The Reason

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Third Person's POV

Earlier, 3:32 am. Hinata was packing his bag with a huge smile, he was really excited about this training camp cause he feel something exciting will happen. A young adult with a raven hair looks at the teen while leaning at the door.

"Ne, Sho-chan, are you happy?" He asked his orange head cousin. He cooed softly as the said teen nod his head with too much happiness.

"Of course, Aki-nii!" He happily exclaimed while folding his clothes. The ravenette frown a bit knowing he made a mistake and the only chance he can tell the teen about it is right now, right at this very moment.

"Ne, ne, Sho-chan, how excited are you?" He once again asked. He saw his cousin's eyes sparkles brightly making him internally flinched.

"SUPEEEER! LIKE NII-SAN! I FEEL WOOSH! AND BAAM! AND BOOM! I CAN'T WAIT!" He started making the adult infront of him internally cry while forcing a wide grin outside.

"I can meet the other teams once again and we can mingle! I missed them, you know? Especially Kenma-san! He said that he have a new game that he will like to introduce to me. Also, I'm excited to see Bukoto-senpai! He said before that he will teach me some new techniques to become an ace! Though I am a little bit sad that I won't be at home for a month or so, but I'm not worried because you will be staying here to make sure okaa-san and Natsu are alright!" He finished.

Akito feel his soul left his body but quickly grab it back to his body before he quickly walks towards Hinata and hug him tightly.

"You are so cute, Sho-chan~!" He manlily squeal making the tangerine to let out a giggle.

"Why don't you go ahead. Eat your breakfast and rest for a bit, I will pack your bag for you." He said smiling but internally, he is beating himself to death while apologizing repeatedly.

"Are you sure, Aki-nii?" Hinata asked making his cousin nod rapidly, luckily it doesn't break his neck. Akito quickly pushes him out of his room and let out a sigh as he saw him walk towards the kitchen where his mother is.

"Gomen Sho-chan." He cried in the ugliest way possible. (Akito: So mean author-chan! T^T author: Shuddap, you baka!) He quickly remove some clothes that he knew that Shoyou will not needed for a while and replace it with baby clothes, baby toys, a box of baby milk and food that can last for a month or so and some other important things that he grab somewhere (a/n: actually it's magic~ updated note: not really, he grabbed it from a box hidden underneath Hinata's bed).

He stood up and sat down in front Shoyou's study table, he then grab a paper and a pen and started writing the letter that explains Hinata's situation. After that, he put it inside the duffle bag. He places the bag on the bed and cleans Shoyou's room afterwards.

"I hope you will still have fun tho, Sho-chan."

After 2 hours, Hinata's mom, sister and cousin walk him out the house. Hinata hug his mother tightly and tell her to take care as he kneels down and hug his sister while kissing her cheeks and told her to behave for his mother and cousin. Hinata stood up and was immediately tackled by his cousin into a hug.

"SHO-CHAAAAAAN!" Akito wailed out while hugging his dearest cousin and rubbing their cheeks together. Hinata's mom sweatdropped while Natsu let out a giggle.

"Aki-nii! I will be fine, okay?" He assured the man while patting his back, the male let out a sob as he ruffles Hinata's already messy locks.

"Take care, my little tangerine muffin." He sob. Hinata smiled at this and nodded his head.

"I will, I need to go now. Babye everyone, see you next month." He said while riding his bike. He wave one last time before started to pedal towards his school.

Akito watches his cousin's fading figure. He sighed as he faces the house infront of him.

"It's time to face Obaa-san's wrath." He disheartenedly said while dragging his restless body inside.

Present time, it's already 7:45 am. Almost 1 hour ago of their departure. Everyone was resting or scrolling through their phone when suddenly a ringing broke the silence. Everybody quickly grab their phone to see if their phone was the one ringing. Noticing that it wasn't from them they all look infront and saw Sugawara grabbing Hinata's phone at the side pocket of the duffle bag. Without looking at the ID caller he answered it.

"Moshi moshi?" He said through the phone but he was only answered by silence. Looking at the screen to see who had called thinking that it must be a scam or so but only to see "Mom" at the screen. Sugawara immediately put the phone back at his ear.

"Moshi moshi?" He called out once again.

"Ah, moshi moshi, who's this? Where's Shoyou?" A woman answered, Sugawara looked at Daichi who was looking at him worriedly, he quickly mouthed 'Shoyou's mother' making the captain nod and raised his hand, signing the other's to shut their mouths. Sugawara then put the phone at loud speak.

"Ah, Hinata-san. This is Sugawara Koushi, Hinata's teammate and senpai. Annone, Hinata-san, Shoyou is..." Sugawara trailed off. He heard the woman let out a sigh.

"Shoyou turned into a baby, isn't it?" The whole team, who was listening at the conversation, eyes widen.

"Yes, Hinata-san. How did you know?" Sugawara asked her.

"You see, Shoyou's cousin told me about his mistakes. (Gomenasai Obaa-sama!) And I just want to make sure that he is okay." She said, the team sweatdropped as they heard someone shouted at the background, coming into conclusion that it must be Hinata's cousin.

"Don't worry Hinata-san, Shoyou is in the good hands. We already discussed about how to keep Shoyou safe." He softly answered making the woman let out a sigh once again.

"Thank you so much, Sugawara-san. Then I will trust you with this, alongside the coaches. If something happen please do contact us, okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well then, enjoy your training camp. Goodbye." The woman said before ending the call.

The team let out a sigh of relieved and started to rest. Sugawara put Hinata's phone back to it's place before craddling the baby on his chest.

They ware starting to relax again when a smelly odor started to spread at the bus making the other coughed. Narita and Kinoshita, who was near the mysterious odor pinched, their noses while gagging.

"What smell is that?!" They exclaimed while they open the window not caring if the aircon was still on.


"Yes Sugawara-san?"

"Shoyou pooped."



"Did you realize your mistake now, Akito?" The woman infront the young adult said with a glare making him straighten his posture. He was now kneeling while raising his arms up.

"YES OBAA-SAMA!" He squeak out with his infamous manly voice.

"Do you promise not to repeat this mistake again?"


"Very well, stand up now and grab your breakfast." The woman said with a smile making the young adult smile too.

"Thank you, Obaa-sama!

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