As You Wish (Keefe x Reader)

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 "Farmer boy, fetch me a rag please?" I asked struggling to clean the floor with my hands. "As you wish." He said and hurried off. My family lived on a farm on a hill and it is hard work to keep it nice and tidy.

My father found our servent laying on the street in town. He was homeless and dirty, my father pitied him and brought him back to our farm. He wasn't a slave, he would stay and help and we would give him a bed and food. It was a win-win situation for both of us. Besides, he was absolutely gorgeous. He has soft blonde and clear blue eyes, behind all the dirt he was an image of perfection.

He walked back with a rag in hand and handed it to me. I smiled at him. "Thank you," He nodded and went back to his chores. I wanted him to stay longer but I didn't want my father getting on to him about not doing his chores. I dunked the rag in the pale of water and continued to clean the floors.

Sometime later I saw the farmer boy out in the fields. After almost 2 years of him living and working here, I don't actually know his name. "Farmer boy?" I called and he looked up from the task he was doing. "May I speak with you?" I asked. "As you wish." He said walking towards me. Also, after 2 years of him living and working here, I have never been this nervous to talk to him.

"I was wondering..." I mumbled. "What is your name?" I asked regaining some of my confidence. He smirked, "Keefe." He replied. Keefe. After 2 years all I had to do was ask. "You alright?" He asked softly. I got knocked back into reality as he said those words. The only thing he has ever said to me was 'As you wish,' it was flabbergasting to hear him speak. "Yeah..." I smiled at him, "I'm alright, just never knew your name." He chuckled and nodded. Oh, it was like honey for my ears, his chuckle was gentle but deep smooth but it had some bounce to it.

I didn't know how much I wanted to kiss him until suddenly my lips were on his. Fireworks were going off in my brain as our lips moved together. We separated but our foreheads were still touching. I didn't realize how much I loved this man until it was just us together. "Kiss me again?" I whispered.

"As you wish."

Authors note: Sorry that was short and escalated quickly but this oneshot was based on the movie The Princess Bride. If you haven't watched it I defiantly recommend it. If you haven't already, please comment on what you want me to do for my 500 reads special! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!

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