Stay By Your Side (Wylie x Reader)

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 Wylie and I were best friends

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 Wylie and I were best friends. Keywords: were. We were so tiny, happy, and shiny. Playing tag and getting chased. We were so happy, laughing, and napping. Baking cookies eating paste.

(Authors note: If you get that reference you get a free hug :D)

Then, everything changed. His dad got taken to Exil and his mom faded away. He pushed everyone away, including me. One day we were enjoying a nice day eating popsicles, the next he gives me the cold shoulder. (Pun intended) I wanted to be the shoulder he could cry on, I wanted to be the ray of sunshine to brighten up his darkest days. I wanted it to be me and him, him and me. But he never let me back in his life.

I went on with life watching him grow up without me beside him. I grew up as well and soon became a respected Telepath. I focused on passing tests and making new friends. The thing is, I have Wylies adopted father as a Telepath mentor. And he knows about our past friendship. Today was a big test in my telepath class. Awkward am I right?

I strutted in the door, confidence radiating off my body. Tiergan looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I smiled and sat down. "You look...prepared." He muttered. "I am sir," I said politely. "Good, now let's see if you actually are..." He said sat in a chair in front of me. "Now I want you to find the secret." He said and I placed my pointer finger and middle finger on his temple.

I got through his shields easily and explored his mind. There were a few recent memories of Wylie that I wanted to peak at but focused on my test. I listened and heard a faint trail that would possibly lead me to find the secret. I followed it to no end and eventually gave up. I quit following the trail and went back to searching. Tiergan's mind was so messy it was hard to find whatever secret he was talking about. He never said anything about cheating...I search through his recent memories and found that the secret was that he didn't brush his teeth this morning.

I pulled back from his mind and cringed. "I found the secret." He smirked, "How?" His breath reeked of coffee from this morning. "You didn't say anything about cheating," I said smirking. "Smart girl..." He chuckled. "You're almost as good as Sophie." He commented. "Oh don't compare me to her, you know how that makes me feel," I whined. Sophie was seriously a freak. I knew when Wylie found out about the girl that made his dad go to prison he would be infuriated. But it didn't matter. All that mattered was that the big test was over.

Tiergan gave me a look and I could feel him inside my head. What did I tell him about snooping in my head? He chuckled and I felt his presence leave. "Well, sir, is that all? I mean I kinda finished the test..." He nodded. "Yeah, you're free to go. But before you do..." He pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket. "Talk to him, Y/N. He-he misses you."

I took the photo and looked at it. It was Wylie and me when we were little kids. It was on the day where it was snowing and we were drinking hot cocoa together. He spilled his hot cocoa on his pants and we died laughing. It wasn't even that funny but when he laughs or smiles it's contagious. The corner of my lips lifted. I looked up at him. He had a small genuine smile on his face. I rushed out of the door to go find Wylie. I saw him through the window and ran outside. I saw him hunched over and I could hear his thoughts trying to hide away from everyone.

"Wylie!" I yelled. He turned and when he saw me he stopped. I smiled and ran to him. I panted and hunched over when I got to him. "Oh man, you don't know how far ill run for you." I chuckled. "W-what are you doing here?" He stuttered. "Erm, I go to school here?" I laughed. He grabbed the photo out of my hand and looked out of it. I could see the memories flash before his eyes and mind. "Oh uh yeah, I want to talk to you," I said and grabbed his hands. His bright blue eyes stared into my soul.

"Wylie I-I can't ignore you anymore. I can't ignore these feelings that I have felt since day one." I said looking down. "Y/N-" He breathed. "Wylie you can't just abandon your friends. Or me. I could help you through it. I want to help you, I want to be with you. Just let me stay by your side." I said feeling a small tear roll down my cheek. Wylie wrapped his arms around me. "I love you Y/N. I-I'm sorry." He mumbled in my hair. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you too Wylie," I whispered.

Authors note: I'm back!! I published my newsies story if you want to read it! I thought that since I have so many readers, why should I abandon them for Spot Conlon? I also had so many ideas... Anyhow, sorry if it was really short and/or inaccurate. I don't know Wylie that well as a character so I found it hard to write something about him. I am planning to write a Tam x Reader next and a Keefe x Reader. If you want me to write about someone else please comment! Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day! Stay safe!

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