Crush Cuffs (Dex x Reader)

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~Dex pov~

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~Dex pov~

How do I describe y/n... She's just all-around perfect. She's been my best friend since diapers but every time I look at her my heart flutters. I don't want to scare her off she's one of my only best friends.

"What should I do?" I asked Sophie nervously. I invited Sophie over because I think she can help with this kind of stuff. Turns out, she knows just as much as I do about romance. "Well, finals are coming up maybe you can get her some crush cuffs?" Sophie said I remembered the time I got her crush cuffs. It was so awkward, I was trying to be slick but it just wasn't working. I'm afraid she's going to act just like Sophie, friend zone me. Except I realized that I didn't actually like Sophie, but I really do like y/n. I would be heartbroken if she friend-zoned me. But Sophies idea wasn't terrible. I could buy her purple crush cuffs and slip them into her thinking cap and run away. Then I would just wait until she confronts me. "That's bot a bad idea..." I mumbled and left to go retrieve some purple crush cuffs.

~Y/n pov~

I sat in front of my house under our family tree. Which was a tree with all of my family member's names on it. Why was Dex not here yet? He said he would come today and help me study a bit before the finals. I sighed and started to head back inside.



My imparter buzzed and I turned it on. There was an incoming call from Dex. I answered it and looked at him sadly. "Hey y/n, I can't make it to your house. I had some unexpected plans come up. I'm really sorry y/n." He said. "It's alright Dex, I understand. Thanks for telling me." I said weakly. "I'll see you tomorrow for finals, right?" Dex asked nervously. "Of course," I said smiling at him. He smiled and said. "Bye y/n." Dex said. "Bye-" I started. But Dex hung up before I could finish my sentence. I put the imparter back in my pocket and walked into my house sadly and studied by myself.

~Time skip to the next day brought to you by Draco Malfoy the Amazing Bouncing Ferret~

I was so stressed as I lightleaped to school, alchemy was my worst subject. I sure hope all the private lessons Dex and I had would help me. I took the tests with confidence and was relieved when it was all over and when we could celebrate. I ran through the halls and surprised Dex by wrapping my arms around his neck. I squeaked surprised and laughed when he realized it was me. "We did it!" I said and kissed him on the cheek. He flushed and asked. "Do you feel confident?" I nodded and said. "Well, I should probably hand out my gifts, meet me in the cafeteria after ok?" He smiled nervously and nodded. Little did I know that he had a little surprise for me.

I passed my gifts around and came back to my locker to find my thinking cap was full. Which was surprising because I only had a small group of friends. I walked into the cafeteria popping candy bubbles on my way and catching the candy in my hat. I smiled as I found my friend group laughing and opening gifts. "Hey Y/n!" Biana called as I wedged myself between Dex and Sophie. I didn't notice the look that Sophie gave Dex. "Hey y/n open Dex's gift first," Keefe said winking at me and smirking. I looked at Dex and he flushed and looked away. I shrugged and picked up the first thing my hands touched in my hat. It was the pen Fitz gave everyone. He smiled at me. "You know for future reference Fitz, a way to a girl's heart is not by giving her the same pen you give everyone in the grade," I said placing the pen in my bag. Sophie looked at her pen sadly. I gave her a side hug and whispered. "Boys are idiots Sophie, and Fitz is a terrible gift-giver." She nodded and put the pen in her pocket. I grabbed a canvas and pulled off the string with the card on it. Keefe looked away and flushed. The note read:

I know you've always wanted me to draw something for you.

~The coolest guy you've ever met

I looked at the canvas and it was a lovely picture of a night sky with stars. It was amazing. I beamed and thanked Keefe. He nodded and half-smiled. Sophie got me a necklace with my favorite star on it which was beautiful and very thoughtful. As you could tell, I really like stars. Biana got me a new hairbrush with my name engraved with diamonds on it. It looked expensive and it looked really fancy. Some other people got me somethings too.

There was only one gift left in my hat. I assumed it was from Dex. I looked at him and he was red as a tomato. I giggled and unwrapped the lavender wrapping paper. They were brackets? I looked closer to see Dexs name engraved on them in small writing. I quietly gasped and looked at Dex wide-eyed. He got me crush cuffs! He had his head in his hands and he was shaking a little. I smiled and looked at them my cheeks turning pink, they were purple and had little jewels on it to make them look like stars. It was beautiful. I put them on my wrists and they magically fit on my wrist. Sophie and Biana squealed and Keefe made kissing noises. I lifted Dex's head and pecked his lips. He looked at me shocked and looked at my wrists. He beamed and held my hand.

Authors note: Yay! Cute little cinnamon bun oneshot! I hoped you liked it, sorry it was a little shorter. Just a reminder I am taking request so if you want me to write a oneshot about you then request away! Thanks for reading.

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