Holiday Special 🎄✨

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Third Person's POV

It's already the 23rd of December when the volleyball teams heard an unexpected news. Shoyo become a toddler, a 4 years old toddler, once again. Why you may ask? Apparantly, Shoyo accidentally drink a baby formula when he visited his cousin, Akito (a/n:he was introduced at the second chapter).

The sudden news excites the whole volleyball club teams which lead them to agree in having a prompt Christmas Party at Toshibana's household at the very next day. Akiro agrees to it after reassuring the reliable members that holding an unexpected party in his home will be properly planned out, after all Shoyo's cousin is a rich-rich.

The very next day, the house was decorated amazingly and the food and stuffs are well prepared. Akito have already asked for permission to Hinata's mom in which the woman reluctantly approved.

It was already 1:37 in the afternoon when the place was fully settled. Akito quickly grab the baby tangerine and run upstairs to prepare him, after all the party will starts in 2.


One by one or by pairs, actually, slowly, the volleyball player started to arrived which was welcomed by Akito's staffs (again, Akito is a rich-rich). Everyone was lead towards the huge living room which surprisingly hold all of the attendees.

Everyone chatted and have fun until the host and the main character of the event come to view. Shoyo was dressed as a little reindeer. He was dressed in a Reindeer onesie with a red ribbon and golden bell on the neck area while dragging a big brown sack.

(A/n: Photo above also, credits to the rightful owner.)

Everyone was strucked by an arrow of cuteness that is radiating from the sun himself. The others, consisting of Sugamama, Semimama, Ennoshita, mama kashi, Mama yaku, mama kawa, Kenma, Yamagoops and also Mama Kita recorded or either took a picture of the adorable sight.

Everyone's cheeks is tinted with a pinkish hue while the fathers was smiling fondly. The other two, ehem tsundershima, ehem shygeyama ehem, can only cover their mouth while trying not to smile.

"SHOYOOOO! WHY SO CUTEEEEE!" Nishinoya suddenly erupted as he run towards the cute orange head. He immediately grab him and raise him up in the air. The baby can only laugh while raising his hand.

"WAAAH! 'M FAYING UNCEY OYA!" Shoyo giggled as they run around. Once again everyone's heart was struck by the arrow of cuteness.

"Okay okay, that's enough. Let's start the party everyone!" Aktro interrupts, just to avoid minor incidents such as fainting due to cuteness overload.


Everybody have a blast, everyone was playing even the most serious person, Ushijima enjoys it.

Okay, I'll give you some details about the party. They played a game called, The egg-plant game. The participants will put a belt with an eggplant hanging to it, below the knee length. The player will need to hit the egg with the eggplant without touching the string, and make it inside the hola hoop that was laying on the floor.

The participants of the eggplant game were Ushijima, Kuroo, Bokuto, Suna and Tsukishima (forcedly). Everyone was busting their lungs off by laughing when they see how the 5 boys struggles. Even though Tsukishima hated it he still tried his best to win the game (coz ya know, Tsukishima never lose.).

"GO ON WAKATOSHI! BEND YOUR KNEE! OMYGHAWD!" Semi half screamed half laugh as he saw how the huge cow tried to move his hips just to hit the said egg.

"COME ON SUNA! GIVE IT YOUR BEST! BWAHAHAHAHA!" Atsumu shouted as he saw Suna tried to shake his hips in such an awkward style. Everyone erupted with laughter when Bokuto and Kuroo accidentally collide with their ✨c a k e s ✨ which only ended for Kuroo to stumble forward when he bumps against Bokuto's big bum.

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