Hulk Smash!

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Percy's POV

Before the scrawny little elf could reach my sis and her lover, I threw my arms up and sent a huge wave crashing down on him.

He. Went. Ballistic.

Now, he didn't really have any elfy powers besides Telepathy and channeling and whatever, so it's not like he'd win in a fight against me.

Nevertheless, he charged at me. Gods, I was so used to fighting monsters and titans that I was practically yawning at the thought of this elf and I combatting.

"You're going to pay for that!" the kid roared, marching right up to me.

I anticipated the hand that was reaching up to strike my face and immediately caught it in a vice-like grip.

"Listen, pal, I'm a highly-trained demigod and, frankly, I don't want to hurt you. So, before I go Hulk Smash! on your elfy butt, why don't you just back off?" I nonchalantly suggested. Honestly, I didn't care if we fought or not, and I was pretty sure that ogre princess was chanting Fight! Fight! next to that goblin dude.

"Hulk Smash? What's that?" the teal-eyed elf asked. I groaned and leaned to the right to catch Sophie's attention.

"Seriously?! These elves live in a world without Marvel?!" I couldn't even imagine living without my daily dose of Marvel. Endgame ruined me, though. Annabeth caught me crying over it and punched me on the shoulder, telling me to snap out of it before Jason had something to hold over me.

Sophie just shrugged and took the opportunity of the elf's confusion. She strutted up to where he and I were facing off and got in the middle of us.

"Fitz, I'm sorry if I led you on in anyway or failed to show you that I had no feelings toward you above friendship. But, what I do with my life is none of your business and isn't influenced by your opinion, so you can either accept Keefe and I, or back off," Sophie ranted, shoving him once in the chest to get him to back off.


All of a sudden, the ogre princess - Ro, I think her name is - started slowly clapping. Our heads turned to her direction where she was resting an arm on the bodyguard's shoulder, appearing to be wiping away tears with her other hand.

"My little oblivious blondie is all grown up!" she wailed, turning her head into the goblin's shoulder to muffle her cries.

"Foster! You made Ro cry!" Keefe exclaimed, causing Sophie to step out of her position in front of the teal-eyed guy to see Keefe properly.

"You made a bet about this, didn't you?" Sophie asked, while probably narrowing her eyes at him. Dam, do I know my sister well, or what?

Keefe started to laugh condescendingly, a nervous expression befalling his face.

"Of course not!" His voice seemed a little too forced for me. I wasn't even friends with this guy, but I could clearly tell he was lying. Sophie definitely did, too.

She, like me, sent a wave straight over Keefe's head. It was a little puny compared to my wave, but, hey, she was learning quickly.

"Yikes, good luck with that one, dude," I whisper-yelled before turning around and walking down to the small lake.

Everyone seemed to calm down a bit after I almost fought that kid. They returned to their training, while Sophie and Keefe bickered, teased, and flirted with each other.

The 'bodyguards' - or, matchmakers as I liked to call them - eyed us all carefully. It was like they expected us to teleport away and stop bad guys without them, or something.

Sophie joined me at the start of the lake after a while. She took a seat next to me, bringing her legs up to her chest to mimic my position and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"So, how does this work? Should I bring my friends here, or are we going back to New York?" I questioned her, leaning my head on hers.

"Either way. I guess I can teleport just us two there and then bring them all back with us," she shrugged, not seeming to care about transportation too much.

"Pshhhh. Yeah, casual," I shrugged as well.

She laughed and lifted her head to look up at me. I literally felt my eyes soften just looking at my sister, like I had been missing my second half my whole life and she was suddenly there to fill it.

I couldn't wait to introduce her to Tyson, the gang, my girlfriend, Chiron, definitely not Dionysus, Mrs. O'Leary, and camp. She'd love Camp Half Blood; I could feel it.

"Come on, then. Let's go!" I exclaimed, suddenly feeling excited. I could introduce everyone to my sister!

"Alright, alright. Calm down a second," she said standing up and taking me up with her. Sophie turned around and walked up to her friends, me lagging behind a bit.

She got to the top of the hill, where all of her friends had already gathered, and she was about to open her mouth to speak when someone cut her off.

"Absolutely not."

I looked up at the tall goblin dude that spoke - Sandor, I think - and blinked. How the Hades did he know what she was going to say?!

"Listen, Sandor-."



"Not. Happening."

"But, Sand-."

"I said. No."


"Alright! Enough with the Sand, Sophie, you'll probably summon an angry earth spirit that thinks you want to make a deal with sand," I cut her off this time, growing annoyed by this waste of time.

"Wait, can I do that-?" Sophie started, but I cut her off with a glare.

"Listen, dude," I said, turning my gaze to the 7-foot-tall giant goblin. "We need to get the other members of our new world-saving team and then we'll be back under your protection. Faster than you can say Poseidon," I winked. "Alright, Soph. Let's go!"

Sophie and I didn't even give them a chance to argue. I had already gotten ahold of her hand and ran with her to the edge of the top of the hill.

It was a small little peak to the hill, almost like a cliff, but with smoother edges. She looked at me and smiled, clearly eating up the horrified expression on my face.

I still wasn't too compatible with the air.

Zeus, please don't shoot me out of the sky. I know you think I stole your lightning bolt that one time, but that was Luke! Not me! Luke!

After saying my prayers, I tugged on Sophie's hand, gaining a bit of confidence. And, just like that, we were sprinting off the hillside, directly above the lake.

Distant screams and shouts were heard around us, begging us to stop but Sophie and I kept free-falling. I looked over at Sophie in midair to find her smiling widely with her hair flying up out of her face.

I squeezed her hand, effectively communicating my impatience and our sudden closeness to a sad death; in our own element.

She shut her eyes, concentration etched on her face. Just like that, the world turned black around me after a very loud boom and flash of light.

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