Character Furteen: The Cats

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Third Person's POV

It was early in the morning and as always Kuroo was the first one to wake up. He carefully leaned forward to his other half, Yaku, and kissed him on the tip of his nose. He chuckled when he saw how his beloved's nose scrunches. He immediately look to the other side when he heard a soft cough coming from a certain timid cat.

"Oh kyenma, you're awake already." He said half surprisingly, the latter just nod his head and pointed to the psp on his hand, indicating that he was playing before the captain woke up. The black head just sigh and slowly stood up after covering his lover with a futon.

"What did I told you about staying awake during the training camp?" Kuroo asked, almost nagging as Kenma just closes his eyes. Kuroo just sighs again as he grab the psp out of the younger's hand.

"Get some rest. Thankfully we only have an afternoon training."

"Hmm, but when will we fetch shoyo?" Kenma quietly asked. The older hummed as he take off his shirt.

"Maybe after the team woke up." He finally answered. The blondie nodded his head once again and stood up. He drag his body towards the door while avoiding the sprawled body of his teammates beneath him.

"Where are you going, kenma?"

"Bathroom, dad." The younger answered as he turn to the hallway. The older just smiled at what the younger said.

'dad huh?' he thought to himself. He then looked at the ash gray haired male on the futon next to him. He carefully sat down after changing his clothes and starts to caress the shorter's hair.

"Yakkun." He softly called out. The other moaned as if telling him that he acknowledged his presence. The taller male laughed quietly and started pampering the shorter's face with kisses.

"Wake up, Yakkun." He whispered to Yaku's ear. The said male slowly open his eyes and stared at his tall lover with a soft smile.

"Good morning, tetsun." The male groggily said. The black head feel his stomach filled with butterflies. He leaned down again and kisses his lover's lips.

"Good morning, love." He answered and slowly snuggled his lover after laying down beside him.

"I can't really get used to this." He heard a voice said. As he look up he saw his other teammate, Yamamoto, said while staring at them. The captain just laughed.

"Wake them up now, Yamamoto. We're going to fetch Shoyo after." He ordered, Yamamoto saluted and started kicking his other teammate to wake them up.

"I should stand up now too then." Yaku said softly to his captain but the latter just shake his head no.

"You can rest more, love." Kuroo said and kisses his lover's forehead. Yaku chuckled and pecks his lover's chin.

"You're spoiling me too much, tetsun."

"And I don't mind doing it everyday."


After preparing, the Nekoma team walked down the hallway towards the Furukodani team's room. The other are just chatting together, while kenma was just focusing on his game while lev keep on pestering him. Infront of them are there parent figure who was busy smooching themselves with loveliness.

"Seriously, they are too much of a married couple." Lev stated making the others to silently agree.

"But I think it's fun to watch." He continued.

They finally arrived and Yaku softly knocked on the door. The door opened and was greeted by a mess. Bokuto was crying his eyes out while Akaashi is busy calming the owl down. The one who opened the door was Konoha who only gave the other team and apologetic look.

"Akaashi-san, they are here." Konoha finally said making the beautiful male to look at the door.

"Oh my, i'm sorry with this mess Yaku, Tetsuro." Akaashi said as he stood up and ordered his teammate to give the bag that belongs to Shoyo towards the Nekoma.

"Oh no, it's all right Akaashi. I understand why Bokuto is being like this." Yaku said as he put a hand on his co-mom's shoulder. The male smiled gratefully as Tetsuro proceeded to enter and pat his co-captain's back.

"Come on, bro. You can still visit Shoyo in our dorm." He said making the other male to quieten his sobs.

"Really bro?"

"Of course." He said making the owl to smile widely and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you bro! Thank you!" The other male exclaimed. The black head can only sweatdropped while patting his bro's back.

The Nekoma and furukodani team can only laugh at what they are witnessing. Akaashi mouthed thank you towards the Nekoma's captain that made the latter to nod his head.

Finally, Shoyo is now being carried by Yaku while Kuroo was playing with the baby's hand.

"Well we will not get going, thank you Akaashi." Yaku said making the other male to smile.

"Take care, Yaku." Akaashi said and the male said 'you too.'

The owl captain wave his hand while crying crocodile tears making the momma owl to smile apologetically.

The nekoma's bid their farewell and started walking back to their room.

"I'm excited." Tetsuro said while putting a hand on his lover's waist.

"And so do I." The shorted responded.

"And so are we!" The team added.

They all just laugh happily. Now, we will see how play time will be on this family.


Note: hi guys, I'm finally back. I'll try to post some update about this story though I can't promise that it will be fast.

I hope you will like this, have a nice day and be safe everyone. See you next time, Babye~

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