Chapter Eleven: A day with the Eagles

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Third Person's POV

The day started normally, the Shiratorizawa team were doing their stretches except for the mommy eagle who was busy changing the baby's nappies. Semi would tickle Shoyo's stomach making the baby to let out a giggle.

"Coochie coochie coo, my baby take a poo~" Semi sang as he tap the baby's stomach, that made the baby to squeal in delight. It was only three days but shoyo have already turned into a year and a half months old baby.

Ushijima stops his stretching as he stared at his wife and their adopted baby crow (for the day), a small fond smile make its way towards his lips as he saw Semi now blowing raspberries towards Shoyo's tummy.

"Whose baby is this?" Semi asked as he blow onto the ticklish part of Hinata's body. He repeated this and every time he do it, Shoyo will squeal with delight and end up in a giggling mess.

Ushijima watched as Semi let out the very angelic laughed that he always heard from him. Ushijima felt his cheeks becoming warm as his chest clenches, no not with pain but with so much happiness, he know that he doesn't usually show emotions and barely even show affection towards his partner but he know that this man, their setter, the mother of the team, is the one who he will marry in the near future.

"Wakatoshi-kun~" a voice interrupted his thoughts as a hand repeatedly poked his cheek. He shake his head a bit and stared towards his kids. Tendou and Goshiki stared at him with amusement.

They rarely saw their captain smile and this smile was the rarest one of all. It was full of love and adoration. His cheeks were tinted with the ripest color of red they have ever seen. Then it hit them, he was staring at their mom earlier maybe that was the reason.

"Hohoho~ Is wakatoshi-kun staring at Eita?" Tendou teased their captain who uncharacteristically flinched and started to stutter out.

"I-I, well, well uhm, uh, I, no? No not that no, I uhm you see, uhm I---!" Both Goshiki and Tendou laughed at their flustered captain.

"Tsutomu? Satori? What are you laughing at?" Semi asked behind them as patted their head. Both teen flinches and sit straight up.

"Nothing mom!" They both shrieked out as they turn around only to see an adorable sight. On the arms of their mommy eagle, Shoyo, who was dressed in a yellow hooded onesie, was sleeping peacefully. A three hot pink hair clip was attached at Semi's hair making him look like a young and pretty kind-hearted mother.

The two looked back at their captain only to see him at a lovestruck state. They both chuckled and stand up and went near their mom and started to quietly swooned at the sleeping baby.

Ushijima just stared at them, he watched Semi laugh and ruffles Goshiki hair as he comfortably hold the baby on his arms. His heart thumped as he watch Semi patted Tendou's head and gently scolded him for being loud. Ushijima doesn't want anything else but this sight to be happen in the future with their own kids, his and Semi's own little family.

"Damn, I'm whipped." Ushijima mumble to himself as he felt his cheeks becoming warm again.


The practice match started, Shiritorizawa is playing against Karasuno. Semi was on the benches, he wanted to play but his mother instinct told him to watch over the sleeping tangerine which he gladly do. After all their hormonal teenage son, Shirabu, was assigned as their official setter which he doesn't mind at all. The first game finished and the victor goes towards the Karasuno. They changed court and rest for a bit and just in time, Shoyo wake up.

"Oh, is Shoyo awake now?" Semi softly said as he held the baby upright, the baby's head was resting on semi's shoulder. Ushijima look at them only to see the little tangerine staring at him. He stares back a bit before awkwardly raising his hand and wave towards the baby, smiling softly so he can avoid scaring the baby, which of course scared the living shit of his teammates.

Shoyo stared a bit more before letting out a gummy smile and giggle at his eagle father. The noise attracted Semi's attention who was busy handing water bottles towards his team members. He looked at Shoyo only to see that the tangerine was looking at something or should I say someone, he looked back only to see Ushijima, the top ace spiker of Miyagi, was making a funny faces infront the baby. That made Semi to laugh at his husband silly antic.

The other members looked at the whereabouts of Semi only to see what is going on. All of them let out a laugh as the other record a video to send at the main volleyball group chat.

They couldn't believe it, their almost stoic captain was making a funny face. It was hilarious to think but it was also kinda amusing. The three children, Tendou, Goshiki and Shirabu, cheered their father.

The noise attracted the other team's attention. All the Karasuno look at the Shiritorizawa only to see the commotion that was happening. All of them laugh, except for the salty duo of course, as they saw Japan doing such a funny actions.

"Wow, I can't believe he will do such a thing." Sugawara stated as he hugged the sweaty, ehem delicious ehem, arm of his boyfriend. Sawamura chuckles as he put an arm around his other half.

"It's Shoyo after all." He answered making the others to agree.

"Pathethic." A salty voice suddenly chimed in. Kageyama who was behind Tsukishima slap his head softly. The blonde glared at the bluenette as Kageyama scold him for saying such thing. As you can see ✨something✨ happened between them.

They just ignore the arguing couple and continued to stare at the heartwarming scene infront of them when suddenly Yachi said something that end up being answered by the chorus of yes.

"I guess, that is his day with the eagles."


A/n: I was planning on doing this with three chapters but an Idea hit me so look for this special chapter I come up with.

Thank you for the votes and those lovely comments everyone, I'm really glad that no one hated me for putting KuroYaku and UshiSemi together.

Keep safe everyone and be healthy, drink a plenty of water. That would be all.

Aki-chan Peace out!

Upnext: The owl's nest.

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