Human Spy Movies

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get ready for an onslaught of information, peeps
happy reading : ) the fun has just begun

Dex's POV

Paying attention to Brant try to formulate his plan aloud was like listening to Edaline verbally talk herself through making delicious treats: a test of patience - and hunger control, in the second scenario's case. You just wanted to skip ahead to the part that actually mattered.

Which explains why, the whole time he was speaking, I only picked up on, "Sometimes, to get into the box, you have to think outside of it . . . Right now we're just bouncing ideas off the walls of the box . . . which are being deflected . . . We need a solid, unique plan to get to our goal."

Wait a minute.

An idea sprung to the front of my mind, exciting the activation of my nucleus accumbens.

The idea centered around something that still confused me, but I had made no attempt to further crack: the cache.

Fintan wouldn't have gifted us the cache unless he was done with it; used it to fulfill his needs and then threw it away.

No, he, or someone else, had to have gotten into the cache and learned valuable information. Information that he was expecting us to learn while we had possession of the cache.

"Thinking outside of the box" got my mind spinning with possibilities of ways to open the cache - depending on if it had already been opened. It would be a shot in the dark, but I had to follow through with this. I had a gut feeling that whatever was in that cache was important, possibly one of the Neverseen's main motives.

Hence why I exclaimed enthusiastically, "Brant, you're a genius!"

The person in question flickered his eyes to me vehemently, probably because he'd been in the middle of saying something important and I'd run his train of thought right off its rails.

Then, his anger turned to confusion, "I'm a what?"

"You're a genius!" I repeated, fumbling in my pockets for my crystal. "You two keep discussing a plan. I have to go do something extremely important!"

They both eyed me with mild concern as I finally plucked the shiny object from the depths of my pockets and held it up to the fading light.

Brant was the first to snap out of the trance and reach for me, but I was already materializing away.


I sprinted through the halls of the hideout, barely noticing some of my friends heading to the commons for a late lunch or early dinner. When I got in the safety of my room, I immediately strode to my desk where all of my unfinished inventions and tools were scattered.

Using my hands to fumble through the piles and piles of useless junk, I searched for the small cache. In my rush to create the invention to save Jolie, I had completely disregarded all other valuable objects in my workplace. When my mind honed in on one project, it didn't have the time of day for anything else, much less a piece of technology I had been spending the past weeks trying to get it to reveal its secrets.

Finally, I found the small, marble-like sphere under a pile of old antennas that I wanted to utilize in a long-distance radio transmitter device. Soph and I watched a lot of human spy movies that I wanted to use as inspiration for our little group here in the Lost Cities.

Back to the task, I stared at the cache and willed my Technopath abilities to do its magic. In order to do this, I thought about what Brant said about having thoughts bouncing off the walls. If someone had managed to open this thing through vocal recognition, I could very well come up with an invention that does what I'd never before attempted. Maybe, I could design something that would pick up on the past history of sound waves that bounced off of or entered the cache.

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