Sophie's Missing Part (1)

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Ever since Sophie officially settled in the Lost Cities she has felt off. Even in the perfect city, she lived in with all the perfect people, something still didn't feel right. And Mr. Forkle wasn't helping this feeling.

"Sophie I promise, I'm not hiding anything from you." He reassured for the fourth time. "Then why does everything feel so strange?" Sophie huffed. "You're probably just feeling the echo again." He said quickly. "Is everything ok Sophie?" Edaline asked, her soft voice laced with worry as she walked in. "I just feel like I'm...missing something. I-I don't know." Sophie muttered as Edaline pulled her in for a hug. "It's alright, it's going to be different since Fitz and you aren't that close anymore."

"And that is my cue to leave..." Mr. Forkle cleared his throat.

"It's not that mom..." Sophie sighed. "Maybe you just need some rest, let's get you to bed." Edaline took Sophie's hand and they walked to her room. "You've been through a lot of stress lately, I'm sure you just need a good night of rest." Sophie nodded and Edaline left.

Sophie changed into her soft pajamas and flopped down on her soft and fluffy blankets. She couldn't figure out why she felt so off. It was like she was missing a piece of her, and it wasn't because of Fitz. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander. She saw everyone's mind. She really focused in and felt She located the source of the call in [wherever you live]. She opened her eyes and sat up. "No way..." She muttered. She grabbed her Imparter and called Mr. Forkle.

There was no way he could hide this from her any longer...

(tehe what could this mean???)

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