✑ 𝚊 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚎

852 19 30

The young girl looked down at her [squid/octophone] in her hands, she sighed and turned the device off and laid it down next to her. [y/n] was once again a mess, she left the house once and awhile, hung out with Aloha and a few others. But she kept getting the thought of an certain cyan squid with a blow cut. It drove her mad, she never liked him especially with their first encounter. The cold icy glare of his, she hated him, she hated him and his attitude towards others. But some part of her knew there was a soft part in that cold heart of his.

"The thought of him just won't leave! It's annoying!" [y/n] complained to Sage and Lee, the three decided to have a girls night and talk over their feelings. Lee gave Sage a concerned look, only to get a shrug as a response. Sage was so used to the young idol complaining about the boys she befriended, she knew what was going on, but Sage knew [y/n] would deny the truth.

"Maybe you can go out and somehow talk to him, [y/n]." Lee suggested, if [y/n] kept thinking about the blow cut cyan boy so much she should go talk to him and try to befriend him. Sage nodded in agreement, eating out of her bag of chips. [y/n]'s [c/e] widen at the suggestion from Lee. [y/n] shook her head immediately, she didn't want to go talk to someone who with some rude attitude and acts like everyone's weak compared to them.

She scoffed, "Me? Go talk to, Vintage? No, way!" [y/n] exclaimed, looking at her two best friends in front of her if they were crazy. Lee sighed and Sage pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"Well, you better get used of thinking about him then." Sage said, standing up from the bed and throwing her bag of chips in the garbage can. [y/n] sighed, she didn't like either of the suggestions, go talk to Vintage or just keep having thoughts of Vintage. "Plus, [y/n], you never know if he's just hiding his emotions or just not showing them. Maybe he just is afraid of showing that he's weak. He maybe rude to others, but he might be really sweet!" Lee explained, letting he tentacles down from her high side ponytail and let them fall to her shoulders. [y/n] knew that Lee was correct, she didn't know him personally, she wanted to avoid the fact that she had to talk to him. [y/n] sighed, "Fine, I'll talk to him." Knowing there wasn't really anything she could do.

"Good, I had enough of you complaining about that. Now let's get watching this movie, I've been wanting to watch!"Sage said, pulling out the case with movie she's been wanting to want.

It was a Friday morning, the sun shined though the curtains, awaking [y/n] from her rest. [y/n] sighed and hid her face underneath her bed sheets, blocking the sun from her face. She was about to fall back to sleep, but the sheets were pulled off from her body. [y/n] quickly hugged herself when she felt the cold icy air condition in her room. "Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead!" it was Lee with a grin on her face, [y/n] sluggishly got out of her bed, not really wanting to get out.

"Come on, the oatmeal is going to get cold if you don't hurry!" Lee said, [y/n] rubbed her eye and nodded while letting out an yawn. She will never understand where Lee gets so much energy in the morning.

[y/n] chuckled softy watching her friend exit her room for breakfast. She yawn once more, before fixing her sheets, [y/n] hummed one of her songs to herself softy, she wouldn't admit but [y/n] truly did miss being on the stage, singing to her fans, signing autographs and gets gifts from her fans was something is want she misses. But apart of her doesn't want the amount of stress she received.

[y/n] put the last pillow on her bed making it look neat and tidy, she smiled to herself before she heard a growl from her stomach, she had deiced it would be time for her to eat before the food gets cold.

[y/n] arrived to the dinning room and saw her friends eating their food. Sage saw [y/n] entered the dinning room and grin, "Look who deiced to join us for breakfast." Sage teased, as [y/n] rolled her eyes before making her plate.

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