Chapter Twelve: The owl's Nest

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Third Person's POV

The clock strikes 5 o'clock in the morning and a nearby rooster, no not Kuroo, did his job. The hard to wake up captain of owls, Bokuto immediately woke up. He quietly and gently move Akaashi's arms, that was - ehem - wrap around his torso - ehem, off him. He sit up straight and stretches his arms up. A pleasurable groan left his mouth as a satisfying popping sound from his joints can be heard.

Akaashi who was feeling cold due to the sudden lost of warmth from Bokuto's ehem, beefy, ehem, mascular, ehem body also woke up. He squinted his eyes as he looked at his mate.

"GoOd mOrNing." Bokuto hoarsely greeted. His morning voice is deep making Akaashi to blush due to the unexpected sexy greeting.

"Good morning." He replied back, Akaashi sit up too while stretching his arms up. A moan left his mouth as he feel his joints move to it's proper places.

Bokuto quickly hugged his boyfriend and kisses his forehead. They stayed like that until Akaashi looked at the wall clock in the room they are staying. The clock read 5:08, Akaashi looked at Bokuto with a raised brow.

"Why are you up early?" Akaashi asked in whispered tone so they wouldn't wake their kids up. Bokuto's smile widen as he remember what will be happening this day.

"I'm just excited. Shoyo will be in our care today." Bokuto whispers back. Akaashi quietly chuckled as he hugged Bokuto more tightly. He run his hands to Bokuto's now calm hair. It was soft and fluffy, it was still soft and fluffy even it was gelled already.

"Agaashi?" Bokuto called his beautiful setter when he notice the quietness from the latter. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Bokuto-san, I just love your hair being like this." Akaashi mumble near his ear. Bokuto let out a hearty laugh and kisses Akaashi's cheek.

"You are being cute again, Keiji love." Bokuto whispered. Akaashi erupted again with different shade of red. Their kids who were already awake laugh to their self as they notice how red the tip of their momma owl's ears was.

"Come on dad, you're making our mom embarass." Konoha who was beside their futon teases making the duo to whipped their head towards him. Their eyes widen and they quickly scramble with their feet.

"You, you, you are awake?!" Bokuto stuttered making the Fukurodani team to laugh again.

What a jolly morning.


The clock strike 6:07 and it only means that the other team may or may not have awakened by now. The Fukurodani who was happily chatting to each other made their way towards the Shiratorizawa's room.

"What a noisy owls, I thought owls are quiet?" The leader of the plants whined as he peek his head out and looked towards the group of owls at the hallway.

"Oh shut it, Shittykawa. You're just jealous." The mascular plant, ehem I mean the co-captain of the plant exclaimed as he throw a pillow at the now pouting captain.

"Ouch! So mean Iwa-chan! Cuddle me, I still want to sleeeeeep~!" The brunette whispered yelled to his partner making the ravenette to blush a bit and looked away.

"Come here, you piece of shit-kawa." Iwaizumi grumble but it only made Oikawa to giggle as he launch himself towards the unguarded Hajime.

"I know you love meeee~" he teases the latter as he wrap his arms around him. Iwaizumi who would normally smack the brunette just let out a small smile and kisses his partner's forehead as they cuddle under the sheets. (A/n: wItH yOu, aH aHaH aHh~)


"gasp What do you mean by that?!"

"Way to ruin the moment, you piece of crap."


"Knocky knock knock!" The leader of the owl said as he continuously knocks on the Shiratorizawa's room door only for Akaashi to scold him and tell him to do it quietly for some possibilities that the little crow and some of the other Shiratorizawa's volleyball players are still sleeping.

"Oh, sorry agaashi!" He said and softly knocked again. The noise of a knob being turned get the attention of the owls as they looked at the door which is slowly open with a creaking sound.

"Ah, Akaashi-san, Bokuto-san, everyone morning." The man behind the door greeted who was Semi, as the silver head rub his sleepiness from his eyes.

"Good morning, Semi-san. Sorry for intruding in such an early hour." Akaashi apologize as he bow down showing his sincerity. Semi only chuckled as shrug it off.

"It's okay Akaashi, I know you all are just excited. Come in, and also give us a minute or so, Tendou and Goshiki won't let go of Shoyo." Semi apologetically said as he let the momma owl inside leaving the now bouncy father owl and baby owls behind.

Akaashi let out a soft awe when he saw the two baby eagles hugging the little crow. The two mothers chuckled to themselves.

"This is quite adorable to be honest." Akaashi softly said as he grab the bags which consists of Shoyo's personal things.

"I'll agree with you. Though I don't want them to let go of Shoyo either, but we have a schedule to follow." Semi answered, walking towards his kids and gently waking them up.

"Satori, Tsotumo, wake up. Akaashi is here to fetch Shoyo." Semi softly said as he pat the two teens. Tsotumo who was the easy one to wake up slowly sit down. Rubbing his eyes as he looked at the older red head.

"Tendou-san, Akaashi is here now." Goshiki groggily said as he hugged the sleeping baby once more before kissing it's forehead. Goshiki then help his momma eagle dragged the still sleeping like a log, Tendou away from the tangerine.

Akaashi sweatdropped a bit but nonetheless carefully made his way towards the tangerine's futon and hold him in his arm.

"Thank you Semi-san. We will be going now." Akaashi once again bow down and exit the room. Semi carefully handed the bags towards the Fukurodani's other members who were patiently waiting outside.

Bokuto was about to yell when Akaashi stop him by signaling to quiet down and gestured on his arm only to show a still sleeping baby.

The owl nodded his head and keep his mouth shut. He then gesture to make their way back to their room. Their children walked first as Bokuto went beside Akaashi and kisses the baby's head crown before kissing Akaashi's head.

"Let's go." Bokuto quietly said as Akaashi nod. They follow their kids quietly as they excitedly thought of the upcoming events with the baby crow.

Just an exciting day at the owl's nest.


Slow update I know. Sorry about that guys. Hope you all enjoy this one.

updated note: I've been retracking my works thus far and I can say, I lacked that motivation. Oh my Asahi.

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