcia. Buona notte. Ti amo."

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