KOTLC Among Us!

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(Mr. Forkle will be dark green because he's a little sus 👀)

Imposters: Biana, Linh

Crewmates: Mr. Forkle, Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Dex, Tam, Marella, Wylie

(Sorry there are no boy imposters yall can request me to write one where there are!)


It was a lovely day in the lost cities when a group of friends got extremely bored. "Ugh, I am so bored." Keefe groaned. Everyone mumbled in agreement. The friend group thought desperately about how to cure their boredom. "Sophie, you showed us Minecraft one time do you have any other human games that could be entertaining?" Linh asked. Sophie shook her head and pulled out an eyelash in frustration. Everyone sat in their own boredom for another 30 minutes.

"Wait! I know a game we could play!" Sophie cheered. Everyone perked up and listened. "So when I visited my sister she was obsessed with this game that became popular called among us! Basically, it's like murder mystery except there are different tasks to complete and you are on a spaceship!" Sophie explained her golden-brown eyes twinkling with excitement. "Sounds dope, let's play," Dex said trying his best to seem cool.

Everyone pulled out the phone Sophie got them for Christmas and downloaded the game. Once everyone got it they went to separate rooms and Sophie made a private game. Everyone picked their colors and accessories.

Mr. Forkle has entered the chat.

"What? How did Mr. Forkle get into our private game?" Marella said in the chat. "How did he even know the code?" Keefe asked. "I know everything Keefe Sencen." Mr. Forkle said ominously. "Ok then, that wasn't creepy at all," Tam muttered. "Let's just start I'm excited," Linh said.

The game starts in 5.....4.....3.....2......1

Keefe: Crewmate, "Dangit I wanted to make people fall for me! Oh, wait..."

Sophie: Crewmate, "Alright I just have to stay alive and do my tasks!"

Fitz: Crewmate, "Not really what I wanted, I'll just follow Sophie because I'm a lost dog without her tehe."

Dex: Crewmate, *Sigh* "I could cheat to figure out who the imposter is but what's the fun in that? I'll just cheat to finish my tasks."

Mr. Forkle: Crewmate, "You kids are suspicious..."

Linh: Imposter, "Oh-"

Wylie: Crewmate, "Alright no one better sabotage the lights..."

Tam: Crewmate, "..."

Biana: Imposter, "Yessss! Let's go Linh!"

Marella: Crewmate, "Alright let's crack the case wide open."

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