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[Narrator's P.O.V]

[y/n] walked pasted the flashing cameras and reporters trying to shove to microphone in her face. They all kept calling her name, questioning her multiple things all at one.

"[y/n] is it true that you are dating.."

"[y/n] about the party back at Inkopolis Square—"

"That is enough! You all are asking rather rude questions and getting in [y/n]'s personal space. I ask you all leave!" [y/n]'s manger; Lilith scolded them, as they all stepped back giving [y/n] space. [y/n] sighed in relief finally getting time to breathe, "Thanks, Lil." she muttered, before entering the car.

Lilith quickly entered the car, closing the door and sitting next to [y/n]. "You alright, kid," Lilith looked at [y/n] in concern, "you've been gloomy every since we've returned from Inkopolis Square. Is something the matter?" [y/n] looked out the window not giving a reply, concerning Lilith even more. "I'll leave then, come to me when your ready to talk." Lilith said, as [y/n] nodded looking out the window with sadness in her eyes.


The ride home was silent, no one peeped a word. Even the house was silent, which is odd. [y/n] and Lilith always argue about some stupid every night, but the only thing that could be heard were the clock ticking on the wall.

"So, boring.." [y/n] muttered, staring at the TV screen that was playing some random movie she found on Netflix, "This movie stinks.." she said, tightening her grip on her plush she was holding, "She's so stupid.." [y/n] scolded, one of the female characters walked into the janitor's closet.

The door closed behind the girl before the killer came from behind her, "Oh, come on!" [y/n] said before turning off the TV not wanting to watch the movie anymore and flopping back onto her bed groaning. [y/n] stared at the ceiling, rethinking what is happening to her in Inkopolis City, "There's lots of drama.." she said to herself or her plushie she was cuddling. "Apparently people think I'm dating London.. He's just a friend, nothing more! Stupid rumors.." [y/n] said, not knowing tears falling down her cheeks.

"Maybe I should've just stayed normal.. I wouldn't be stuck in such a mess." she said, wiping away her tears and sniffling, as a knock on her door alerted her to get her up from her bed. "Yes?" [y/n] fixed her tentacles and moved her plushie to the side.

"Hey, [y/n]. Just telling you I'm going to bed. Night." Lilith said from the other side of the door before walking to her bedroom.

[y/n] stayed silent before popping a idea. She jumped off of her bed and grabbed her bag with a smirk on her face. "Sorry, Lil. It's the best for me though." [y/n] whispered to herself, before changing into a white shirt and black jeans.

The young idol back random things into her bags, the last thing she crammed in there was her plushie that she was cuddling earlier. [y/n] quietly opened her door and peeped her head out behind it, looking left and right to see if anyone was around. [y/n] quietly tiptoed down the stairs, grabbing a bagel for herself.

"Inkopolis Sqaure here I come." [y/n] grabbed her mask and her [squid/octophone], walking out the door, not turning her back to return.

a/n: ooo, a sequel:o- i made a sequel since all you guys enjoyed my first book so here's the sequel! ^-^ enjoy

𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now