✑𝚒𝚒. 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎

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[Narrator's P.O.V]

[y/n] awkwardly waved at Lee, and supposedly their teammates. Lee gasped in shock and tackled [y/n] onto the floor.

"[Y/N]!!" she squealed, squeezing [y/n] in a tight hug that could kill. Nick sighed in annoyance, before pulling the octoling off of [y/n], "Sheesh, Lee! Don't kill her!" Nick scolded, as the octoling got off of the idol with a sheepish grin on her face, "Hehe! Sorry!" she giggled.

"Nick, Lee! You never told me you are close friends with an idol!"


That was Nick and Lee's teammates, [y/n] had forgotten they were still in the room with them as well. Nick shrugged his shoulders, scratching his neck, "Well, it really wasn't that important and something that's not big deal really." he replied. The inkling girl slapped Nick on the arm, "Nick! Don't be rude!" [y/n] smiled, it was Nick's little sister; Sage. She didn't see Sage when she had visited Inkopolis Square when she was on vacation, so seeing Sage again was nice.

"What do you mean?!"

"You know, you're being rude!"

There they go again, having the silly argument they always have. Lee laughed nervously, tapping [y/n] on the shoulder to catch her attention. The [t/c] [inkling/octoling] turned to her side. Lee was pushing an nervous male octoling. He's round glasses almost fell off his face because his whole body was shaking. "U-um... The name's G-g-griffin.." he whispered, pushing his glasses up with his index finger. 

"Nice to meet you, Griffin! The names—"

Before you know it the male fainted.

"Oh, he fainted. Don't worry about a thing, [y/n]! He'll be fine!" Lee laughed, this is sure going to be a long night.

Meanwhile in Inkopolis City

Lilith pushes through the crowd of news reporters, desperate to get answers from the manger of the runaway idol, the questions kept coming from everywhere on repeat.

"Did [y/n] get kidnapped?"

"Did she run off with London?!"

"Or did she—"

"I don't know! Like hell, I would know! She disappeared last night!" Lilith yelled, pushing her way out away from cameras and mics. Lilith knew her outburst would be on TV, people will be gossiping left and right, saying somethings that aren't true. 

'Ugh, boss is gonna fire me..' she thought, groaning from the thought of her boss reaction of the news that are passing throughout the city, wanting to escape the flashing cameras. So much was going on, the young manger shoved people out of her path to escape, knowing they'll eventually catch up to her.

[y/n] sighed happily, while eating her breakfast Nick had made for his team and her. Sage cocked and brow, "What's the sigh for, [y/n]?" she asked, finishing her plate standing up to put in the sink, turning the water on cleaning the dishes. [y/n] shook her head, as she handed her empty plate to Sage, "Just thinking." she replied. Sage shrugged continuing to scrub the dishes.

"I'm gonna head out to the square! I won't be gone for to long!" [y/n] announced before grabbing her jacket and [squid/octophone], "Yeah, whatever. Just don't get yourself into trouble." Nick said, playing a video game on the TV. [y/n] rolled her eyes, "I promise I won't, now I'll be going." [y/n] said closing the door behind her.

Nick stared at the door shaking his head, "Something tells me, she'll be in some trouble.." he muttered, looking back at the TV screen.

[y/n]'s P.O.V

The bright sun hit my face, as I walked peacefully on the sidewalk. I haven't felt like this in a long time.

I finally made my way to the square, the place was packed! That's when I heard a familiar tune come from the giant TV screen on the revealing Pearl and Marina. 

"Ya'll know what time it is!!!" 

They said what they normally say before they announce the stages, "Wait, hold up!" Pearl exclaimed, gaining a confused look from Marina, "What is Pearl? This isn't on the script, not that I remember.." Marina frowned, grabbing a piece of paper and reading it over.

"It's about the missing idol! Another idol is missing!" Pearl exclaimed, waving her arms around. Gasp from people near in shock, others were whispering that they already knew about it. I grabbed my mask and put it on, I didn't want all the attention on me.

"[y/n] has been reported missing! Was she [squid/octo]napped? Or maybe worse!" Pearl said dramatically, a picture of me appeared on the TV behind Pearl and Marina. "What?!" Marina said, she was in shock, just two years ago Callie was missing along with the Zapfish. 

"What with the missing idol fiasco?!" Marina said, with worry in her eyes. Oh cod, I should probably get out of here, people are starting the panic.

I ran out of the crowd and walked towards the café I visited with Aloha the other day. Finally, some peace and quiet, I could order [f/d] and relax a bit all by myself.

"Aloha, you idiot!" A voice yelled, it sounded familiar, was the Army? Hitting Aloha on the back of the head? Aloha chuckled and rubbed the back of his head where Army hit, "Jeez, could you not hit that hard." he said, faking a hurt expression.

"You shouldn't be joking about serious stuff like that, Aloha.." Skull said curtly, taking a bite of his sweet treat.

[Narrator's P.O.V]

Aloha looked over and saw a familiar [inkling/octoling] wearing a [f/c] mask. He smirked to himself and called her out, "Hey, you!" he said, as [y/n] looked at him with a shocked look and shook her head.

Army seemed to notice what Aloha was planning, "Aloha, I swear to the Great Zapfish! Stop flirting!" Army hit the pink inkling with the butt of his N-zap. Aloha groaned in pain, as Army continued to hit him with his weapon. "Okay!Okay!" Aloha put his hands up.

[y/n] giggled and walked over to the group, "He was trying to get me to come over." [y/n] said, removing her mask and smirked. Army stopped hitting Aloha and looked at the female [inkling/octoling], "[y/n]? Wait, [Y/-" [y/n] quickly covered the male by putting her index finger on his lips. Army blushed a bit before rolling his eyes.

"Whaaattt are yooou doing herrreee?" Mask slurred, "The media is goinggggg crazy over yooou." he said, pointing back at the television behind him, a picture of the idol appeared as he just gestured over to it.


Aloha cut her off, "She eloped to be with me, of course!" he said, before receiving another hit on the head, but this time from [y/n].

"Why would I want to run off to be married to you? You're the reason my disguise was revealed!" [y/n] scolded him, as he cried to himself in a corner, though it wasn't the first time he's been rejected by the female.

Mask laughed at the pink squids misery, "Stop laughing at my misery!" Aloha shouted, as Mask laughed again.

"Like seeing yooou stufffeeerr." he slurred smirking underneath his gas mask.

Skull was silently watching, eating more of his sweets. "Quite the surprise.." Skull said, as Army and [y/n] nodded in reply.

"He'll be fine, right?"

hey, guys it's me again :o

i just realized, i missed the idol in disguise' 1st anniversary 🙃

that's totally fine :>

sorry for not updating, school's been very stressful, but school's cancelled until apirl 20th. doing online classes, better than sitting in classes for 45 minutes

ahem, anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ^-^

𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now