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Dex's POV

The house was as lonely and charred as I had last seen it. I frowned at the thought, wondering when the last time I had really seen it was.

Thankfully, I wasn't stuck in my thoughts for too long, as I heard a gravelly voice behind me say, "Finally."

Spinning around, I caught a glimpse of Brant standing casually in front of me with a Neverseen cloak.

His scarred face was twisted in a grimace, contrasting his nonchalant posture.

Looks like he's just as affected by the house as me; probably more so, if I'm being honest.

"How long were you waiting for me?" I asked, clearing my throat when my voice came out too squeaky.

"Not long," he narrowed his eyes at me, probably wondering why I didn't have any type of gadget in either of my hands. "Where is it?"

I patted my pocket reassuringly, watching the brief expression of relief cross his face.

"Hand it over," he demanded roughly, extending a gloved hand out, palm facing up.

"It's quite simple," I started to explain as I dug into my pocket for the invention. "Green means on, red means off. Got it?"

Brant once again narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw at my babying voice. He all but snatched the thing out of my hand as soon as I extended it out to him.

As soon as he'd looked over the tiny invention, he looked back up to me with a slight, appreciative nod. "Thanks."

I returned the gesture, watching as he pulled something out of his cloak pocket, shoving the invention in its place.

"I'm going to bring her back to you all," were his last words before he used the obvious Neverseen lightleaper to disappear.

I turned back to the memory of the house, hoping that he was telling the truth.

Tam's POV

I did something I've always wanted to do to wake the ogre up.

Pour a bucket of ice cold water on him.

The ogre jerked awake right away, scrambling around in the small cell as he tried to get a bearing of his surroundings.

I watched the show with the Collective members, me enjoying myself a little too much. Granite nearly let out a laugh at my immature actions, while the others just looked on disapprovingly.

Though the ogre wasn't as big as other ogres usually are, I wasn't surprised by the deep, booming voice he displayed when he asked, "Where am I?"

"With the Black Swan," Granite answered as confident as he could for his distorted voice.

"Why am I here? I didn't do anything!" the ogre shouted, now yanking on the bars of the cell like they would break under his hands.

"Right, because you totally didn't attack a Black Swan base," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" the ogre loudly inquired, confusion making his face appear even uglier. "The ogres are allies of the Black Swan now, we would never do such a thing!"

"A simple memory search would clear any confusion," I over exaggerated my words purposefully, sending an obvious glance over to Granite.

"Yes! I give you my permission to prove my innocence!" the ogre eagerly agreed, oblivious to the fact this his memories would absolutely destroy his innocence in this situation.

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