Chapter Thirteen: The Father Owl

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Third Person's POV

Everyone was not done preparing for the day. Akaashi, who was busy helping the other members, let Bokuto do the honor to look after the baby crow. Though the others were quite hesitant they can't say no at those seemingly huge owl eyes of their father.

"Bokuto-san, please be careful. Don't wonder around without me or the other members. Just stay here. You can play but don't go far away from us. Please." Akaashi warned the tall male. Bokuto who was really not listening nodded his head and saluted to his boyfriend.

"Don't worry Agaashi! Shoyo is safe with me!" The pepper and salt head male proclaimed making the others to sweatdropped.

'we rather not.' they all thought at the same time as they give their captain a deadpanned look.

Akaashi can only let out an already tired sigh as he patted Shoyo's head gently, who was inside this body baby carrier that was attached towards the owl captain. He then stood up straight as kissed Bokuto's cheek.

"I'll trust you with this." The other members silently chuckles as they saw Bokuto's eyes widen then turned into those sparkling jewels as Akaashi's soft lips touches his skin.

"YES AGAASHI!" Bokuto cheered as he raise his arms up before hugging his boyfriend with Hinata between them. The sudden action made the beautiful male to blush and the baby to let out a squeal.

"We will be going now, be careful Bokuto-san." Akaashi once again reminded him making the owl to nod his head vigorously.

"You too Agaashi. Boys don't let your mommy owl get tired. Bye bye Agaashiiii! Say babye to mommy owl, Shoyo." Bokuto wave his hand then gently grabs the baby's arm and wave it carefully, to avoid hurting the baby's delicate arms.

The action made the Fukurodani to smile brightly, and for Akaashi to blush more, as they wave back too, even though the wave was only intended for their mommy owl but nonetheless they wave back. Akaashi then ushered the team to move forward to finish doing everything but before he exits the room, he give one last flying kiss before closing the door.

Silence engulf the room as the father and son, from the owl family branch, stared at each other. Suddenly, a memory struck Bokuto and he started telling a story to the baby crow.

"Shoyo, you know I'd cried last last week because of a story that I read from a site that I found. It was a fanfiction of me and Agaashi. I didn't even knew how we end up having such a story with us being the main characters but the story tugged some tears out from my eyes." He smiled a bit as he caresses the baby's cheek with his left hand making the baby to smile before continuing.

"I love it but it was very sad, I don't want that to happen to us. Aka--- Keiji is very special to me. He will be and always be my mate, even if it's the other life or the afterlife. I don't care. I will only choose Keiji, and your mommy owl only." He exclaimed, letting out a small fond smile towards the staring little tangerine.

"Ah, I rather not talk about this to you, you still can't understand. I hope tho, Keiji haven't read that yet, I don't want my lovely owl sad." Bokuto pouted. He then snapped his finger as he stared again to the baby who was busy sucking his finger.

"Come on Shoyo, lets have some fun." And with that, he exited the room too.


Bokuto silently and sneakily walked from halls to halls, apparently looking for a lucky victim to attack, he looked from the left only to see the cost clear and to the right only to see the Inirizaki team who arrived just earlier that morning. He squinted his eyes to see Kita, standing infront of a kneeling Atsumu, who might be scolding the blond setter. Osamu was behind him snickering while Suna was busy recording everything.

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