✑ 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛

888 27 20

a/n: rider won for the most votes for this chapter! the reader is going to be seeing emperor and prince in the next one, so after those two who do you want to see after.




comment below! now onto the chapter!


Meanwhile in Inkopolis City

Lilith groaned looking at list of cancelled concerts that were supposed to happen, but with the sudden disappearance of [y/n], this took a unexpected turn for the octoling. Lilith twirled her tentacle with a index finger, as she tap her pencil in her hand on the paper. A scowl appeared on her lips, she wished she noticed [y/n]'s distress early on, but the [t/c] idol was already out of sight.


A faint knock on the door gain the girl's attention. Lilith sighed before speaking, "Come in!" she said, returning her attention to the paper in front of her. "Lilith, any luck?" it was London who had walked in, the inkling boy idol was worried for Lilith's health to the point he has to stay at her home to make sure she's not overwhelming herself with work. Lilith shook her head and put the pencil down.

"Well yes! I found her, London! What do you think?" she replied sarcastically, as London scratched the nape of his neck, "Taking that as a no." he chuckled, all he got was a scoff. London took out his squidphone and laid it in front of Lilith, "Look at this." London said, as the purple octoling cocked an brow, "What exactly am I looking at?" she rest her cheek in the palm of her hand.

"One of my friends was out in the Square and saw a familiar [inking/octoling] wearing a mask." London said, zooming closer to the [inkling/octoling] eating ice cream. Lilith eyes widen, "Make sure the media doesn't get a catch of this." Lilith said, as London nodded.

"Now get some rest Lil, I'll take care of the papers." London said, as Lilith decided not to be stubborn as usual and nodded, "Thanks, London, really." she said, getting out of her seat with a tired smile. London chuckled, "No problem. Now, go get some rest, Lil."

Back in Inkopolis 

Since the encounter with Vintage, [y/n] was rather anxious to walk out in public and then get called out by Vintage again. [y/n] sat down on the couch with Griffin, who was to engrossed to his book. [y/n] sighed, turning the television off and putting the remote down. [y/n] had enough of watching the news talk about the disappearance of her.

Griffin looked up from his book with a confused stare as [y/n] huffed. "I-is e-everything a-alright, [y/n]?" he said, barely over an whisper. [y/n] shook her head, "Nothing to worry about, Griffin. I just need to go out." she replied, as Griffin shyly nodded quickly going back to reading his book.

[y/n] got up grabbed her [f/w] and put on her sneakers on, "Where you headed?" Nick asked, throwing her mask at her, landing on her face. [y/n] scoffed, grabbing her mask and putting it on. "To the Square." she replied, tying her sneaker's laces on. "Alright, just be careful of him.." [y/n] knew who exactly who he was talking about, the blow cut male did come off rude towards her. [y/n] nodded, opening the front door, "Well, I'll be on my way. Bye!" she said, closing the door behind her and walking towards the Square.

[y/n] looked around her surroundings, being sure she wouldn't see the leader of X-Blood around. The female [inkling/octoling] sighed out of relief, making her way inside Ammo Knights. A small smile appeared on her lips when Sheldon greeted her, "Welcome, you must be new here!" Sheldon smiled, "Are you interested in getting a weapon?" he gestured over to the variety of weapons on the shelves.

The [t/c] [inkling/octoling] shook her head, "No.. Can I use your training room though?" she asked, as Sheldon's smile almost dropped but he kept it up, "Of course, it's back over there!" he said, pointing to the door near the back, "Ah, thank you!" [y/n] said, walking to the training grounds.

Sheldon sighed as he watched his customer walk into the back room, "I finally thought someone was interested in my weapons." 

As [y/n] walked into the training grounds, she heard one of the dummies explode. 'Someone's here.' she thought to herself, closing the door. 

That's when a familiar green squid saw her, "Huh, you look familiar." he said, startling the [inkling/octoling]. [y/n] let out an small squeak, before pulling her mask down, "Yeah, I know. Been a year, hasn't." she smirked, walking towards him. 

He turned around, his yellow-green eyes widen, "[y/n]?" he muttered. As the female nodded, "Your's truly!" she said, with a smile. 

Rider gave a small grin, "Do you remember that you said we'd train another time, [y/n]." he said, as [y/n] nodded, remembering the time she met the lime-green squid.


"You're good with that [f/w] you got there." he said, looking at the [f/w] in the [t/c] [squid's/octo's] hands.

[y/n] smiled, "Thanks, I practice with is weapon a lot!"  Rider nodded, "The name's Rider by the way, maybe we train  sometime, together." he said, as [y/n] nodded, "I'm [fa/n], maybe we could. Buttttt not right now." with that said she left, giving Rider one more smile.

End of Flashback 

"Yeah, I left in such a hurry." [y/n] said, scratching the nape of her neck with a chuckle, as Rider nodded, "But now that you're here, we should start training." Rider said, picking up is Golden Dynamo Roller and resting it on his shoulder.

"What do you want to practice on, turf war or ranked?" he asked. [y/n] remember the encounter with Vintage, she wanted to show the male wrong that an [squid/octo] can have a rank even if she was from Inkopolis City. "Rank!" she said.

Rider cocked an brow, but he didn't ask any questions. He did suggest what she wanted to train on. "Okay, let's go do a private battle then." Rider said, as [y/n] nodded.


After learning every rank, [y/n] started to understand how it worked. Though Rider was still confused that she wanted to get better at rank so bad. "[y/n], why are you so determined to get better in rank randomly, why is that." he asked, walking beside her exiting the Deca Tower, his roller in its case. [y/n] sighed, "I saw team X-Blood, the other day" she said, clutching her fist, remembering the cold glare that she got from Vintage. 

"So you met him?" [y/n] nodded, sitting down on the bench next to sleeping Judd and L'il Judd. Rider 'tch'ed, "Just ignore that arrogant fool, his pride will be also the reason he will fail soon." Rider scowled. As [y/n] nodded, before taking a look at her [squid/octophone], seeing a text from Sage.

[y/n] put her [squid/octophone] back in her pocket and turned back to Rider, "Thank you for training with me Rider. I need to get going," [y/n] said, picking up her [f/w] which was in its case. Rider got up and let out his hand from his jacket's pocket, "Here, I'll walk you home." he said, as [y/n] gladly his hand, "Thanks, Rider."

"D-don't mention it!"

"Thanks for walking me home, Rider." [y/n] thanked him once more, "D-don't mention it!" he said, avoiding eye contact. [y/n] turned the doorknob and looked back to the lime-green squid, "See you around, Rider." she waved, as Rider nodded with a small smile, walking back to Square probably.

"So, you have a boyfriend, I didn't know that. [y/n] you never fail to amuse me." a familiar voice spoke, [y/n] closed the door and rolled her eyes, "Sage, he's just a friend." [y/n] said, kicking her shoes off. Sage smirked, "Whatever you say." 

[y/n] sighed, knowing she'll have to suffer from Sage's endless teasing.

a/n: and this chapter is finished! there might be a 300 follower special so look out :D

hope you enjoyed this chapter, bye! ^-^

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