✑ 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜

532 16 7

a/n: short chapter alert, short chapter

A sigh left her lips, it was raining in the city again. 

[y/n] usually didn't mind the rain, actually she loved it. The rain was soothing, it calmed her mind when she was overwhelmed in stress. But this time, it didn't calm her thoughts down, it made her anxiety twist in her stomach. [y/n] never felt so alone until she left Inkopolis Square, all the old and new faces that she met, were gone. [y/n] shook the thought off, there was always another she'll see them..she just doesn't know when.

The raindrops drizzled down the glass, the sky was dark and gloomy. Even with depressing days like this, the city still had its resplendent glow. 

[y/n] sighed once more before flopping down onto her bed, she hugged the plushie tightly in her arms, brows furrowed down, she misses them, she misses them a lot. Speaking with them on the phone was pleasant, but have physical contact was better. [y/n] missed seeing Aloha and Army bicker, while Skull and Mask would sitting there in the background watching, or how Rider would help her improve her skill in battle. And so much more that she could think of.

There wasn't anything wrong with the city, but the square had overall more enjoyable people to be around with, besides the square was [y/n]'s home, she was bound to miss it. 

Soon after thoughts had clouded her mind, [y/n] drifted into a deep slumber.


A knock awoken the sleeping [inkling/octoling] in the bed. 

[y/n] slowly raised up from the bed and groaned, "I didn't get enough sleep last night.." [y/n] rubbed her eye and yawned.


The knocks got more irritating to bear, [y/n] frowned to herself, can't she sleep in peace for once. "Come in!" 

The door opened to reveal Lilith with a tray of [y/n]'s favorite breakfast in her hands. [y/n] raised an brow as the octoling placed the tray on her lap.

"What's the special occasion..?" The idol asked before taking a bite of her meal. Lilith chuckled softly while shaking her head, "Nothing, I just felt like giving you breakfast in bed." She said with a small smile.

Lilith has always been so kind to her. She could be a little too boisterous at times that it'd irk the young idol to no end, besides that she in was sweet and caring towards her and wanted her to success as an idol. To think [y/n] left Lilith those past months, she must've been worried sick. "Awh.. thank you, Lil." [y/n] thanked her manger.

"No problem." She replied.

The room was silent until Lilith stood up from the bed, "I think I'll leave you be." She said walking out the room closing the door behind her.

[y/n] placed down the fork next to the tray, she reached over to her nightstand and unplugged her [squid/octophone]. She turned in on and tapped on the app that said Inkstagram. 

[y/n] walked into the kitchen with the tray in her hand. She placed the tray back were it belongs before putting the dirty plate in the sink. 

Lilith entered the kitchen with her octophone in her hand, "[y/n]!" she exclaimed, there was the biggest grin on her face; it made her look like an idiot. [y/n] rolled down her sleeves after she place the plate in the dish washer and walked over to Lilith, "What is it?"

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