Robotics Class (Dex x Reader)

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I sighed placing Sebastian my robot down on the table

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I sighed placing Sebastian my robot down on the table. All the people in my class have figured out how to use the new color sensor. But my group was struggling. I looked over the programming again. "Do you know what the problem is?" Olivia asked looking up from her phone and looking at me blankly. I shrugged and looked at Nicole. She shrugged and went back to picking her black nail polish off.

I sighed again and tried something else. This was a major grade and I couldn't afford to fail this. It took seven one-hundreds to make a zero into a passing grade. I wasn't the smartest person in the world, I couldn't get seven one-hundreds before these nine weeks was over. I ran a hand through my messy h/c locks. This wasn't working. "You know maybe it's the robot that doesn't work-"


Nicole grabbed her backpack quickly and raced out of class. Well, she could have told me that earlier. I packed Sabastian safely in my backpack and trudged to lunch.

~Time skip brought to you by coronavirus~

I walked to the park after school where my mom would pick me up. I set my backpack down on the crunchy woodchips and sat on the swings. I swang back and forth slowly thinking about what I would tell my mom when I fail robotics. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. This project was really draining. I stayed up all night trying to make it magically work and then I never get to rest in the day because of school.

I was so lost in my train of thought that I didn't notice a strawberry-blonde guy about my age sit down on the swing next to me.

"What's a pretty lady like you sitting on the swings alone?" He asked. I jumped, surprised, and fell out of the swing on the woodchips on my butt. I flushed and moved the hair out of my face to see...

An angel, a literal angel from the heavens reaching his hand out to help me up. He had beautiful strawberry-blond hair and periwinkle eyes. I stuttered and grabbed his hand and he helped me back up. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't see you there," I said. He chuckled and I saw his adorable dimples. "No, it's fine, I didn't mean to scare you." His smile was contagious. I managed to knock over my open my backpack when I fell. How embarrassing! He crouched down and picked up Sabastian and looked at it weirdly. "What is this?" He asked. "It's a robot that I built for my robotics class. It doesn't really work though..." I blushed and looked at the ground.

He took it over to a picnic table and started to take it apart. I ran swiftly after him. "W-what are you doing?" asked. He looked up at me and said. "Oh sorry I-I can help fix it if you want." I rose my eyebrow. I was a very trusting person but I spent time and money building this robot. But if he really could help me then I guess I could let him give it a shot at fixing it. But I still didn't know him. "What's your name?" I asked. "Dex, Dex Dizznee." He said, adjusting his glasses and turning the robot in his hands. "I guess you can fix it, your guess is as good as mine on how to though," I said crossing my arms over my chest.

He pulled out a screwdriver from his pocket and started working on it. I watched amazed at how quickly he worked, he looked like he knew exactly what he was doing. He mumbled something in a language I couldn't understand and put Sabastian back together.

"That should do the trick." He said smiling confidently, handing it back to me. I looked at him wide-eyed and quickly fished out the program I put on a flash drive in my pocket. I plugged it into the robot and clicked the start button. It worked! It did exactly what I wanted it to do! I stared at him in shock.

"I have been trying to get that thing to work for weeks...." I mumbled, dumbfounded. He chuckled."I have a way with machines." He said winking at me. I blushed. "Thank you so much!" I said hugging him. He flinched but hugged back.



I pulled away and looked back at the parking lot. My mom's Jeep was parked in one of the slots and she was waving at me. "Well, that's my mom thanks again for helping me. I'll see you around?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. I picked up my backpack and put the things that fell back into it and walked to her car. I put my backpack in the back of the car and jumped in the front seat. I pulled out my phone to text Nicole that the robot was fixed and saw a new number on my phone.

Dex Dizznee

I know I didn't put his number on my phone. I looked back at where the table was and I saw no one. I looked around the park frantically looking for Dex but he was nowhere to be seen. "Who was that boy?" Mom asked suspiciously.

"Dex...his name was Dex..." I said dazedly.

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