"Stupido." Fernando rolls his eyes even though his best friend couldn't see it through the phone. It had been the day after Sergio had told Annabelle, and he had called Fernando for advice on how to deal with it. He didn't know who else to turn to. Sergio sighs in frustration knowing that. Much of yesterday was a blur after he had woken up from his short nap. The only recollection he had was of Iker stopping by. (A small remembrance and that of a note Casillas had left for him.) Iker, and drinking. He drank his heart out in tequila and vodka, and any other alcohol he had stored in his house. He wasn't man enough to take the fact his best friend didn't feel the same; ultimately running away from him. He should have heeded Fernando's warning on not telling her how he felt until he knew her feelings for him. He should have made sure first before he just put it out there. But he had gotten cocky, something he needed to work on, thinking her love for him would have been handed on a silver platter. Since the words have left his mouth, he's regretted it since. "¿Qué te dije? ¡Qué te dije!" Fernando scolds his friend. What would become of those three's relationship now that he had spilled the truth? For years the three of them have become the three musketeers, a terrific trio- overall best of friends. Now that Annabelle had declined Sergio as more of a friend, he knew the relationship would change. But how? Would Fernando have to decide between the two? Should he have to split his time spent with two of his best friends? Anger had surged inside of Fernando for Sergio's selfish acts. He didn't stop to think for a second of the consequences, or other scenarios. He didn't think that it would not only affect him, but the people near and dear. The last thing he would ever want was to lose two friends. Fernando wanted nothing more than to yell at Sergio, but he was still his friend, and that's the last thing he wanted. Taking a deep sigh, Fernando sat on the edge of his bed. Offering to talk to her, Sergio declined, not wanting to hear what she had to say from another person. But from her, herself. Sergio asks if he thinks she would ever talk to him again. Even Fernando himself couldn't answer that. Annabelle was one of those unpredictable girls. You wouldn't know how she was going to react, whether it be good or bad. In the distance, Sergio could hear Olalla call out to her husband, following the cries of his daughter, Nora. "Uh...nosotros hablamos tardé." He says before hanging up on his friend. "Gracias." He mutters to his wife, knowing that if he were on the phone any longer with Sergio, he would have exploded.
Yet again Sergio was alone, and he didn't like it. Even though he physically lived alone, he never really was. It was odd for him to even say it to himself, but he could always feel the warmth and comfort of Annabelle beside him. Even if she was miles away. It was just nice to know that she would be there no matter what, but today he felt different. Cold and alone. He wasn't used to it. In the mornings he would always be awakened with a quirky text from Annabelle in the morning. It was always something minuscular, but still made him grin in the brightest way he could. He remembers the time he had woken up to one simple word from her, and he couldn't stop laughing the entire day. Even his teammates were questioning his odd behavior. (The word had been 'boobies.') Knowing that he couldn't get out of training today, he got up to take a shower. Arriving at the stadium a while later, he felt lethargic. Iker noticed it in the way he lagged around the field. Going up to the poor Spaniard, he pat his shoulder sympathetically. Sergio shook his head, moving his hand away, not wanting the pity. Iker sighs deeply, wishing he could help out his friend in any way. What he truly wanted was to give him a piece of his mind; not in a way to bring him down, but to hopefully help him move on. What Iker wanted to say wasn't exactly what he would want to hear, but the situation is what it is. There was no changing it.
"¿Tienes algo que decir Iker?" Ramos finds himself asking the older man if he had something to say, a few hours later. They had been heading out of the showers after their training was done. Numerous times he was yelled at by Jose for lagging around, but he honestly cared less what he thought. He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts. Many of the others too have noticed his dramatic change in personality. They noticed the silence. Sure everyone had been a joker in the team, but Sergio was the biggest one. He was always the one with the smile on his face, or cracking the jokes. Today he wasn't, and it sent everyone into an air of worry, and uncomfortableness. It wasn't as loud or funny with Sergio down. Many chose to have him space, some attempted to pry into his thoughts, but soon left after he refused to give in. Iker was the only one who Sergio kept a keen eye on. He had in fact been there to witness him breaking down the previous day. Iker simply asks how he was holding up. He felt for the friend, he would've debated if the woman he loved don't love him back. "Estoy bien." He glares at him, replying with tight lips. If one had to her those words come out of someone's mouth one more time he was going to punch someone in the face. Iker glares right back at his friend, chuckling darkly. Sergio asks what his problem was, and he blatantly tells him he knew he wasn't in a cold tone. Sergio was taken aback, he expected him to just leave it like the rest did, and walk away.
I Wish (Sergio Ramos)
أدب الهواةAnnabelle Miglionico hasn't always been on the best terms with Sergio Ramos when they were younger. But after one night everything changed and they've been inseparable for years to come. Lately Sergio has been feeling more rebellious in defying his...