✑ 𝚌𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕

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➝ spending the holiday with the vintage 

[vintage x reader]

Vintage never celebrated the holidays with anyone, his parents weren't home much during the time and if they were home, they wouldn't really hang around as a family. It was like they were strangers to each other. It's not like Vintage really cared much for the holiday, he actually thought it was dumb. Though he was stuck decorating your apartment with you, he tried to remember why he agreed to this.

"No." Vintage said once more, glaring at the reindeer antler headband that were in your hands. You whined at the response, "Come on Vintage! Get into the holiday spirit." You said with a pout, shoving the headband near his face, the only reply you got was a grunt. 

"That's ridiculous.." He said, standing up from the sofa, "This whole season is dumb." You looked at the male inkling and huffed, "Why don't you enjoy the holiday that much?" All you wanted to do was enjoy the holiday with your boyfriend, but he's such a grinch. 

"It's because I never got to spend Christmas with anyone.." Vintage said, walking towards the front door of your apartment, grabbing the door knob. You quickly jumped up from the sofa, almost causing you to fall, but you balanced yourself and walked slowly to the male inkling, "How about we spend the holiday together?" You suggested, hoping he'd accept, "That's what Christmas is about, to spend the time with your loved ones." You grabbed him by the wrist and tugged him lightly away from the door, Vintage sighed and nodded.

"Fine, only if you stop pestering me about wearing those stupid reindeer antlers." He said, not liking the though of wearing those ridiculous antlers, though they did look cute on you. You let out a huff and nodded, if it was the only thing then you'll do it. "Since we finished decorating, we should have some hot coco!" You said, walking towards the kitchen with a rather confused Vintage behind.

"Hot coco?" He asked, his head tilted like a puppy when confused, "[y/n] what is that?" Vintage asked once more, you giggled at his curiosity before explaining what hot coco was. After explaining to him, he cocked an brow up while drinking the warm beverage from his mug, "It's just hot milk.." 

"No, it's not!" you exclaimed, Vintage rolled his red eyes, as you gave him a pout out of frustration. Vintage gave you a smile before pinching your cheek, you gave out a whine. "Hey, rude!" You glared at him, taking a sip out of your mug. Vintage gave a soft chuckle and shrugged his shoulders, before finishing off his drink and putting it in the sink.

Vintage found himself enjoying the holiday with you, even though there were sometimes you'd be too chaotic for him. But he wouldn't do anything to change that, Vintage wouldn't say that out loud it would be to embarrassing for him. 

He started to notice that the days were getting closer and closer to Christmas, yet he still didn't have a gift for you, he began to panic. He wanted to give you something special since you meant a lot to him, but he didn't even know what to get for you. Vintage was still wide awake, while you were asleep cuddle against his chest, while he was uncomfortable with affection, like cuddling he was finding that he was enjoying himself.

Vintage sighed looking at the ceiling, he started to remember that one time the two of you went out shopping together. He remembered you staring at a sliver necklace it looked like, Vintage finally had something for you, Vintage smiled to himself before falling asleep.

Today was  Christmas, Vintage wouldn't say it out loud, but he was nervous. It was his first time ever celebrating the holiday, he looked at the wrapping present in his hands, what if you didn't like it, he'd probably hate Christmas even more.

"Merry Christmas, Vinny~!" You tackled him into a hug, Vintage cringed at the nickname, he awkwardly patted you back, not knowing what to do. You let go of him and gave him a smile, "Come on, let's open the gifts that we got for each other." You said with a smile, handing a present wrapped with green, red and gold colors on it with a sparkly gold ribbon tied into a bow. 

Vintage slowly untied the golden ribbon and ripped the wrapping paper off, it revealed a box. He looked up at you with a confused looked, "Opened it!" You said, with a grin on your face. Vintage sighed and opened the box, in it was a takoroka nylon, it was much like his own but it was all black, along with the jacket was some pictures of the two of you from some past dates. Vintage looked up at you with a shocked expression, "I.. thank you, [y/n].." He said, giving you a soft smile.

"You're welcome." You smiled, glad to see him smile once in awhile. Vintage took out his present to you from out of his pocket of his sweats. "I, um.. here." He handed the small gift wrapped with white and gold wrapping paper and a red bow. You gave him a small 'thank you' and unwrapped the gift, it was small blue case, you stared at in for awhile causing Vintage to panic a little. Soon you opened the case and gasped. There was a beautiful sliver necklace with a heart locket. 

"I've always wanted this, Vintage.. how?" You asked, happy tears almost spilling down. "I remembered you were staring at it for an awfully long time, so it bought for you.. How about you open the locket and see what's in it." He said, starching the nape of his neck with a small blush visible on his cheeks. You opened the locket, you didn't noticed but you were crying, not out of sadness but out of happiness, it had a small photo of you and Vintage when the two of you started dating. "I love it.." You said, as Vintage cupped your cheek and wiped your tears, he gave you one of those rare soft smiles.

"I'm glad.." He said giving you a quick peck on the forehead, "I.." Vintage started, he avoided making eye contact, "love you.. Merry Christmas, [y/n].." He said, his whole face was red like a tomato. You giggled and rest your head on his shoulder, "Love you too, Vintage."

Maybe the holiday wasn't so bad after all, Vintage was looking forward for the next year with you. For now the two of you cuddled, watching the fire.

Vintage smiled to himself before closing his eyes, once more he whispered those three words to you, with more confidence.

"I love you, [y/n]."

a/n: merry christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays :) i hope you enjoyed your gifts that you got!

i hope you enjoyed this special chapter, i know it's a little different from my past special chapters. but i wanted to work on writing on vintage, hopefully he wasn't to ooc.

again merry christmas and happy holidays, enjoy the rest of your day. stay tuned for more <3

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