Jealousy (Keefe x Reader)

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I see the way he looks at her

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I see the way he looks at her. I feel the way his heart flutters when she laughs. If I haven't fallen for him this wouldn't be a problem, but my stupid jealous heart grows green with envy that he doesn't feel the same way about me.

I y/n l/n have made a grave mistake and have fallen for the charming Keefe Sencen. Why does my heart do what it wants? I know I'm going to get rejected. More than half of the girls in school have a crush on him, I'm not any more special than them. He's a talented empath, there is no way to hide from his phenomenal skills unless I actually hide from him. Which I have been doing. Ever since Satan, a.k.a Sophie Foster has come into Foxfire I have been avoiding him. He doesn't even spare me a glance because he is too busy flirting with Sophie. I mean who wouldn't? Sophie has it all, she had the looks, she has her weird brown eyes everyone is so obsessed with. She has all her ridiculous abilities to save the world and all that crap. I'm just a plain ole elf, boring h/c locks, and boring blue eyes.

I felt a tear forming in my eye. No, I will not cry over a stupidly handsome boy. And definitely not in the cafeteria in front of everyone. The tear didn't listen to my reasoning and slipped down my cheek anyway. I picked up my uneaten lunch and threw it away. I kept my head down and walked out of the cafeteria. When Keefe and I were still talking to each other we always would have lunch on a special spot on the roof, Interestingly there were ruckleberries growing there. *cough* *cough* We called it 'The Spot' original am I right? I went to The Spot a couple of times to clear my mind and all of the times I have gone there, I was alone. I climbed up the steel ladder to find......

Keefe freaking Sencen. His back was facing me and he was twiddling his thumbs, a nervous habit he has. My eyes widened and I stood there in shock. What was he doing here? Didn't he have better things to do? Maybe this was my chance. My chance to just confess to him and lift the burden from my chest. I know he is going to reject me but at least I can just be his friend. No, I can't live with that. I can't just watch him and Sophie fall in love knowing he doesn't feel the same way about me. It's like falling in love with a character in a movie and watching them live their life without you.

"Keefe?" I asked, thanking the lords that my voice didn't crack. He turned quickly to face me. He looked straight in my eye and I could see the sadness and sort of longing in his eyes. I tried to shield my emotions by thinking of the things I hate. Sophie Foster, spiders, Jello, bigger spiders, etc. He noticed my sudden mode change and waved the air in front of him. "I thought you'd come here..." He mumbled. I didn't say anything and just glared at him. He sighed and ran a hand through his lovely golden locks. "Are you mad at me?" He asked nervously. I could feel his sadness and something else I couldn't quite place my finger on. I thought of all the fun times we had together before Satan came, he didn't even try to run after me when I started avoiding him. Because he had a replacement, I didn't mean anything to him. "Why do you care?" I spat, enraged. "Why don't you go make out with Sophie, see if I care?" He looked shocked. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. I just snapped at him, I have never snapped at him before. He would call me his little angel because of how nice I was, but I just snapped at him. I also realized something else, I just exposed myself. I just spilt the tea, I bet now he can feel the jealousy in the air and now he knows how I really feel about him. I stood there unable to move and started crying. He was also frozen. For once in his life, Keefe was speechless.

"Y/n..." He said and walked over to me. I shook my head and ran down the steel ladder. Anything was better than this humiliation. If he didn't know that I liked him before he does now. "Wait!" He said. I didn't know where I was running but I just ran. Of course, Keefe and his long legs caught up with me. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into his warm chest. I felt so bad, I didn't mean what I said. I didn't mean to snap at him. "I-I am so s-sorry Keefe. I-" I said my voice muffled by his tunic. His chest vibrated as he chuckled. "You know y/n you could have just told me you liked me instead of going through all that trouble avoiding me. You do like me right?" He asked pretty straight forward. I blushed and nodded, there was no point on hiding it from him now. "You know I don't know what you are talking about with me making out with Sophie, we are just friends. She's like a sister to me. Imagine making out with your sister." He said cringing. "B-but I could have sworn I felt your heart flutter when she laughed..." I said. "You know one of the most common mistakes empaths make is confusing others emotions with your own." He said and wiggled his eyebrows. We didn't say anything after that. I was preparing myself mentally for rejection. Keefe just rested his chin on my head and wrapped his arms around my waist. I blushed and wondered why he wasn't rejecting me. "So are you going to reject me or what...?" I asked in a soft whisper. He chuckled. "Y/n your a terrible empath." I gasped quietly, I didn't expect him to insult me. "I thought I made it super obvious." I was really confused now. "Why would I reject a perfect angel like you?" He asked softly looking into my eyes. I blushed. He lifted my chin and came closer. "But maybe I have to make it more obvious..." He said, his hot breath tickling my face.

Suddenly his lips were on mine, a gentle inviting kiss. My brain didn't function for a second and I could feel Keefe's sadness and disappointment and he started to pull away. But then I realized, Keefe freaking Sencen, the most popular boy in school was kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I could feel relief and joy swell in his heart as he deepened the kiss. I was still very confused but this is what I always wanted. Maybe I needed more private empath lessons with him.

"Get to class lovebirds!" Someone yelled. We broke apart quickly and we both were as red as tomatoes. He winked at me and we went our separate ways.

Authors note: Sorry if it was terrible and inaccurate but this was my first oneshot thing and I tried! I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and request ideas! Thanks for reading!

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