Don't Play With Fire (Fintan x Reader) 2

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        "Let me go!" I thrashed in the chair I was bound to.

I heard a cold chuckle. "No, I don't think I will." Fintan smiled as he appeared in front of me. "We'll just wait for your pathetic friends to come and save you." He bent down close to my face. "If they come and save you." He smiled. I glared at him. "Once I get out of here I won't hesitate to burn that stupid smirk off your face," I growled.

That earned another chuckled from him. "I'm sure you would." He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and traced his finger down to my chin. "Get your filthy hands off me." I spat. "You sure are feisty aren't you?" He said disappearing into the darkness.

I shouldn't have left. Now I was trapped again. Except actually trapped this time. It felt like hours passed but for all, I know it could just be a couple of minutes.

Fintan brought a chair and sat in front of me. He was silent as he looked at me. "What?" I glared. He didn't respond just kept staring. I tried to move my chair away from him but it was too heavy. I felt self-conscious around him. Like he was judging my every move because he probably was. "Stop looking at me."

After what it felt like an eternity he spoke, "You're a pyrokinetic correct?" I nodded. "You took control of my Everblaze I want to know how you did that." He said. I snorted and shook my head. "You're stuck here. I might let you free if you cooperate." He growled. His pale blue eyes lit up. "Maybe some persuasion will make you cooperate." He stood up and called Everblaze down to his fingers. My eyes widened as he brought the Everblaze closer and closer to my face. I squeezed my eyes shut as I prepared for the pain.

Crash! Fintan pulled away at the sound of glass breaking. I breathed a sigh of relief and wondered what was happening. Fintan growled and rushed over to where the noise came from. "Heya Y/N, let's get you out of those chains shall we?" Keefe said from behind me. I jumped in surprise. "Let's get out of here," I mumbled as he undid the chains. They fell to the floor with a loud clank. Keefe and I looked at each other and back at where Fintan ran off. "We better go," Keefe said and lead me to where he got in.

Sophie, Lihn, and Tam met us outside of the prison and Keefe held a lightleaper to the sky. Fintan hobbled out of the house he looked like he was hurt. I couldn't think much of it as the light blocked my vision of him. But I swear I saw a sad look on his face when he looked me in the eye as I light leaped away.

Authors note: I promised y'all a part two and here it is! Sorry, I haven't been updating in a while I have been busy with two other fanfictions. If you haven't already please check out my Newsies fanfiction and my Marvel fanfiction! It would mean a lot to me if you read them and voted for the chapters you like. I will be updating those stories more regularly. I hope you are staying warm and safe Sorry this one was short but I hope you enjoyed!

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