✑ 𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 & 𝚊 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚛 𝚋𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚍

841 27 18

[y/n] was sitting in the guest room with Sage, she was in her train of thought of what happened with her encounter with Gloves, he was a giddy and not himself at all. She was starting to think all her friends where acting weird around her, the female started to get curious about what was going on with them. [y/n] saw the blush upon their cheeks, she just never thought about anything.

"Everyone has been acting strange.." [y/n] explained, looking back at the window, she started to worry about it was her being the problem, Sage struggled. "Maybe they're all in love with you [y/n], you never know." Sage said, laying down on the bed looking up at the ceiling, [y/n] scoffed and rolled her [e/c] eyes.

"Yeah, in love.. Most people what me for my popularity, Sage.." [y/n] said, twirling her finger around her [t/c] tentacles, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand, sighing.

Sage cocked an brow, she knew [y/n] never told her nor the rest the real reason why she came back to Inkopolis Square. It made Sage feel worried if the [inkling/octoling] was going threw something and now letting out her emotions. But Sage also knew, [y/n] was a stubborn one, she'd always say, "I'm fine!" or "Don't worry about it!". That would annoy Sage to the end, she knew something was wrong, but she never said anything. Till now.

"[y/n].." Sage started, gaining the attention from the idol, "Hm?" she hummed, with a curiosity and confusion in her eyes, "Why don't you tell me the real reason why you ran off from the City, [y/n]. It caught all of us on surprise, it was uncalled for too.." Sage explained, she looked over at [y/n], who gave her little annoyed looked on her face, "I already told you, I—" but Sage was quick to cut her off.

"No not you're lying, [y/n]." Sage said curtly, as [y/n] went silent before speaking again, "I don't wanna be want I am now.." she said, as her eyebrows furrowed down and her lips quivered an little, she tried her best not to break down from the overwhelming stress and sadness. 

"What do you mean, [y/n]?" Sage sat up and scooted closer to [y/n]. [y/n] was gripping her [f/c] blanket so hard that her [s/c] knuckles started to turn white, she winced at the pain as her nails were digging into her skin. She shallowed back her tears and took a nice breath out, "The stress, Sage! The stress to put up with rumors and get called out for, it hurts, Sage! It really does.." [y/n] took a breath again.

"Then the others, the ones I think that love me, use me, Sage! For money and popularity." [y/n] started to make less sense when she spoke, there was this lump in her throat that made unable for her to speak properly, "I always went to London for comfort, he was like a brother to while you and the others weren't there! B-but then!" she started to stutter, tears blurring her version, Sage hugged the [inkling/octoling] girl and rubbed circles on her back, "Let it all out, [y/n]. It's okay, I'm here, we're here." Sage said, as she felt [y/n] nodded as she started to let out her bottled up feeling for the couple of months.

 Meanwhile at Inkopolis City

Lilith quickly made her way to the car, a mod of reporters and angry fans were chasing after her. A million questions, million insults, all coming at her all at once. She bit her lip before growling at herself, 'Knew I should've stayed at home then coming out here.' she thought, opening the back door to the car. Lilith looked back at the crowd and sighed.

She sat down on the back car seat, closing the door to block out all the screaming and questions from fans and reporters. Lilith looked over out the window only to see the reflection of London with a worried expression, she knew he was worried but he wasn't going to bombard her with questions if she was okay.

As the usually, the ride back home was quite. Every since [y/n]'s disappearance, the young manger was less social, she was now a stoic and cold hearted woman, it was like [y/n] was the only warmth to her heart, maybe sometimes London. 

𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now