Secret Girlfriend (Fitz x Reader)

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-Fitz's POV-

I sighed and walked to class. Last night we had our first fight. Y/N and I never fight. Maybe little silly arguments but nothing serious. But this fight damaged our relationship. Like bad. I glanced at her. She was talking to her best friend Marella. Even when she wasn't trying she was beautiful. Her h/c locks perfectly framed her small face and her e/c eyes sparkled.

Marella saw me and pointed me out to her. Y/N looked at me up and down and she frowned. She was never mean to me unless she was joking. But if I were her I would've glared me down with a death glare. They turned away and walked off to their next class.

I ran a hand through my hair and let out a frustrated huff. I don't what to do to apologize.

~Flashback to last night~

"Fitz I'm tired of just being your side babe," Y/N said as she played with my hair. "Hmm?" I hummed not really paying attention as I did some of my homework. "I'm serious Fitz, I don't want this to be a secret anymore." I turned to her. She was frowning. "What?" She groaned. "I'm tired of hiding this." She gestured between us. "I want to hold your hand in the hallway and not have people gasp."

"You know we can't do that.." I started. She balled her fists. "Why not? Are you dating someone else? Are you ashamed of me?" She fumed. "When did I ever say that?!" I stood and glared. "Why do we have to be a secret? You told me that when we first started dating that we have to stay a secret but I never got a reason why!" She stood as well. "Do I need a reason why? Take a look at your family anyone in their right mind wouldn't want to tell everyone they're dating Y/N!" Her eyes widened and she took a step back, but I wasn't done. "Why would you accuse me of dating someone else? I have sacrificed everything for you! Are you not grateful?" I ranted. Her once sparkling eyes filled with sadness as fresh tears welled in her eyes. "Y/N- I didn't mean it-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it, Fitzroy." She snapped and rushed out of the room.

~Flashback over~

"I really messed up didn't I?" I asked Keefe even though I already knew the answer. "Yeah buddy, you better go apologize now before she gets scooped away." He pointed to Dex and Y/N laughing together. The rage monster fought for control but I pushed them down. I walked over to them calmly and cleared my throat. She frowned and looked up at me. "Can we talk?" I asked. She sighed, "Gotta go Dex, see you later." She got up and we walked to a small quiet part of the cafeteria.

"What?" She hissed. "Y/N I messed real bad." She scoffed. "No kidding." I took her hands and she didn't pull away. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I don't deserve your kindness. If I were you I would beat me up. I love you Y/N I don't want to lose you and I'm so so sorry."

"You love me?" She whispered. I nodded, "Is that ok?" I whispered. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I forgive you, I just don't want to keep our relationship a secret anymore." I pulled her closer. "Of course, now we can do this." I pulled away and kissed her. She kissed me back and we heard gasps and cheers. "That's my boy!" Keefe cheered. I pulled away and smiled. "Will you forgive me?" She nodded and kissed my cheek. "You aren't my secret girlfriend anymore," I whispered in her ear.

Authors note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was just a new little idea I came up within the car going to a soccer game. Hope you enjoyed some little Fitzy fluff. Tell me if you want more chapters in the boy's POV. Have a great day!

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