✑ 𝚟. 𝚡-𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍

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[narrator's p.o.v] 

[y/n] laid in her bed, sleeping peacefully. It's been two weeks since she's moved into their home. She was guilty for leaving Inkopolis City, but the people there are so toxic and spread gossip. A faint knock on the door awoken the female from her slumber. [y/n] groaned, wanting whoever it was to leave her to rest.

"[y-y-y/n] it's me, G-Griffin!" Griffin tried his hardest not to stutter, "W-we're heading out—" Griffin was cut off by a very, very energetic octoling, "Wanna come with us, [y/n]!!" Lee exclaimed, probably jumping up and down.

As much [y/n] didn't want to bring  herself out of the bed, she sighed and shook her head and pulled the covers off her body. And stepping onto the floor, she shivered leaving the only thing that gave her warmth. "Yeah, I'll come along. Just let me change first." [y/n] said, as Griffin and Lee left with an 'okay'.

[y/n] grabbed some random clothing from her bag and put them on. The young idol looked at herself in the mirror and nodded with a smile, before grabbing her mask from the nightstand. "[yyyy/nnnn] hurry it up!" Lee whined, pounding against the door. Griffin was trying to tell the Lee to lower her voice. [y/n] rolled her eyes and smiled pushing the door lightly making Lee stumble backwards.

"[yyyy/nnnn]!!" Lee whined, [y/n] laughed at her friend, who puffed out her cheeks, trying to look like she was mad. "Let's go, Sage and Nick are probably waiting on us." [y/n] said, mentioning the two inklings. Lee and Griffin nodded in agreement.

The group of five walked though the streets of the plaza, [y/n] swore she saw a glimpse of a familiar blue squid wearing goggles, but it was probably her brain was messing with her. The girl smiled at the thought of seeing Goggles and the others.

"[fa/n]!" a pink squid greeted the group of friends, with the rest of the S4 following behind him. The female smiled back at him, "Hey, Aloha! How you doing?" as her group of friends waved at the S4.

Lee gasped, remembering that one time where she first encountered Aloha. "I remember you! You're the one who teased Nick and I!" she said, as Aloha chuckled softly, "Yeah, that's me! I'm surprised you remember." he scratched the nape of his neck, he was about to speak but he was called for an battle that they had to do soon. "Aah, team's calling. Talk you later!" with that said, the pink squid was entering the Deca Tower with the rest of the S4.

After they left, Lee dragged everybody to do widow shopping, it was a normal thing they do when they go out into the Square together.

Right now, the octoling has dragged them into Shella Fresh, looking at the shoes to see if there was any new shoes that she doesn't have. [y/n] looked around the store to see if anything she liked was there, nothing really peeked her interest until Sage showed up with these black pair of shoes in her hands. 

"Sage, you don't have to pay for it—" [y/n] tried to stop her friend from paying for the pair of shoes. But the younger inkling girl ignored her, still paying for the shoes. [y/n] sighed in defeat, knowing that there was nothing do now, Sage had already brought them.

"[y/n], don't sweat it. Just take the shoes, alright." Sage said, handing the bag to [y/n], who gladly took the bag with a small smile, "Thanks, Sage." [y/n] thanked, as Sage hummed in reply.

"Let's go get ice cream now!" Lee exclaimed, scaring some citizens near her. "L-L-Lee, please calm down! Y-you're startling o-others!" Griffin said, attempting to calm the energetic female octoling. But Lee simply ignored Griffin. Nick sighed, before grabbing the female octoling by the arm and dragging her away from the crowd, not before saying a sorry for her behavior.

[y/n] laughed, "Lee still acts like the little kid she is." she said, walking beside Sage towards the ice cream shop, "Yeah, she really is. It's exhausting though." Sage sighed, as [y/n] only nodded. "Hey, we're getting the ice creams, what do you want." Nick said, holding back an excited Lee from raiding the whole ice cream shop. "Uh, I'll take chocolate, [y/n]?" Sage looked over to the idol who was looking in a magazine, "Um, [favorite flavor] is fine by me!" [y/n] said, not taking her eyes off the magazine.

Nick nodded, "Alright, we'll be back then." he said, walking in still dragging Lee and Griffin inside.

Sage stared at the cover of the magazine and sighed. [y/n] looked up from the magazine and cocked an brow, "What's the matter?" she said closing the magazine in her hands. Sage rolled her eyes dramatically, "Oh, I dunno. You're always focus on Inkopolis City, a lot." Sage said, pointing at the magazine. "Eh, no I'm not. It's this team, I've never seen them before the last time I was here." [y/n] explained, showing the page she was looking at to Sage. Sage's violet eyes widen, "T-That's the X-Blood." she said, the team was only blowing up after [y/n] had left the Square last year.

Everyone knew them, even the noobs knew them. "Oh." was all that came from [y/n], she didn't show interest in the team really, they look unapproachable anyway. 

The ice cream shop door opened, showing Nick, Lee and Griffin with the ice creams. Nick handed Sage's ice cream as Griffin shyly handed the [favorite flavor] to [y/n], "Thank you, Griffin." she said, as the Griffin avoided eye contact to hide his blush and gave a, "Mhm." 

The five sat down at a table in front of the ice cream shop, talking about embarrassing and fun moments they had and talked about [y/n]'s songs.

"L-Look, it's X-Blood!" an inkling called out, gaining everyone to crowd around the team outside the Deca Tower. [y/n] cocked an brow, "I can barely even see them." she said, as Nick clicked his tongue, making a 'tch'. "Doesn't matter, they're just arrogant anyway. They're worse than Emperor himself with arrogance." he said, glaring at the crowd of inklings and octolings.

"W-well it's just Vintage's arrogance.." Griffin said, while shaking nervously, he didn't want the X-Blood spotting them talking about them. Unfortunate for them, the team had taken notice of them.

Vintage looked at the [t/c] [inkling/octoling] sitting with her friends at the ice cream shop, enjoying their ice cream. Vintage walked through the crowd, making his way towards to group of five.

As Lee spoke about her random moment with a cat she had encountered, Griffin stiffened in his seat, it looked like he also like he forgot how to breathe. "Griffin, pay attention to my story!" Lee whined, before going silent noticing the male inkling in front of their table. 

Vintage looked down at them, "I've never seen you before." Vintage said, looking at [y/n]. His icy stare didn't hide but make the girl shiver a little. "I-I'm f-from Inkopolis C-City." [y/n] knew she was going to regret on what she just said.

Vintage glared at her, [y/n] swore she couldn't breathe for a moment, "You're just like the others there, pathetic. You don't even have a rank do you." he said in a monotone voice, before walking back to his team, not before glaring at [y/n] again.

When he was out of sight, [y/n] and Griffin sighed in relief knowing that he was gone. "You alright, [y/n]?" Nick asked, as [y/n] nodded, she was confused. He had something against those who come from the City or something.

Either way, she wouldn't find out. She was making sure she doesn't bump into the group again.

"Let's finish our ice creams before the melt." Sage said, trying to forget what had just happened.


a/n: so, i did my research on the x-blood and hopefully they are not to occ in future chapters! and i'm so sorry this chapter took longer to publish, homework is overwhelming me. anyhoo, another semi-important who should [y/n] meet in the next chapter.

• goggles

• rider

• gloves

• emperor and prince

really need to know so, just comment down which one you want to see in the next chapter.

now, stay safe, wash your hands and stay tuned for more! bye! ^-^

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