Chapter Five: The Arrival of the Sun

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Note at the very end.


Third person's POV

At the location of the training camp, Nekoma arrived first. Chatters exploded as the team made their way out of the bus.

"I'm so excited to see the Karasuno again!" A tall first year said. Green cat-like-eyes gleaming with excitement. His smile was wide like a grinning Meowth.

"Well, I'm excited to see Shoyou again." A pudding head mumble as he continue pressing the buttons on his switch.

"Speaking of, I haven't received any message from chibi-chan." A black bed haired like teen stated, bangs covering his right eye - making me wonder sometimes if his eyes was gone or something - Cheshire smile lingering on his lips.

"Why would he even message you at the first place?" Small ash blond male stated as he kicked the side of the black haired captain.

"Ack! That hurts Yaku-san! Also, why wouldn't he? I mean, I am his boyfr---Ack!" Kuroo was cutted when a fingers jab into his side making him hunch forward.

"Shut up, Kuroo." Kenma said death aura sorrounding him.

"Yeah Kuroo-san! All of us know already that Shoyou will end up with me---ittai Yaku-san!" Lev exclaimed as he was kicked behind making the short libero to glare at him.

"Shut up you giant, you are not helping at all." He gritted out making the tall grey haired first year to shiver with fear.

"Ah, the Furukodani have arrived." One of their teammates exclaimed making their attention pointed to the new arrival.

"HEY HEY HEY!" Pepper and salt haired color male exclaimed as he bounced out the bus, right arm raised at the air and his hand form into a fist.

"Keep it down, Bukoto-san." A beautiful male stated as he followed his now running owl captain.



The two captain shouted as they do their handshake making the moms of the both team tiredly sigh.

"We haven't even started this training camp yet but I'm already drained out. Oh, Hi Akaashi-san." The Nekoma's mom bowed down towards the Furukodani's mom making the other do the same.

"Hello Yaku-san and I can't argue with that." Akaashi stated, rubbing his temple as it starts to ache a bit.

"Yahoo!" A voice suddenly yelled out making all the teams look at the owner's direction only to see the Aoba Johsai's full of confident captain.

"Shut up, Shittykawa." A deep voice growled making the brunette pouted.

"So mean, Iwa-chan~!"

"Shut up. Hello Akaashi-san, Yaku-san, Kenma." Iwaizumi said as he notice the presence of the said trio, bowing slightly making the three other do the same.

Then not so long after the other school bus arrived. All the team exchanged their greetings.

"Karasuno is late again, I see." Kuroo stated while grinning as he see the Karasuno's bus stop at the parking lot. Slowly all the team started to come out.

"Eh? Where's Shoyou?" Kenma bluntly asked as he didn't saw a ginger skipping out the bus. The other give their questions too about the whereabouts of a certain orange head.

"Ah, hello Sawamura-san." Kuroo greeted as the other captain made his way towards the group of other captain. He greeted back to the cat while bowing to the others.

"Hey Daichi-san." Oikawa purred as he batted his eyes making the Karasuno's captain hit his head.

"Hey hey hey Daichi!" The owl like male shouted making the others to cover their ears a bit while the said man nodded his head.

"Sawamura Daichi."


Don't asked that's how they greet each other. They continued to chatter away as the others quickly regrouped.

Sugawara who had just exited the bus quickly made his way towards the other team's mothers. Sugawara greeted them and quickly said in a whispered tone.

"We need your help." The other males stared at him, intrigued at his sudden asking of help. The grey haired male let out a sigh and pointed at their bus. The others looked at him with a questioning look but followed Sugawara and Kenma, who was dragged by the mother crow against his own will, while talking about the upcoming events with their joint training camp.

Sugawara then signal them to lower their tone as they entered the Karasuno's bus. He quietly lead the way with the others tailing behind him then he stop right at the side of Tsukishima's seat.

The first year then looked up slightly annoyed about the idea of leaving him behind for a while, but deep inside he was thankful that he had more alone time with the little sunshine, pointing at the still sleeping Shoyou.

Sugawara nodded his head and looked at his friends, ehem co-mothers ehem with the exception of Kenma of course, letting out a deep breath he said.

"We need your help at looking for Shoyou."

"That's Hinata?" Akaashi asked in disbelief while the others can't even talked, their mouth agapes due to the sudden information.

"....Shoyou?" Kenma softly asked, looking at the sleeping tiny tangerine.

Then at the moment, Shoyou slightly stirred at his sleep, making Tsukishima's eyes widen. Hinata blinks his eyes a couple of times before looking up and staring at the new faces infront of him, he then greeted them with a warm sunny smile, if it is possible it may or may not blinded the teens inside the bus, and a cute baby giggle.

"Wow, The sun has arrived."


Author's note: Hi everyone sorry for the long wait, actually I have this draft for a couple weeks ago already and I can't seem to find time to upload this. I have been busy tutoring high school students lately because school already started at my country and my siblings at cousin need my help.

If I'm not busy with tutoring then I'm busy babysitting my baby cousins, and this past few days my granddad caught a cold so they need my assistance in doing the house chores and other stuffs, I hope you understand.

Also, I hope this update can make up with my long absence. I know this chapter is a crap but I will try my best to make a better one next chapter.

Keep safe everyone and always be healthy. Good luck with your studies too.

Aki-chan, peace out~!

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