✑ 𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚢

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The search for [y/n] never ended, they looked day and night, all over the Square and neighborhoods near the Square. 

Officers appeared multiple times in the neighborhood that [y/n] is staying with her friends, the officers had been saying that their neighbors had been reporting about a girl that looks like [y/n] living with them. It was annoying dealing with them every day, trying to make up a lie. 

[y/n] glared at the officers talking the Lee, they were such a nuisance to them. But this was her fault too, if she had never ran away, her friends wouldn't have to be annoying with these countless questions from officers, which they had already answered. 

[y/n] sighed looking down at her journal, she had been writing in it every since she arrived to Inkopolis Square. She flipped to a blank page and picked up her pen and started writing about her current situation, the frustration and sadness bottled up inside her, [y/n] knew this would happen eventually, so why is she upset about it..?

Another morning to wake up to a doorbell ring, [y/n] heard Nick groaned from out of her room, walking down the stairs to answer it. The [inkling/octoling] looked up at the ceiling, she thought of all her friends and her new ones too, well— if Vintage would consider her as a friend. She threw the covers off her body letting the cold air blow on her from her fan, she shivered as she stepped out of her bed and put her slippers on before leaving her room to check who was at the door.

[y/n] hid behind the wall so she wouldn't get herself seen by the officer. She heard Nick groan, he sounded like he was slowly losing his patient. 

"For the last time, sir," Nick said sir filled with annoyance and venom, letting the officer that he was getting tired of this, "you've got the wrong house, there's a mistake here." Nick told the officer. But the officer wasn't done with him.

"Sir, your neighbors have reported about—" the officer was cut off by Nick scoffing, "Don't give a damn about my neighbors say, this is the last time I want to see another officer at my doorstep." with that said, Nick closed the door on the officer. [y/n] quietly stepped out from behind the wall, sighing.

Nick scratched the nape of his neck, before going back upstairs to his room probably. [y/n] watched him walk up the stairs, [y/n] felt bad. It was because of her, they're stressed out. [y/n] remembered when Griffin had fainted from a panic attack just because an officer asking to many questions. The girl walked back up the stairs to her room to get dressed. She put on a simple shirt with a hoodie with some ripped black denim jeans with some red hi tops.

[y/n] grabbed her mask and pulled her hoodie up, before going back downstairs and leaving the house.

The chilly autumn air breeze past [y/n], as she looked up at the blue clear sky, as if it might be the last time she'll see it in awhile. The girl sighed, shoving her hands in the pockets of her hoodie and made her way to Inkopolis Square. 

When [y/n] arrived to the Square, inklings and octolings wearing splatfest tees, gearing up for the upcoming splatfest; Trick vs. Treat. [y/n] looked around, trying to avoid the cops that were also there at the Square, unfortunately for her luck.

[y/n] squeezed her way past the crowd, making her way towards the café near the alleyway. She quicken her paste, bumping into a few squids and octolings, but they didn't show a care in the world her bumping into them, they were to focused on the splatfest.

On her way to the café, she bumped into a certain squid. "Sorry.." [y/n] muttered, walking past him, he stared at her, before turning around. [y/n] felt it when he stared at the back of her head, she shook it off and made her way to the café.

𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now