Splotch Match (Fitz x Reader)

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Ugh! Why can't I just win a splotching match? I can just imagine Fitz's stupid, cocky smile as I get slimed by a pink paintball. Every time we play I get second. Every. Single. Time. I always lose to Fitz, it's so humiliating! I'd rather sit out than get humiliated by the whole school by losing to Fitz.

Maybe I just have to practice. Maybe if I got out every day and practice for at least ten minutes I could get better. But that's a little obsessive. I mean it's not that big of a deal I'm just overreacting. I sighed and walked outside. I grabbed a water balloon and tossed it up. I caught it right before it splashed in my face. I threw it around for a couple of minutes imagining what Fitz's face will look like when I win.

~Time skip to the next day brought to you by Loki the god of hotness~

I got up with determination in my eyes. I put on my favorite outfit and fixed my hair into a double dutch braid. I smirked at my reflection and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweet pea." My dad said smiling. "Morning dad," I said sitting down at the table. My mom rushed out of her room and pecked my dad's lips and kissed me on my head. "Gotta go, busy day at work." She said. I said, "I love you, mom." At the same time, dad said, "I love you, hun." She blew a kiss to us and light leaped away.

I finished my breakfast and told my dad bye. I light leaped to school and walked to my locker. Marella, my best friend was waiting for me there as usual. She was leaning against my locker. "Hey loser," She chirped. I rolled my eyes playfully and shooed her off my locker.


She smacked her gum as I got my books. "Ready to win against Mr. Hotty?" She asked. "Of course," I said giggling. She chuckled. "See you in gym." She winked at me and strutted away to her class. I smiled and went to elementals. I smiled at my teacher and walked in. Elementals was pretty boring, I was mostly thinking of gym and how I was going to crush Fitz. I waved goodbye to my teacher and walked to gym class. I met up with Marella and we walked to gym class confidently.

We entered and I immediately spotted Fitz. He was with Keefe and a couple of other popular boys. Suddenly my confidence went out the window. What was I thinking? I couldn't beat him, I would make a fool of myself if I even tried. I looked down nervously. "Are you alright? You look like you are about to pee your pants." Marella said raising an eyebrow at me. I shook my head and went into the locker room.

We changed and got right back out right when the gym teacher called. "Are you ready for an intense splotching match?!" Everyone cheered. I glanced at Fitz and his friends were all looking at me and smirking. My eyes widened and I flushed and looked away. Marella wrapped her arm around my shoulder and started her pep talk. "So here's how you are going to go about this, you destroy everyone that comes in your way from winning this match. Even hot sauce Fitz." I nodded. "Make me proud!" She said leaving making a heart with her hands. I formed a heart with my hands and smiled. 

Yo, l/n you and me," Keefe called. I rose my eyebrow at him and the gym teacher handed me a neon orange paintball. I breathed in and out. I could do this.

"3, 2, 1, Splotch!" I threw the paintball at Keefe's face and he caught it easily. He threw it back and I caught it quickly and shot it back at him unexpectedly. His eyes widened as his face was suddenly covered in neon orange paint. I giggled and he laughed too. I looked at Marella, she won her round too she held two thumbs-ups at me. I smiled and found another partner.

This went on for a while. I was slowly climbing up the leaderboard and so was Fitz. Marella got out on the third round but she didn't mind. She claimed the neon yellow paint matched with her outfit.

Soon I was against Fitz. I felt sweat trickle down my neck as a nervously faced him. He was smiling his movie-worthy smile and he was tossing the pink paintball in his hand. I gulped and got in my position.

"3, 2, 1, Splotch!" The gym teacher yelled. He threw it lightly at me, I caught it easily glaring at him. He was going easy on me. I threw it at him harder, trying to make him go harder on me. He rose his eyebrow at me and threw it back harder. I caught it with ease and started humming 'Come Alive' by The Greatest Showman. I was thinking about too much, it was just a fun game in gym. Besides, I know if I chill out a little I could probably win this. I threw it back at him with less force to surprise him a little. He caught it and looked at me confused. I just smiled at him. He forced it at me as hard as he could. I caught it right before it splashed in my face. Now it was time for my big move. I was going to force it at him with as much force as I could and hope it would splash in his face. I heard people chanting.

"Make Fitz a pretty princess!"

"Make Fitz a pretty princess!"

Of course, Keefe was the one that made up that chant. Fitz looked at him and rolled his eyes. He thought he could win this, he wasn't paying attention. I forced it at him while he was still laughing at Keefe. He looked back at the paintball surprised and tried to stop it.


My eyes widened as Fitz's face was covered in neon pink paint. I gasped and he stood there, dumbfounded. The gym teacher came up to me, she was just as surprised as I was.

"We have a new winner! Congratulations Y/n L/n, for winning the splotch match!" She yelled. Fitz walked up to me and held out his hand. I shook it and he said. "Congrats, Y/n." We smiled and went back to our friend groups. Marella and I squealed and jumped up and down. Different girls and boys came up to me and congratulated me. I smiled and went to class.

When the day ended Marella and me went our separate ways. Before I light leaped away Fitz came up to me. "Hey, Y/n I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house later this week?" He asked and scratched the back of his neck. I looked at him surprised. "You want ME to come over to YOUR house?" I asked suspiciously. He chuckled and nodded. "Uh, alright," I said smiling nervously. He smiled and said. "I guess ill see you later then." He said, winking at me. I flushed and he light leaped away.

Authors note: Yay! You won a splotching match against Fitz! Good job! And you got asked out by him the. Sorry about the ending, I wasn't sure how to end it. Sorry, my plots are so predictable. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!

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