Chapter Three: The Soft Setter

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Sugawara's POV

After what happened earlier, we have forced to take a break early than expected so that we can change Shoyou's diapers and clean him.

"I still can't believe Shoyou can make that kind of smell." Nishinoya, who begged me to come along to help me change Shoyou, said while tickling the baby's tummy. Shoyou let out a squeal and then a giggle making us gushed over his cuteness.

"So cute Shoyou~!" Both me and Nishinoya said at the same time making us laugh. I clasp the buttons together while Noya folded the clothes.

"Ne, Noya-san, do you want to carry Shoyou?"  I asked him as I saw him peaking at Shoyou. His eyes sparkled like a kid asking for some candy.

"Are you sure, Suga-senpai?" He asked me making me chuckle a bit.

"Of course, just don't drop him or else." I gave him my infamous smile and I can feel him tense a bit before he nod his head. I smile, my genuine smile, and handed him the little baby.

I zipped Hinata's duffle bag closed and sling it to my shoulder, I then follow Shoyou and Noya out the washroom. I smiled a bit when I saw Shoyou squealing and giggling as Noya raise him in the air.

"Ca-careful Yuu!" I heard someone exclaimed worry lacing his tone. I looked towards the voice and saw Asahi looking with fear on his face. I went towards him and pat him on the back making him cough a bit.

"Relax Azumane, Nothing bad will happen to Shoyou." I said to him. He nodded his head as he take a deep breath in and a shaky breath out.

"Oh, Shoyou-kun, where are you looking at?" I heard Noya's voice asked making me looked back at them. Shoyou is clutching at Noya's jacket while staring at me, or should I say, at my back.

I take a look at my behind and saw Kageyama who was now staring at Shoyou with this scowling face of his.

"Kageyama-kun, you might scare Shoyou with that look." I said to him as I pat his chest. He immediately gain his posture and nod.

"Om!" A childish voice said, we all looked towards Hinata who was reaching his small arms towards the scowling teen.

"Do you want to go at Kageyama-san?" Noya asked him. Shoyou stare at Noya then towards Kageyama, he let out a voice, whine or something like that, while reaching his arms again. Noya looked at me as if he was asking for permission so I just nodded my head.

Carefully, Noya handed the little baby to Kageyama who was staring down at Shoyou. We all sweatdropped as they started to have a mini staring contest but out of the sudden, Shoyou reach his tiny hands out and touch Kageyama's cheek while giving out a bright smile.

"Aww~!" We all cooed as some, Narita and Ennoshita, quickly grab their phone and capture the scene infront of us.

"Tch." I heard someone scoff, making me looked at the person to see the one and only, salty fries, Tsukishima Kie having a blush. I let out a chuckle.

"Getting soft now, are we, Tsukishima?" I teased him making him huff and walk away.


"That's not nice, Tsukki." Yamaguchi who was with him said making the tall blonde to glare at him.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi."

"Gomen Tsukki."

'Even tho Tsukishima act that way, I know he cares.' I smiled at my thought. Suddenly we heard our coach yelling for us to board the bus quickly so we can hit the road again. I was about to reach for Hinata when Kageyama looked at me and said.

"Can I take care of him till we arrived, Sugawara-senpai?"

Kageyama's POV

I see how Sugawara's eyes widen making me worried about his thoughts.

"Are you sure?" He softly asked while staring at Hinata who was know playing at my jacket. I patted Hinata's head making him look at me and let a bright gummy smile out.

"Yes, senpai." He let out a sigh and smiled. He help me to the bus and made me comfortable at my seat. He kisses Hinata's forehead.

"Tell me if anything is wrong, alright?" He said to me with his infamous smile (glare) which I nod my head hastily. He stared at Hinata and tap his nose making him let out a baby giggles.

"Be good to Tobio Nii-san, okay?" He said to Hinata who only squeal while raising both his arm up. Sugawara laugh before ruffling his hair. He started making his way to the front while I turn Hinata to face me so he can be comfortable later.

I feel big eyes on me making me look down to see Hinata staring me with those big doe amber eyes. I get flustered when he didn't even blink for once.

"What is it bo-Shoyou?" I asked him almost slipping the word 'boke'. He blinks for a while before giving me a bright gummy smile again, making my heart to swell caused by the adorableness.

"Aww, look at that. The king is smiling to the midget." I heard someone commented making me glare at the person, who was apparently Tsukishima with his dip in salt words. He only snickered and look away. I was about to snarl at him when I feel small hands tugging my jacket.

I looked down again to see Hinata staring worriedly at me. I give a small smile towards him. I lean down and kissed his forehead, making him giggle a bit.

'You are just too precious, boke.' I thought while gently patting his back when he starts to yawn and snuggle at me. I stare down at him once again, realizing that this boke is just an innocent little creature. Leaning down again and kissing his head crown I mumble quietly in his ear.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you no matter what."


A/n: guys! Sorry for the long slow turtle like update. Actually this update was rushed, I was beaten with my enemy, the author's block. I've trying my best to cope up with something but I always ended up with nothing but blank and also, to be honest with you I was just busy watching some shows and other stuffs, myahahaha. Oh well, I hope this update make up with the long, well not-so-long wait.

Hope you enjoy guys!

Aki peace out~!

updated note: to make things clear, Hinata became a 1 year old baby caused by Akito's potions of some sort.

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