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Tam's POV


As soon as I heard the word "tell," I was rushing over to slam a hand over his mouth, all while he kept his hold on Sophie and the physicians ran around like gnomes when their mushrooms caught a disease.

"No, you won't," I growled, taking my hand away when he licked it and rubbing it off on his tunic. "I need to tell you all this quickly, so everyone shut up, don't interrupt me, and pay attention."

The two physicians looked over at me sheepishly from where they were mixing ingredients I wish I hadn't seen and rushed back over to Sophie's cot.

Sophie's eyes were still rolled into the back of her head, but they had taken on an eerie glow. Her skin was the palest I'd ever seen it, but her hair was like a golden halo surrounding her, branching out perfectly to frame her face.

Good thing I'd gotten over that crush I had on her a while ago. Can't say the same for Drooly Boy over here, though.

"You too, Drooly Boy," I snapped my fingers in front of his face. He whipped his head at me, wiping his face and glaring at the same time.

"I read Sophie's shadow vapor to see if someone messed with her head or anything, but it was the same as always; a little more light than dark.

"However, I can sense a sort of dark presence over her. It's not shadowflux, like I originally thought, but similar to it. The most noticeable and traceable of this darkness seem to originate from the burns on her arms and around her neck. If you look closely, the burns form more symbol-shaped patterns than anything else."

I waited for everyone to lean closer to Sophie to see for themselves, slowly and anti-climatically with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows.

Of course, at that moment, Sophie chose to sit up completely straight with her eyes whitened out and still glowing.

Keefe let out the most high-pitched scream I'd ever heard, making me almost jump.


"What's happening?" Elwin whispered, more to himself than anyone else in the room, once he snapped out of his shocked state. Keefe recovered from his fright, slumping in a chair that lie vacantly next to Sophie's cot. He sat up straight, a deep contrast to his usual lackadaisical posture. Physic continued to analyze Sophie carefully, but still looked panicked.

"Am I the only smart one in this room?" I asked, looking around at everyone's panicked expressions. "Nevermind, don't answer that, we all know it's true."

"Okay, genius," Keefe snapped, "What do you suggest we do?"

"Obviously get one of the demigods to explain because it's probably something straight out of Greek mythology," I rolled my eyes, taking on a duh tone. "I would suggest Annabeth."

When no one looked like they were going to move, staring at the now-motionless Sophie lying back on the cot again, I sighed and muttered, "Useless," under my breath.

Upon exiting the room, I was met with Annabeth, Percy, and Mr. Forkle walking across the training area from the direction of the private office. The others were no longer training, most likely having gone to the common room.

"Guys!" I shouted at them as they passed me. They stopped, all heads turning to me. "Something's wrong with Sophie and we think it has to do with gods and mythical creatures."

Annabeth and Percy shared a look before practically sprinting past me and bursting into the medical room.

Mr. Forkle hung back with me for a moment while the others checked on Sophie and discussed possible situations.

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