✑𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎

842 33 13

a/n: lol i'm glad ya'll enjoyed that special chapter, i'll do more in the future some time. :)

don't worry inkfall still loves you lol, he cleans with you too.

ya'll like the new book cover right?? i made it myself x). ahem, before i get sidetracked and start talking about random things, emperor and prince where the second most voted after rider. after this is gloves. i agree that gloves did not have much interaction with y/n with the previous book, because i was noob at writing. still am. 

anyway enough of me taking, onto the chapter.

The morning sun shined through the window blinds, awaking a certain [squid/octo]. [y/n] groaned as the ray on sun hit her face. "Damn you sun.." she cursed, barring her face into her pillow. As she was about to go back to her deep slumber, a soft ding came from her phone. [y/n] huffed, sitting up and grabbing the [f/c] [squid/octophone].

sage: idk if you're awake or not, whatever. so me and the others had to go do a practice a few practice rounds to do, we won't be returning till evening. do whatever the hell you want, just don't burn down the house down.

[y/n] groaned once more, knowing no one was there to talk with her. "I've already been to the Square multiple times.. Maybe I could go to the beach.." [y/n] thought for a moment before shaking her head, "Nah.."

Removing the covers from her body, [y/n] stepped out of the bed, putting her slippers on. 

Later into the day 

[y/n] walked in the park, many friend groups are talking, playing games together. [y/n] sat on a bench grabbing her [squid/octophone] out of her pocket scrolling through pictures on the internet, though everything was about the missing [inkling/octoling] currently, "Now this is getting annoying.." [y/n] huffed out of annoyance, turning her phone off and stuffing it back in her pocket, pouting. 


A voice warned her, but [y/n]'s head was stuck in the clouds thinking about a paradise where there were no reporters. That's when a football hit her head. 

[y/n] let out a yelp out of pain, as three inklings rushed over to see if the [t/c]ed [squid/octo] was alright, "Are you alright?!" one said, as [y/n] rubbed the stop of her head, groaning still feeling the aching pain from being hit, "Y-yeah, I-I think so.." she said, normally she wouldn't think much of getting hit on the head, but whoever thrown the ball gave all their strength.

Then two other inklings caught up to them, "Eging, give her some ice." said the female inkling handing an ice pack to the male. "Um, sorry for hitting you with the ball.." Eging said, handing the ice pack to [y/n], who gladly took the ice pack and put it against her head. "No, it's fine.. Thank you though." she said, giving him a nervous smile.

The sun yellow squid nodded with a grin on his face, "Again, we're sorry on Eging's behalf." N-Pacer said, as Eging Jr. silently glared at her not peeping a word. [y/n] stared at them, there was a certain squid that she didn't recall seeing the last time she saw the team. "Say, you do look awfully familiar." Emperor said, taking a seat next to the girl. 

[y/n] blushed a bit, remembering the first she met Emperor she flirted with her, "I do, really?" she cocked an brow, trying to act like she didn't know, Prince shyly took a seat next to her as well, [y/n] looked up to see Eging Jr. and the new squid she didn't know, play football as N-Pacer sat against a tree reading a book.

"Y-yeah, you look like [fa/n], or [y/n].. I guess." Prince muttered the last part, but [y/n] heard loud and clear, "And what if I am?" [y/n] smirked underneath her mask, as Prince's golden eyes widen, "D-Do you remember how we first met?" Prince asked, his eyes were filled with hope, hoping it was his idol friend from that last year's summer.

[y/n] smiled before replying, "We met though Goggles." she said, a small gasp from Prince, "[y-y/n]!" he silently squealed, as Emperor chuckled, "I knew you looked familiar, the mask gives it away." he said, as [y/n] smiled shyly and nodded in agreement. The mask she wore was made by a sweet, cute looking fanboy that made it for her. [she had a crush on him for 12s—]

"Say, whose the new squid?" [y/n] pointed at the sun yellow inkling boy playing with Eging Jr, "Oh, that's Laceless, he's the newest member." Emperor explained, as [y/n] cocked a brow, what happened when she left. First X4 shows up and now a new squid on Team Emperor, "Ah, Emperor is not the leader anymore." Prince said, blushing. [y/n]'s [e/c] hues widen, as she grinned underneath her mask, "Does that make you the new captain, Prince?" [y/n] said in awe, it would be awesome to have a team and be captain.

"Yeah, he's the captain," Emperor said with his signature smirk, "What about you, Emperor? Since you're not the captain anymore?" [y/n] asked, tilting her head to the side a little, "I'm helping Team Blue in the ranked tournament, Specs got a bad injury in one of the matches, so I stepped in to help." he explained. "Oh.. That's kind of you to do that, Emperor." [y/n] said, moving her mask down to her chin and gave him a sweet smile. A visible blush was upon his cheeks.

"Say, [y/n] what are you doing here?" Prince asked, as the [t/c]ed [inkling/octoling] froze.

'Here we go again..'


"Um, Eging? Emperor and Prince seem to be close to that [inkling/octoling] girl.. Who is she?" Laceless said, pointing at the trio talking among themselves, Eging Jr. walked up next to the young squid.

"That's our friend, [y/n]!" he said, not knowing that he just exposed the girl, "W-wait, as in the idol!" Laceless said in shock.

"Yep, the one in only—" Eging was shut up by N-Pacer hitting him on the back of the head with her book, "You idiot!" she scolded, as Eging started complaining to her about hitting him that hard.

Laceless sighed at the chaos in front of him.

a/n: this chapter is a literal mess, i kinda forced myself to write this when i wasn't in the right mind to write lmao

might edit it, not really proud hah

a n y w a y

ya'll got any ideas for reuniting with gloves, i have no ideas lol, writers block sucks really.

like where ya'll gonna met beside the square and in a match, i dunno.

anyhoo, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for more! <33

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