✑ 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎

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As the girl stepped out of the bus, with her bag around her shoulder and her hand rolling her suitcase, sighed. The city never changed, though it was a little less crowded as usual. The [inkling/octoling] smiled, before walking away from the bus station. [y/n] wondered around, looking at the lights of the city, it was so beautiful, though she felt so sad. She sighed, before walking to her apartment, which she shared with Lilith.

[y/n] took the key to her apartment out from her pocket and unlocked the door. She grabbed the door knob and twisted to the left opening it, [y/n] took a deep breath before peeping her head in to check if Lilith was around. The kitchen and living room were empty, but the TV was on. [y/n] stepped inside, rolling her suitcase in before closing the door behind quietly. After the door made a soft 'click', [y/n] made her way to her room.

The girl opened the door and peeping her head inside, she saw Lilith siting at the end of her bed staring at her octophone in her hands. [y/n] sighed to herself, she took a few steps back away from the door quietly, but the floor made a loud creek causing [y/n] to cringe. Lilith heard the creek and stood up from the bed and opened the door. Her eyes widen, as she saw [y/n] starching the back of her neck with a sheepish smile on her face, "S-surprise?" she said meekly, letting out a small laugh.

Lilith had no words, she didn't notice she had started crying until [y/n] pointed it out, "Li'l, don't cry.." [y/n] said, pulling her into a hug. Lilith hugged the idol tightly, she didn't know if it was real or not. It felt so surreal, she had to be dreaming right now. They pulled away from each other, breaking the hug that they shared, Lilith wiped her tears and smiled, "Please don't tell me this is a dream." she sniffed, as [y/n] shook her with a soft smile.

"It's definitely not a dream." 

The news of [y/n]'s disappearance had settled down, things were starting to get back to normal. [y/n] had announced her hiatus, recently after things were cooling down, her fans seemed to understand that, after the whole missing idol fiasco. 

"It's good to see you again, [y/n]." London said, as they walked though the city together after their shopping spree, [y/n] nodded with a smile underneath her mask, "Yeah, it is! I'm glad everything had calmed down, if it hadn't we wouldn't be  able to hangout with each." she said, as the boy hummed in agreement. 

'Growlll!' a grumbled came from London's stomach, [y/n] looked up him, trying to sniffle a laugh. London's hazel eyes glared at the girl, who was struggling to keep her laugh in. "[y/n], don't.." his cheeks were red from embarrassment, he told the girl countless times he wasn't hungry the whole time and here we are.

"Bahaha!" the girl let out a boisterous laugh, "London, let's get something to eat before the grumbling gets any louder." [y/n] said, with a giggle. London rolled his eyes, but he didn't say anything. [y/n] grabbed his wrist and starting dragging her. 

"A-aye! What are you doing, [y/n]—" [y/n] rolled her eyes, continuing to drag him behind her to the nearest restaurant.

London took a his last bit from his sandwich and sighed, "Thanks, [y/n] for the food." [y/n] shocked her head, "No big deal, you must've been hungry for quite awhile." the [inkling/octoling] giggled, as her friend gave her a small smile before his squidphone pinged, London picked up his phone and looked at the notification, he sighed in disappointment, [y/n] cocked an brow while drinking her [f/d].

"Sorry to cut our hangout short, apparently I have a photo shoot later today." London said turned off his squidphone and put in his pocket of his jacket. [y/n] shook her head, "No, no! Go on, don't want to keep you late." she urged him to leave, she didn't want to keep him to long. London smiled and nodded, "Alright, I'll get going! Thanks for hanging out with [y/n]." he said, waving at the female who wave back at him, "No problem!" she shouted, as he left the restaurant.

[y/n] stood up from the table and put her empty cup into the trash can, before leaving the restaurant and making her way back home.

meanwhile in inkopolis square 

Sage looked at the letter in disbelief, though she was relieved that [y/n] returned to the city, the officers were getting irritating to cope. Lee walked into the kitchen and saw Sage, still reading the letter left by [y/n]. He rolled his eyes, before speaking, "You're still reading the letter, Sage?" Sage flinched a little, she didn't notice that Lee had walked in. Sage placed the letter down on the kitchen counter and sighed, she turned around and leaned against the counter, "Y-yeah, what about it?" she cocked an brow, while crossing her arms and frowning. Lee shook his head, muttering to himself.

"You've been cooped up in the house all the time," Lee whined, pulling her wrist, dragging her out of the kitchen, "Get a little air!" He said, grabbing her shoes and handing them to her, Sage shook her head knowing that she couldn't protest against the male. She put her shoes on and sighed, as the male cheered to himself, opening the front door.

The square was crowded as usual, the duo walked passed the inklings and octolings, making their way to the café near the shady alley. The bell ringed as the duo walked into the café, a waiter greeted the two with a warm smile, Lee greeted the waiter in return as Sage sat a booth looking out the window. Lee sat across from her, before fidget with the end of his sleeve, they sat in silent before Sage finally spoke.

"Thank you, Lee." she said, with a lazy smile, the octoling boy nodded in confusion not saying anything in reply. There they sat in silence once again, until a certain pink inkling walked up to their booth, "Well, Well~" he sang, gaining them to snap their attention towards him. It was once again the infamous, Aloha. He stood there with a smug smile before taking a seat next to Sage, the female was quick the move away from him.

"Aloha, fancy seeing you here.." Sage said, adverting eye contact away from the pink inkling. She wondered why he was doing here in the café, didn't he have better things to attend to? Sage looked over to Lee, who struggled in reply. Sage sighed knowing that there was no way out of the conversation. Aloha nodded with a smile, "Well, I work here part-time." He said, as Sage's eyes widen.

The pink inkling smiled and laughed, "Why so shocked?" He teased the female, never when she had come over to the café she'd never see the pink inkling or she decided to ignore is existence whenever she saw him. Lee tilted his head, "You've seriously never seen him work here, he's here all the time when we come over." He gave her a weird look before shaking his head. Aloha laughed before speaking, "Nah, she's seen me but~" he sang, "she chooses to ignore my existence." He said, before doing a dramatic gasp. Sage shook her head and sighed. 

"You really are hopeless.. You're wondering where [y/n] is.." Sage knew why he came up to them, they're her friends and they know Aloha liked flirting with their friend. Aloha whistled and looked up at the ceiling, she took that as a yes. "Well.. she returned to the city." Aloha stayed silent, before nodding. He figured, the idol wasn't responding to his text messages, she must've been busy with her work.

"I figured." He told the girl, before standing up from the booth, Sage had a shocked expression on her face once again as Lee giggled. Aloha smirked and left.

warning this chapter was kinda rushed

uh, so sorry for not updating. school's been dog shit to me for the past month 💀 

anyway i hoped you enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for more:)

also splatoon 3—

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