An All Around Klutz

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Sophie's POV

"What a waste of time," I mumbled angrily to myself as I trekked back to the treehouse, surrounded by beautiful scenery that wasn't the point of my focus.

No, I was staring vehemently at the scroll encased in my right hand. The stupid thing just rested there, doing absolutely nothing, just like when I tried to use it for answers.

As I walked back, not paying attention to my surroundings, I continued to glare at it, blaming it for all of my problems. Granted, I could have just teleported and saved myself a lot of exerted energy, but I needed some time before I interacted with other elves, demigods, and other creatures.

Of course, since I was walking through a forest, not paying attention to my surroundings, and an all around klutz, I tripped on the root of a tree.

Before I face-planted fully, I was actually smart enough to levitate myself midair.

Round of applause, ladies and gentlemen, elves and demigods! For the first time in all of history, Sophie Foster has saved herself from making a complete fool out of herself!

I mentally cheered for myself, then brought myself back to a standing position rather hastily, not wanting to look like a mentally unwell person in front of the . . . trees?

Resuming my pace, I tucked the arm with the scroll behind my back, opting to keep it out of my view for the time being. Instead, I paid close attention to the sights, sounds, and smells of the island.

Of course, there was the forest floor, covered in fallen leaves and small critters. The crunching of said leaves could be heard, both under my own two feet and any animals or creatures passing.

A few birds could be heard with their singing and calling, high up in the trees. The trees themselves were quite tall, their leaves many shades of green and, to my surprise, purple.

I suspected there was fruit growing on the peculiar trees, due to the slightly sweet smell in the air. It was a powerful aroma, like a sort of vanilla raspberry scent that overpowered all other smells in the forest. For that, I thanked the trees, for I would rather smell the pleasant scent than an odious one.

I could also just barely see the white tufts of clouds far above the trees, in the pale blue sky. They looked so soft and-.


What? Silveny was here?



I laughed to myself, a genuine laugh, as joy filled me up to the brim.


I quickly broke through the line of trees, sprinting back to the open cliff side that I had only departed from minutes ago.


Racing up the cliff side, my smile widened upon seeing the glowing alicorn about to land before me. Her mane was the most blinding and glittery as ever, bringing back memories of flying with her as the wind whipped through both of our hair.

She had been at the Sanctuary for the time being, kept guarded and under the watchful eye of the caretakers along with the other alicorns.

But, I had missed her a lot.

So, when she finally touched ground, I immediately barreled towards her with my arms wide open. The outfit I was wearing was clingier than what I would usually wear, so it made it a bit uncomfortable to run in. But, at the same time, it fit like a second layer of skin, so I guess I couldn't complain much.

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