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Biana's POV

I lazily exited the shower and toweled myself off subconsciously. I was too busy thinking about the truth or dare game to think about anything else.

Fitz seemed like he still hadn't gotten over Sophie, based on the last truth of the night. He was too wistful when he answered that his favorite color was the exact color of Sophie's old eyes. But, I didn't say anything. He could've just been missing her old eyes, but I knew he was also missing Single Sophie; the oblivious, shy Sophie that he was so obviously crushing on.

I'd have to confront him on that. There's no way I'm letting him mess with my Sokeefe ship.

Then, there's also the worrying fact that Sophie caught onto my lie of being at Tam's house for a Shade interview. Dex was too unfocused to notice, but Sophie had that strange look in her eyes like she was piecing things together.

I didn't like it at all.

I sighed heavily as I hung my towel up and slipped into a fuzzy kelpie onesie. The Council thought they were so funny getting us those onesies for Team Valiant to 'bond'. Or, maybe they were being serious, thinking the onesies would actually get us to bond.

Ha. Right.

Resting my hands on my white marbled bathroom counter, I looked in the mirror at my pasty skin. I really needed to take off the makeup I used today.

I reached for a makeup-removing elixir and frowned when I realized that it was empty. I was pretty sure that I'd restocked all of my products from my last Atlantis trip a couple of weeks ago.

Had I really used all of those elixirs so fast?

Mom's going to kill me. With more Atlantis shopping trips.

I grudgingly bounded out of my room and down the stairs to the little makeup supply closet that I have in case of emergencies. Upon opening it, I could've sworn a mist fell on my face with the awful scent of ruckleberries, but when I touched my face, it was dry and the smell was gone.

Shrugging, I grabbed all of the necessary products for my nighttime routine and went back upstairs to my room. I quickly restocked all of the supplies and applied everything I needed for a good night's sleep.

I picked up the small pink, unknown vial I'd found in the closet with the rest of my products and studied it. This definitely wasn't one of my elixirs, but it smelled so good. It was like a mix between Mallowmelt and Custard bursts which was basically begging me to down it.

I complied, automatically feeling relaxed, and climbed onto my bed. I assumed that the unknown solution was some sort of sleep-helper because I was out in seconds after downing it.

The second I shut my eyes and welcomed the darkness, I was sucked into a dreamless sleep.

Percy's POV

Annabeth and I got to share a room in this huge house, which was good for me because I wanted to spend more time with her.

It was midnight already, and since Leo dared me to not kiss my girlfriend for a day, that started now. We had both taken showers, me using a funky-scented lotion that was specifically labeled with my name on it and her utilizing a body wash that made her smell like roses.

And, she wouldn't even let me hold her as we climbed into bed. I didn't have a shirt on to go with my black sweats, since one wasn't offered to me, and I was cold.

I got up shortly after Annabeth's breathing had steadied to wander off to the kitchen. I needed a glass to drink, and maybe, I could convince one of the guys to let me borrow a shirt.

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