Chapter Eight: The Crow Knights

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Third Person's POV

It is the second day of their training camp, everyone is awake early in the morning so they can prepare before their training can start.

Sugawara who was first to woke up immediately went towards the orange's futon. He quickly check the baby if his diaper is full or if the baby is awake. Seeing that Hinata was still fast asleep, he silently made his way out of the room to do his morning routine.

One by one, every body started to wake up. After cleaning and folding their futon they silently made their way towards the sleeping baby so they can kiss his forehead before going to the bathroom to start their day.

Sugawara who was the first to be done, happily went back to their sleeping chamber only to see.

Hinata Shoyo, missing.


Sugawara's POV

"EEEEEUUURRKKKKK!!!" I shriek out in panic as I found the empty futon inside the room. My teammates who was about to enter the bathroom quickly made their way back and went towards me.

"Suga-san?! What's wrong?!?" Asahi, who was now panting, asked me between his breath as I step inside and started to looked around not bothering to answer them.

'I need to find him! My baby! My angel!' I thought to my self as I threw everything out of my way. A rough but reassuring hands hold my trembling one as Daichi stared directly at my eyes.

"Take a deep breath Koushi, deep breath and calm down." He instructed as he let me follow his breathing. I let out a shaky breath in and out and after that I started to calm down a bit but still a little worried.

"Now tell us what's wrong, love." Daichi said in a calm voice. I let out a sob and tried to speak.

"Shoyo... Shoyo is missing!" I shouted as I started to cry, I can feel everyone's body stiffened as the others breath hitched.

"Wha-what do you mean, Suga-san?" Yamaguchi, I recognize by the voice, asked me. His tone wavering a bit.

"When, when I come back. Shoyo, he, he, he was gone! No! I need to find him!" I shouted as I quickly scramble in my feet and dashed out the room.

"KOUSHI/SUGA/SUGAWARA-SAN WAIT!" I heard them shouted behind me. I don't care anymore, I just need to find him.


???? POV

Earlier before the problem happened:

I look at the Karasuno's room from my hiding spot to see if they are all awake and in their way towards the bathroom. When I confirmed their whereabouts, I quickly yet quietly entered their sleeping chamber and grabbed a hold of the sleeping baby.

I carefully hold him by my chest and quickly escaped the said room. I run while holding the still sleeping baby on my arms. I was about to exit the building when I heard a shrieked upstairs. Alerting me that they have already found out.

'shit. I need to be quick!' I can't let them catch me.


Sawamura's POV

I stared at my partner who was now pacing back and forth. I already tried everything to calm him down but it was no use knowing that I, myself, was panicking.

"I hope he is fine. Shit, I shouldn't had left him alone. God damnit." I heard Koushi ramble. I just let out a breath and carefully reach my hand towards his shoulder.

I made him face me only to see tears swelling up in his gorgeous eyes. I feel my chest tighten as I hugged him. Koushi can't hold it anymore as I can feel his body shaked and hear those quivering sobs from his pretty mouth.

"He is all right, Koushi. Nothing bad happened to him. We will find him, just calm down. Please." I comforted him, as I rub his back. Murmuring sweet things to his ear.

We both fall into a comforting silence, only his little sniffs and heavy breathing can be heard.

'I hope they find the kidnapper. Please God.' I thought to myself. I was about to speak to Sugawara when suddenly, the door of our residing room suddenly slammed open.

"WE FIND HIM, SAWAMURA-SAN, SUGAWARA-SAN!" Ennoshita yelled as he grab both mine and Suga's arm and dragged us towards God's know somewhere.

I can see how relieved Koushi was that made my nerves calm a bit.

We stop infront of the Nekoma's school entrance only to see
Atsumu kneeling in the ground with those big crocodile tears.

"Atsumu-san?" I called making their attention to turn towards us. I can also see in my peripheral vision that Koushi dashed towards Hinata who was still sleeping on the arms of Tsukishima.

"Sawamura-san, the culprit was Atsumu-san." Kageyama stated making me and Koushi to gasped out at surprise.

"What... What do you mean, Kageyama?" Koushi asked. Tone terrifyingly calm yet his eyes shouts 'murder'.

"We saw Atsumu running from hallway to hallway as if he was hiding and then we saw a bundle of clothes in his arms." Kageyama continued as he hold Atsumu in his place, who was trying to escape.

"Atsumu Miya~?" I feel fear through my bones as Koushi called out his name. He suddenly gesture as to go inside. We can't do anything but just to follow him to go inside, while carrying the sleeping baby with us, and pray for Atsumu's life.


Third Person's POV

Everybody was either stifling heir laugh or trying to get out of the area as soon as possible when they hear Atsumu's shriek.


"You should had never messed up with Karasuno." Daichi sighed as he order the others to prepare while he ordered Tsukishima to look after the sleeping tangerine.

This was a lesson that needed to be remember. Karasuno was like a knight towards Hinata. A 24/7 working body guard for the toddler. You can messed up with them but you should never messed up with their baby.

After all, they oath to do everything even if it risk their life just to protect their little tangerine.

A crow knights indeed.


A/n: Hello everyone, how are you doing? I know this chapter is a messed. Forgive me, I'm still trying to get used at writing stories again. Sorry, hehe~

But as what I've said before, I'll continue this one and I'll try to develop my writing skills.

Also, I can't still forget that chapter (spoiler alert for those who haven't read the manga yet) where in Kenma acted like a sugar daddy towards Hinata. Everytime I think about it I end up wheezing with laughter. lol.

And, uhm, thank you everyone for the reads and support even though this story isn't that good, I really appreciated that.

Keep safe everyone, especially the virus still keep on increasing the positive cases. In my City, we don't have any case for the past month but suddenly 100 people was infected by the said virus so do keep your self safe and healthy. We don't know that maybe the person we encountered was infected.

Always follow the guidelines and orders by your health officers. (Is that what you called it?)

Eat healthy, live healthy and be happy.

That would be all, ciao~

Aki-chan, peace out~!

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