Chapter Four: Sweeten Salty Fries

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Third Person's POV

The ride towards Tokyo was peaceful and quiet, mainly because a certain tangerine was sleeping at the arms of the now sleeping young setter. Every once in a while the other players will occasionally looked at the two sleeping figures and snap some pictures ending up them receiving some stares from a certain mother crow.

"You should loosen a bit." The dark haired captain told his partner as he saw how wary the teen was. Sugawara give Daichi a look making him raise both his arms a bit, as if signaling for surrender, making him let out a distress sigh.

"I can't help it, Daichi. I'm worried about our little sunshine." He mumble out as he once again take a look at the orange head baby on the arms of a hormonal teenager.

"So do I, but just trust Kageyma okay? Everything will be fine." Daichi patted his partner's shoulder in assurance making the latter to let out a sigh once again before slumping at his seat grumpily murmuring some 'lucky kageyama' or 'so unfair' here and there.

Daichi chuckled at his vice captain's behavior before leaning on the closed window, closing his eyes so he can enjoy the remaining time to relax.

At the back part of the bus a salted tall palm tree was staring at the sleeping duo, snorting here and there. Yamaguchi who was seated beside Tsukishima look at him, slightly raising a brow as he asked.

"Are you jealous, Tsukki?" The question struck a nerve inside Tsukishima making him flustered, the tips of his ears slowly turning red.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Just shut it yams." He grumble with a glare earning a 'gomen tsukki' from his green haired freckled friend and a 'language Tsukishima' from the resting Jesus - I mean Asahi.

Tsukishima let out an annoyed sigh before looking out the window, he wanted to clear his mind but a certain question still stuck like a bubble gum on his head.

'Am I jealous? I mean, why would I? But to think of it, after the shrimp stayed with the king it made me annoyed as hell... What the fuck I was thinking? I'm just tired, yes. Goddamnit.' He shake his head to stop his thoughts from running wild.

He glance once again at the sleeping baby before closing his eyes and let himself engulf by the music that was blaring from his headphones and later on falling asleep.

Tsukishima's POV

I was waken up by a tug on my hair, making me stir and squint from the sunlight that was coming through the window I am seating by. I looked up to see the sun infront of my face.

"What the fu---?" I was going to say when I see Sugawara's smiling at me.

"Finish that and I will make your burial early." He grumbled, I can feel my fear run through my bones. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and move a bit to see the little shrimp staring at me with a big amber eyes full of wonder.

"Why is this midget here?" I asked Sugawara who let out a small sigh.

"Apparently, Shoyou waked up and started to cry while, uhm, while staring at you." He reluctantly said while bouncing the giggling creature on his arm.


The little tangerine slowly starts to wake up, when he was fully awake he look up to see Kageyama still sleeping, he quickly look around and his eyes landed towards the salty fries. His lips starts to quiver and tears start forming from his eyes after some time he started to whimper until it turn to a full loud wail.

"UWAAAAAAAH!" Hinata yelled out making the setter to waken up harshly. He looked down to see the tangerine soaked with tears and was crying his lungs out. Everyone was startled especially those who was woken up by their slumber.

Sugawara quickly rush towards the duo, snatching the child out of Kageyama's arm who was now baffled and scared.

"Di-did I?" Kageyama started to asked wide eyes staring at the mother crow with worry and concerned.

Sugawara shaked his head in disagree while bouncing and patting the baby's back. Looking at him to see him reaching his hands out towards someone's direction.

"What is it Shoyou-chan?" He asked in a soft motherly tone making the troublemaker duo snickered a bit earning a glare from the ash head shutting them up in an instant.

"Om! Oda! Uwaaah!" He said making the team's mother nod like he understand what the baby had said. He quickly made his way towards the sleeping middle blocker. As they reach the blonde's location, Hinata's wails slowly turn to sobs until it became some soft whimpers.

Sugawara position Hinata infront of the sleeping tower making the child giggle and squeal out.

"Seriously?" The team sweatdropped as they saw how happy the child infront of the salty tree.

End of flashback


"He wants to stay with you Tsukishima-kun and don't dare decline it or you will end up running 100 laps at the gym." Sugawara exclaimed while giving me again those closed eyed smile that screams murder.

The blond let out a sigh for the millionth time that day while reaching his hands out and grab the baby on his arm. Sugawara smile, a genuine one, to the two middle blocker ruffling the baby's hair.

"Be a good boy now Shoyou, no more crying." He said to the baby, making him to raise both his arms out while squealing. Tsukishima slightly smiled at this but quickly turn his face to a frown again.

Sugawara walks back to the first year setter concealing him that it wasn't his fault when he saw that the teen was still worrying about the event earlier.

Tsukishima looked down to see the orange head staring at him.

Tsukishima's POV

"What?" I asked the midget when he was still staring at mes freaking me out a bit. I quirk up a brow when he reach his tiny hands out and patted my left cheek.

"Odda, gudda." He blubber out making me feel warmth and comfort. I stared down at him making me smile once again, I don't even bother to supress it anymore. I also see Yamaguchi flinch when he saw me smile.

"What a handful." I whispered while raising Hinata up, making him level to my face. I lean forward and brushed my nose towards his making him giggle.

"Arre, arre, I can see tears here Sho-kun." I said to him as I put him down on my lap. Brushing my thumb to his cheeks removing the tears that was sticking through it.





I ignore the comments my idiotic teammates are making. Giving my full attention towards the baby who was now snuggling on my tummy. I patted his head before leaning down to kiss his head.

"Sleep well, shrimpy". I mumble out as I softly and gently hug his small figure, making sure that he was safe and secured on my arms. I lean towards the window and slowly closed my eyes to fall back to sleep.

'I don't know what's gotten into me but I promise you Shoyou, I'll give you back the warmth and comfort you gave me.'


A/n: Sorry for making Tsukishima a little bit OOC. To be honest with you, Tsukishima is the only haikyuu character who I can't portray really well, okay that's a lie.

Oh well, hope you like and enjoy this update everyone.

Also, thank you so much for the votes and reads that I have received from this book. I never really thought that people will make an effort to vote such a trashykawa - I mean trashy story. I'm sincerely grateful. Thank you so much. *Bows down 90°*

Keep safe everyone! That will be all.

Author-chan peace out~!

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