✑𝚒𝚟. 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎

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[y/n]'s P.O.V

Pacing back and forth, not knowing what to wear for my hangout or what Sage says, date with Hachi. I searched through my bag to see if there was something nice to wear. "Why can't I find anything to wear?!" I whispered to myself, scowling. This should be simple..

"Just wear something casual." Sage said, leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed, "It's not easy as it seems!" I huffed, putting the shirt back in the back. Sage chuckled and walked towards me and kneeled next to me.

"You've never been asked out before haven't you?" Sage asked with a smirked on her face.

"W-what?" I looked at her confused, "I guess so, never had to time to.." I replied zipping my bag and standing up, "Guess I'm just going out with my pajamas." I muttered standing up and grabbing my [f/c] mask. Sage quickly stood up and pushed me back.

"Woah, woah, woah! You're lucky I thought of you when I went out this morning." she said, pulling out a bag with clothes, "Sage, you really didn't—" I was cut off by her huffing and rolling her eyes, "Yes I did or you'll be going out looking like a mess.." Sage pointed at my pajamas, which was just an oversized sweater and shorts.

"Okay, maybe you're right.." I laughed, grabbing the bag and looking inside it. There was a [f/c] shirt, and jacket and some shorts, "Thank me later. Go get changed." Sage said, leaving the guest room closing the door behind her.

[Narrator's P.O.V]

[y/n] stepped out of the guest room, wearing her newly bought outfit with her red hi-tops. Sage smiled and gave her a thumbs up, "Looking fresh!" she said with a smile, as [y/n] scratched her head, "You're the one who picked it out.." she chuckled, pulling up her mask.

"It's no big deal!" Sage said, taking a chip and snacking on it, "Plus, you should really get going, it's 2:39, don't wanna be late to your date~!" Sage teased, as a faint shade of [t/c] was visible on [y/n]'s [s/t] cheeks, "I-it's just a hangout!" she exclaimed, as Sage waved her hand shooing the idol out, "Yeah sure~, you should probably get going~!" Sage sang, shoving [y/n] out the house and closed the door.

[y/n] rolled her eyes, and made her way to Inkopolis Square.


The [t/c] [squid/octo] peacefully walked to her way to Inkopolis with her [squid/octophone] out, her earphones plugged in and listening to Calamari Inkantation. 

She finally arrived to Crusty Sean's to be greeted by Hachi, "[y/n]—, I mean [fa/n], over here!" Hachi waved, with a smile sitting at a table with a chair across him. [y/n] smiled and walked towards the table for two.

"Glad you could make it, [fa/n]!" Hachi greeted, as the two of them sat across from each other, "Yeah, almost walked out the door wearing my pajamas." [y/n] said, as Hachi stifled a laugh, "Yeesh, does it take you that long to get dress?" Hachi joked, making [y/n] giggle.

"Sometimes, it depends."

Hachi nodded, "Uh, [y/n].." he said the female's real name, "Yeah, what is it?" she cocked an brow, as Hachi was trying to think what he was about to say. "I-I forgot.." he said, avoiding eye contact with a faint pink blush visible on his cheeks.

"Oh, that's alright. If you remember tell me!" [y/n] said, smiling underneath her mask.

After a long conversation catching up with the male octoling, it was time for him to leave. "My team needs me, I had fun talking with you again!" Hachi said, as both him and [y/n] stood up from their seat, "Yeah me too, Hachi! Tell your teammates I said hey." [y/n] said, grabbing her [f/d] and pushed the chair in.  "Well, see you later Hachi!" [y/n] said, making her way back to Nick's.

Hachi shyly waved, forgetting his teammates where looking for him.

"Hachi, there you are!" Nana said, with Afro and Pony behind her, "The match is about to start, we don't want to start without our leader!" Afro said, as Hachi nodded and pushed his chair in.

"Alright, let's go."

[y/n] opened the door to be greeted by Sage with a smug grin on her face, "Do you always stay home? And also, put the smug look off you're face!" [y/n] pouted, as Sage laughed, she walked up to the [t/c] [squid/octo] still in her pajamas, "No, I don't stay home all the time." She said, as [y/n] rolled her eyes, "Then why are you still in you're pajamas?"

"I'm about to change because I need to leave soon, but you arrived, so I decided tease you about your little date!" 

"J-Just go change, Sage!"

a/n: sorry for the short chapter, this one was really not meant to be long though.

semi important question, i reread the splatoon manga a little while ago and i'm wondering if i should add the the team x blood in the book? only vintage will be a love interest from this team

so the question: should team x blood be added in the book?



as here's some art of sage and nick, i don't have art for griffin and lee.

as here's some art of sage and nick, i don't have art for griffin and lee

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i hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay tuned for more! ^-^

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