✑𝚒𝚒𝚒 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝?

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[Narrator's P.O.V] 

"Miss Lilith!"

"Lilith, may you answer my question?"


"Miss Lilith, please!"

Lilith this, Lilith that. It never stopped, questions, questions and even more questions! The purple octoling girl gripped her tentacles, as dark circles were under her pale blue eyes. The girl hadn't gotten any sleep after [y/n] had ran off to.

She was of course worried, Lilith always thought of the younger female as a little sister to care for, so she was stressed about. Tear stains on her cheeks, as she sniffed and grabbed a tissue out of her pocket and ignored the calls of her name.

"Just stay safe, [y/n].."

Meanwhile with the [y/n]

"So you ran off, because idol work was too much for you to handle anymore." Army said, rethinking about what he heard from the [t/c] female. "Yep.. pretty much." [y/n] nodded, looking up back at the TV. It showed her manger, Lilith. She looked terrible, dark circles underneath her eyes, her clothes were wrinkled and tear stains were visible.

A wave of guilt hit the young idol, "Was she crying?"" [y/n] frowned at the thought of Lilith crying, she never wanted to hurt her feelings but this were getting out of hand for [y/n] to handle. Mask awkward patted the girl's back trying to comfort her, "Looookks like shhhee was." he slurred, still patting her back.

[y/n] clenched her fist and stood up, causing the S4 to look up to her, "Hey, [y/n] where you going?" Aloha asked, grabbing the girl by the hand but she pulled away from his grip, "To cool off." she said, before turning her heel and walking out of the café.

'That was rude of me, I should apologize to them later..'[y/n] thought to herself, making her way towards the Mr. Grizz.

"But first, let's check out this sketchy place.." [y/n] said to herself, walking into the building to see know on around.

"Hello? Anyone here?" she looked around, goodnesses this place could use some cleaning, things where scattered everywhere. To papers, to book, to tools! [y/n] sighed at the mess, rolled sleeves up and grabbed the box on the floor next to her.

"Ugh," she groaned, "Sorry to whoever lives here, but this is a mess." she said. 

Oh boy, this was gonna take awhile is it?

After a few hours of tidying the mess, [y/n] wiped the dust off with her hands. "That should do." she smiled to herself, almost forgetting why she was mad, keyword: almost.

"Hey, boss what's your— WOAH!" an octoling boy walked in the building, almost dropping the statue of a bear in his hands. His reaction got the attention of his coworkers, "Hachi, what's the problem? And be careful don't drop Mr. Grizz." an inkling girl with a side tentacle cut said, putting a hand out the male's shoulder.

Hachi nodded, "It's j-just.." he pointed at the used to be a mess of a room, all neat and tidy. "Since when did Mr. Grizz start cleaning!" an inkling boy said in shock, an grunt came from the statue, "I don't clean, never bothered too." he huffed.

Oh, so the statue was a radio? [y/n] nervously stood in the corner, she was starting to sweat from all of this. 

"Does that means someone did?" the octoling girl asked surprised, Mr. Grizz never let anyone touch his stuff, even if they lend a hand to help him. "Probably does, touching all of my stuff and ruining everything!" Mr. Grizz grunted, as the others looked at each other with confused looks at each other, he liked it as a mess?

[y/n] nervously stepped out of her hiding spot, smiling underneath her mask. The octoling boy looked at her in shock, it was [y/n]. He knew, that anxious look wanting to hide from the rest of the world. His coworkers sighed and shook their heads, they knew someone was gonna clean this mess of a place.

Mr. Grizz started grumbling as the inkling girl put him on his usual spot, that was surprisingly still in its place. Before [y/n] could step out the building, Mr. Grizz called out for her, "Hey, girly!"


[y/n] restrained herself from lashing out on him, "Yes?" she said tilting her head a little, "Thanks for cleaning the place.." he said, the stunned her and the coworkers, guess he's not the guy that shows gratitude. 

"Now scram! I got eggs to count!" he was back to he usual self again..

Her and the coworkers left the building, they depart their own ways when they reached the street.

"Bye, Hachi! See you tomorrow!" the inkling girl waved goodbye to the octoling boy, leaving him and [y/n] alone, "So, never could I ever see you work at a place like that, Hachi!" she smirked, moving her mask down to reveal the rest of her face. Hachi nervously scratched his neck and chuckled, "Yeah, I didn't expect you to be there either, [y/n]." Hachi replied, grabbing his awards from the counter.

"You get awards from this guy? And you get him eggs?" [y/n] put her index finger on her chin, thinking for a moment. A laugh came from Hachi, "Yeah, that's pretty much it really." Hachi said, looking off to the side. "It's just a part time job, though." Hachi smiled, walking side by side with the [inkling/octoling] idol.

"That's nice." she said, as Hachi scratched his neck and pull out two Crusty Sean tickets, "H-hey, [y/n], y-you wanna go to Crusty Sean's tomorrow to c-catch up?" he stuttered, with a faint pink on his cheeks that was visible. 

'Did he just ask me out?!' [y/n] thought to herself flustered, not knowing she was staring at Hachi.

"Um, [y-y/n]?" he waved his hand in front of her face, the female blinked and blushed and gave him a sheepish grin, "S-sorry! And of course, what time?" she asked, her blush still visible. "Um, maybe around 3 or 2:55, if that's okay with you!" Hachi said putting his hands up.

"Yeah, 3 is fine! See tomorrow then!" [y/n] said, walking towards back to Nick's waving, Hachi waved back with a shy smile, "Yeah, see you tomorrow!"

[y/n] opened the door to the house, to be greeted by Sage, "You look like someone asked you out or something." she laughed, as [y/n] nodded, "Because I need, I think!" she said, with stars in her [e/c] eyes with a smile.

"You think?" Sage cocked an brow, sitting down on the comfy couch and turned the TV on, [y/n] sat next to her and scratched her neck, "Well, I'm unsure if it's just a date or a hangout." she said, as Sage scoffed. 

"What?" [y/n] asked, as Sage rolled her eyes, "Hangout is just a date in disguise, basically." she said, as [y/n] let out an 'oh'. "That makes sense.." she muttered. As Sage nodded, pulling out an ancient movie out.

"Nick and I found this ancient movie that the humans made, called 'Mulan'?" Sage asked, as [y/n] nodded, "Yeah, I'll make the popcorn!" she said, getting out of her seat and making her way to the kitchen.

"Popcorn, popcorn.. Popcorn found it!" 

"[y/n], what's taking you so long?!" Sage called from the living room.

"I'm waiting on the popcorn!"

a/n: hi, new chapter done. you and hachi on a 'hangout' huh?? sorry if i sound like i feel unmotivated. at the moment i'm really unmotivated right now, ngl. i'm not the type on person to ask things like this. but positive feedback is appreciated, it really helps me continue writing this book, and like i down wanna continue writing a book if i feel unmotivated, like why??? plus social distancing is like making me so sad right now, my school is closed for the rest of the year so yeah :/.

but, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! stay tuned for the next chapter! ^-^

𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now