Sick Day (Sophie x Keefe)

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Sophie woke up with a massive headache. She groaned and Grandy came in to wake her up from school but stopped when he realized she was already awake. "Hey kiddo, your up bright and early. Is everything alright?" Grandy knew that Sophie never woke up early for school, there was defiantly something wrong. A tear slipped down Sophie's cheek. The pain of her headache was unbearable. Grandy walked up to her and placed his palm against her forehead. "Your burning up Soph..." He said.

"W-water..." She rasped. "You lay down and ill get you some water. You are definitely not going to school today." Grandy whispered and rushed out of the room. Sophie started to lay down but felt bile rise up in her throat. She scrambled out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. She leaned over the toilet and...

(I know no one wants me to describe that 🤢🤮)

Edaline rushed in at the sound of Sophie throwing up. She dialed Elwins on her imparter and demanded that he came to see what was wrong with Sophie. Sophie was too busy barfing her guts out that she didn't pay attention to Edalines conversation.

Elwin showed up and did a quick check-up. "Well, if she's throwing up then maybe her body is trying to get something out of it, maybe something she ate the night before. We might as well just wait until she stops." He said scratching his head. "But I want Sophie to be better..." Edaline protested worried about her little girl. "It's better to just let Sophie's body work itself than have me do anything. Besides, if I give her anything she'll just barf it back out." With that said, Elwin left.

"Sorry he was no help Soph, do you want me to stay? I can cancel my meeting to help you." Edaline said. "Same here kiddo," Grady spoke from the doorway of the bathroom. He placed the cup of water on the bathroom counter. Sophie chugged the water. "No, I'm alright it's just like Elwin said I have to wait for my body to do its thing," Sophie said. SHe didn't want Edaline and Grandy to stay home from their jobs because of her.

"Are you sure?" They asked. Sophie nodded and threw up again. They hesitantly left and Sophie was alone for bout an hour. She was done barfing but she felt miserable. She closed the toilet lid and lay her head on it. The cool toilet seat soothed her headache and she closed her eyes.

"Foster-?" A familiar voice asked. Sophie perked up at the sound of Keefe's voice. Was he in her house? She was all gross and sick oh he couldn't see her like this! She was a mess! Why wasn't he at school? "Foster I can feel your worry all the way from here." He chuckled. He gently knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you alright Foster, I didn't see you at school and your not the type of gal that would skip..." Sophie could hear the worry in his voice. Was Keefe, the most popular stone-hearted boy worried about her? Sophie blushed at the thought.

"I-I'm sick." Sophie stuttered. "And you are all alone, that's no way to spend your sick day," Keefe said. "I-I don't want you to see me l-like a mess," Sophie said flustered. Keefe chuckled. "Foster, you see me in my ups and downs and you still care about me now it's time for me to do the same." He said and opened the door slightly. "Uh ok then..." Sophie mumbled and blushed. Keefe walked in and looked at Sophie his eyes full of concern. "Oh, Foster you really do look awful." He said. Sophie gasped and looked away she warned him. "I didn't mean it as an insult I-I'm sorry that sounded mean..." Keefe said quickly. There was an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry you are not feeling well snd I'm sorry I insulted you. You don't look like a mess you never do you always look fairly pretty and I wasn't thinking before I spoke-" Keefe just realized that he called Sophie pretty in front of her. "Y-you think I'm pretty?" Sophie asked and turned back to look at Keefe. Keefe realized there was no turning back from this conversation he could tell from Sophie's emotions that she was determined to get an answer from him. He scrached the back of his neck and replied. "Yea, I do..." Sophie blushed and smiled. "Even when I look like this?" She asked and gestured to herself. "Especially when you look like that," Keefe said smiling. "Well, your not too bad yourself," Sophie said softly. Keefe blushed and looked at Sophie wide-eyed. "D-do you r-really think so?" Keefe whispered. Sophie nodded and added, "Did the amazing and handsome Keefe Sencen just stutter?" Keefe chuckled and sat on the bathroom floor with Sophie.

"You know it's days like these where I realize that the Mysterious Ms. F isn't as perfect as she seems," Keefe said and leaned his head against the bathroom cabinet. Sophie flushed and mumbled. "I'm not perfect and you know that." Keefe took her warm germy hand. "You make people like me feel perfect," Keefe whispered. Sophie didn't expect the day that she was sick Keefe would be so caring. She stared at their intertwined hands and smiled. This just felt right.

"You know I would kiss you but I'm all gross."

"That's just the cons of a sick day."

Authors note: I know what your thinking. EWWWWW A SOKEEFE STORY. I'm sorry my friend requested it. I am not a sokeefe shipper I personally want Sophie to burn but please don't send me hate comments for saying that. I respect the people that ship sokeefe (except I kinda bully my friend for it you know who you are and sorry). Sorry for the cringe if you don't like throw up or whatever and sorry for the crappy endng. I am taking requests! Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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