✑ 𝚒. 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚕

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[y/n]'s P.O.V

There I sat in the bus to Inkopolis Sqaure, it was so crowded and cramped, I could hardly breathe. But it's totally worth it going back to Inkopolis Sqaure to see all my friends, it's lonely living in Inkopolis City, when your friends are hours away and you forget to keep in contact with them. I know, I'm an idiot. 

The thought of going back to Inkopolis Square makes me relieved, I'm away from crazy reporters in the city who like to gossip and spread rumors about others on a daily basis. It's annoying right? I got stuck in this problem because I was hanging out with my childhood friend, London. 

I sighed and looked out the window, watching the cars and tucks drive past. The bus ride was mostly silent, just some kids complains silently to their mothers and babies wailing on the bus ride were the only things that disturbed me. So I put my [f/c] headphones on and played [ [favorite song] from my [squid/octophone] before closing my eyes.

Meanwhile with Lilith

Narrators' P.O.V


The alarm ranged from the octophone on the nightstand, awaking the octoling from her rest. 

"Shut up.." she said, grabbing her octophone and pressed the button to silence the alarm, before getting out of bed and putting on her glasses on. Lilith walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and washed her face, before putting on her robe and walked out of her room to check on [y/n] not knowing the young idol had ran away early at night.

Lilith knocked on the idol's door, before cocking a brow. Normally [y/n] would reply with annoyance in her voice, not wanting to get on of her bed, "[y/n]? You in there?" Lilith knocked once more only to silence.

"I'm coming in then." Lilith huffed opening the door to reveal a fix bed and note on the idol's desk, in confusion Lilith walked towards the desk and picked up the note, explaining where and what happened to the idol.

Lilith crunched her fist, crumbling the note in her hand. Her knuckles were almost white, the octoling dropped the crumbled paper on the ground, before muttering to herself.

 "Guess you wanna play games now, [y/n].."

Back to the idol

Finally, she was finally back Inkopolis Square. Nothing to stress or anything, just time to relax. [y/n] knew her action would anger Lilith, but she knew it was for the best. 

Not paying attention, the [t/c] idol bumped into a rather familiar pink squid, "Aah, I'm sorr-" the male went silent looking at the [t/c] [squid/octo] up and down, before whispering softly, "[y/n]?" he asked, he was in shock. [y/n] looked up to see none other than.


He was the one who got her in the mess when she was on vacation, half of her wanted to kill him for what he did, the other wanted to hug him happy to see him again. "Yeah?" [y/n] whispered back, as people walked past them minding their own business.

"[y/n], I—" Aloha spoke before [y/n] placed her [s/c] finger on his lips, "Let's talk about this at the café, better then standing in the middle on the square." [y/n] said, as the pink squid nodded.

"YOU WHAT?!" Aloha exclaimed, looking at [y/n] with a shocked expression on his face. [y/n] chuckled dryly before taking another sip of her [f/d], "Aloha, quiet down. People are staring, even through the window!" [y/n] said, placing the the [cold/warm] drink on the table. Pointing out the frightened citizens quicken their paste from the window.

Aloha sat back down, taking a deep breath, "So you're say, you ran away from the city. [y/n] are you insane—" [y/n] scoffed, "Yes, you've said the about four times now, Aloha." she complained, looking out the window. 

"[y/n], I know, but they're gonna come look for you either way.." Aloha said, he was worried about her wellbeing, that was a shock. The infamous, Aloha! He wasn't being such a flirt since [y/n] bumped him. Surprisingly, it bothers her. "There's no need to worry, I'll be fine. If I keep up my disguise, there'll be nothing to worry." [y/n] said coolly, drinking her [f/d]. 

Aloha smiled, drinking his hot chocolate. "Well, [fa/n].." her fake name, the one she took with pride, making her feel like a normal [squid/octo] for once. "You just got here, where will you be staying." Was he trying to get her into staying with him? Because it's not working.

As said, she was the first female to reject him.

"If you're implying that I should stay with you, then no." [y/n] replied, as then male mentally cried inside, "Hmf, then where are you going to stay? Are you planning to leave on the streets?" Aloha cocked an brow giving the female a cocky smirk. And how she hated it, that she wanted to slap him.

But calming herself and preventing herself from slapping the cocky ass smirk off his face, he was lucky he was attractive or he'd be whooped.

"I'm staying with two close friends of mine!" [y/n] pouted, "I'm not planning to go homeless!" Aloha chuckled, "You mean the serious inkling boy and carefree octoling girl, that I mistaken as a couple?" he asked, as [y/n] giggled at the memory, both their faces were red. "Yep, those two doofuses!" [y/n] smiled.

"Well, I'll be going now. It's getting pretty late. Hope to see you around, [y/n]." Aloha said, with a smirk on his face, he knew it pisses her off. "See around too, Aloha." she whispered, watching him exit the café.

'I should probably get going as well..'  [y/n] thought to herself and getting up and left the café.


Knock! Knock!

"Who in the world would be knocking on our door at this hour.." Nick muttered with a scowl formed on his face, he didn't feel like opening the door to be greeted by some annoying stranger. 

Knock! Knock!

They just wouldn't give up would they? Nick quickly left the kitchen and opened the door, not expecting his idol friend in front of the door. "[y/n]-" his breath hitched, he couldn't believe it. "[y-y/n], that you?" he stuttered.

"Whoa, you stuttered! That's a surprise!"

"Shut up, [y/n] and get inside or I'll lock you out."

[y/n] quickly rushed into the warm shelter, not only to be welcomed by warmth but surprised faces as well.


a/n: ashdhfh— chapter i is complete:o (finally) so sorry for not updating much, with school and what happened yesterday with the news i was pretty distracted. mid terms next week don't expect updates from me really- but i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! stay tuned for more 

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