Sophie's Missing Piece (4)

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"Sophie has a twin??"


"How did you manage to do that?"

In the heat of it all, Sophie blanked out. The only thing she could think of was how screwed up she'll be now. She was already unmatchable and now she has a twin? This was surreal.

"Now everyone calm down. I know everyone has questions, and I have answers. So we'll go around in a circle, ask one question, and please don't all jump up at once. Sophie, do you want to go first?" Mr. Forkle said. She shook my head. "Alright, Alden you can ask first." Alden nodded. "What kind of special abilities does she have?" Mr. Forkle thought for a moment. "I am not quite sure...I haven't checked up on her in a while." I huffed. "Why?" Sophie asked. "Well, I had a lot of things to do and take care of ever since you came to the Lost Cities." He explained. "So you just forgot about her?" She snapped. "Of course not." Sophie glared. "Is she just a mistake? Another little problem you have to solve?"

"Sophie please!" Mr. Forkle said. "Again Alden, I don't know. She should have some of the same abilities as Sophie." Alden nodded. "How are we supposed to find her?" Fitz asked. "Sophie has already done that for us. She lives in [wherever you live]." Fitz nodded. "Why didn't you have me find her when you told me to find Sophie?" Fitz asked his dad. "Well, I had no idea she even existed until now." Alden shrugged sheepishly. "We have kept her a secret long enough. Let's go get her."

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